Commit d9d47553 authored by Alexey Spizhevoy's avatar Alexey Spizhevoy

Updated wobble suppression code in videostab module

parent fa09f3d1
......@@ -131,7 +131,7 @@ private:
class CV_EXPORTS PyrLkRobustMotionEstimator : public GlobalMotionEstimatorBase
PyrLkRobustMotionEstimator(MotionModel model = AFFINE);
void setDetector(Ptr<FeatureDetector> val) { detector_ = val; }
Ptr<FeatureDetector> detector() const { return detector_; }
......@@ -97,7 +97,16 @@ public:
class CV_EXPORTS MoreAccurateMotionWobbleSuppressor : public WobbleSuppressorBase
void setPeriod(int val) { period_ = val; }
int period() const { return period_; }
virtual void suppress(int idx, const Mat &frame, Mat &result);
int period_;
Mat_<float> mapx_, mapy_;
} // namespace videostab
......@@ -323,12 +323,21 @@ Mat ToFileMotionWriter::estimate(const Mat &frame0, const Mat &frame1)
: ransacParams_(RansacParams::affine2dMotionStd())
PyrLkRobustMotionEstimator::PyrLkRobustMotionEstimator(MotionModel model)
setDetector(new GoodFeaturesToTrackDetector());
setOptFlowEstimator(new SparsePyrLkOptFlowEstimator());
if (model == TRANSLATION)
else if (model == TRANSLATION_AND_SCALE)
else if (model == LINEAR_SIMILARITY)
else if (model == AFFINE)
else if (model == HOMOGRAPHY)
......@@ -51,8 +51,7 @@ namespace cv
namespace videostab
: motions_(0), stabilizationMotions_(0)
WobbleSuppressorBase::WobbleSuppressorBase() : motions_(0), stabilizationMotions_(0)
PyrLkRobustMotionEstimator *est = new PyrLkRobustMotionEstimator();
......@@ -67,14 +66,61 @@ void NullWobbleSuppressor::suppress(int /*idx*/, const Mat &frame, Mat &result)
void MoreAccurateMotionWobbleSuppressor::suppress(int idx, const Mat &frame, Mat &result)
CV_Assert(motions_ && stabilizationMotions_);
// TODO implement
CV_Error(CV_StsNotImplemented, "MoreAccurateMotionWobbleSuppressor");
if (idx % period_ == 0)
result = frame;
int k1 = idx / period_ * period_;
int k2 = std::min(k1 + period_, frameCount_ - 1);
Mat S1 = (*stabilizationMotions_)[idx];
Mat_<float> ML = S1 * getMotion(k1, idx, *motions2_) * getMotion(k1, idx, *motions_).inv() * S1.inv();
Mat_<float> MR = S1 * getMotion(idx, k2, *motions2_).inv() * getMotion(idx, k2, *motions_) * S1.inv();
float xl, yl, zl, wl;
float xr, yr, zr, wr;
for (int y = 0; y < frame.rows; ++y)
for (int x = 0; x < frame.cols; ++x)
xl = ML(0,0)*x + ML(0,1)*y + ML(0,2);
yl = ML(1,0)*x + ML(1,1)*y + ML(1,2);
zl = ML(2,0)*x + ML(2,1)*y + ML(2,2);
xl /= zl; yl /= zl;
wl = 1.f / (sqrt(sqr(x - xl) + sqr(y - yl)) + 1e-5f);
xr = MR(0,0)*x + MR(0,1)*y + MR(0,2);
yr = MR(1,0)*x + MR(1,1)*y + MR(1,2);
zr = MR(2,0)*x + MR(2,1)*y + MR(2,2);
xr /= zr; yr /= zr;
wr = 1.f / (sqrt(sqr(x - xr) + sqr(y - yr)) + 1e-5f);
mapx_(y,x) = (wl * xl + wr * xr) / (wl + wr);
mapy_(y,x) = (wl * yl + wr * yr) / (wl + wr);
if ( ==
result = Mat(frame.size(), frame.type());
remap(frame, result, mapx_, mapy_, INTER_LINEAR);
} // namespace videostab
......@@ -72,52 +72,60 @@ void printHelp()
" --min-inlier-ratio=<float_number>\n"
" Minimum inlier ratio to decide if estimated motion is OK. The default is 0.1,\n"
" but you may want to increase it.\n\n"
" --save-motions=(<file_path>|no)\n"
" -sm, --save-motions=(<file_path>|no)\n"
" Save estimated motions into file. The default is no.\n"
" --load-motions=(<file_path>|no)\n"
" -lm, --load-motions=(<file_path>|no)\n"
" Load motions from file. The default is no.\n\n"
" -r, --radius=<int_number>\n"
" Set sliding window radius. The default is 15.\n"
" --stdev=(<float_number>|auto)\n"
" Set smoothing weights standard deviation. The default is sqrt(radius),\n"
" i.e. auto.\n\n"
" Set smoothing weights standard deviation. The default is auto\n"
" (i.e. sqrt(radius)).\n"
" --deblur=(yes|no)\n"
" Do deblurring.\n"
" --deblur-sens=<float_number>\n"
" Set deblurring sensitivity (from 0 to +inf). The default is 0.1.\n\n"
" -t, --trim-ratio=<float_number>\n"
" Set trimming ratio (from 0 to 0.5). The default is 0.1.\n"
" --est-trim=(yes|no)\n"
" Estimate trim ratio automatically. The default is yes (that leads to two passes,\n"
" you can turn it off if you want to use one pass only).\n"
" --incl-constr=(yes|no)\n"
" -et, --est-trim=(yes|no)\n"
" Estimate trim ratio automatically. The default is yes.\n"
" -ic, --incl-constr=(yes|no)\n"
" Ensure the inclusion constraint is always satisfied. The default is no.\n\n"
" --border-mode=(replicate|reflect|const)\n"
" -bm, --border-mode=(replicate|reflect|const)\n"
" Set border extrapolation mode. The default is replicate.\n\n"
" --mosaic=(yes|no)\n"
" Do consistent mosaicing. The default is no.\n"
" --mosaic-stdev=<float_number>\n"
" Consistent mosaicing stdev threshold. The default is 10.0.\n\n"
" --motion-inpaint=(yes|no)\n"
" -mi, --motion-inpaint=(yes|no)\n"
" Do motion inpainting (requires GPU support). The default is no.\n"
" --dist-thresh=<float_number>\n"
" --mi-dist-thresh=<float_number>\n"
" Estimated flow distance threshold for motion inpainting. The default is 5.0.\n\n"
" --color-inpaint=(no|average|ns|telea)\n"
" -ci, --color-inpaint=(no|average|ns|telea)\n"
" Do color inpainting. The defailt is no.\n"
" --color-inpaint-radius=<float_number>\n"
" --ci-radius=<float_number>\n"
" Set color inpainting radius (for ns and telea options only).\n"
" The default is 2.0\n\n"
" --wobble-suppress=(yes|no)\n"
" Perform wobble suppression. The default is no.\n\n"
" -ws, --wobble-suppress=(yes|no)\n"
" Perform wobble suppression. The default is no.\n"
" --ws-period=<int_number>\n"
" Set wobble suppression period. The default is 30.\n"
" --ws-model=(transl|transl_and_scale|linear_sim|affine|homography)\n"
" Set wobble suppression motion model (must have more DOF than motion \n"
" estimation model). The default is homography.\n"
" -sm2, --save-motions2=(<file_path>|no)\n"
" Save motions estimated for wobble suppression. The default is no.\n"
" -lm2, --load-motions2=(<file_path>|no)\n"
" Load motions for wobble suppression from file. The default is no.\n\n"
" -o, --output=(no|<file_path>)\n"
" Set output file path explicitely. The default is stabilized.avi.\n"
" --fps=(<int_number>|auto)\n"
" Set output video FPS explicitely. By default the source FPS is used.\n"
" --fps=(<float_number>|auto)\n"
" Set output video FPS explicitely. By default the source FPS is used (auto).\n"
" -q, --quiet\n"
" Don't show output video frames.\n\n"
" -h, --help\n"
" Print help.\n"
" Print help.\n\n"
"Note: some argument configurations lead to two passes, some to single pass.\n\n";
......@@ -130,23 +138,27 @@ int main(int argc, const char **argv)
"{ m | model | affine| }"
"{ | min-inlier-ratio | 0.1 | }"
"{ | outlier-ratio | 0.5 | }"
"{ | save-motions | no | }"
"{ | load-motions | no | }"
"{ sm | save-motions | no | }"
"{ lm | load-motions | no | }"
"{ r | radius | 15 | }"
"{ | stdev | auto | }"
"{ | deblur | no | }"
"{ | deblur-sens | 0.1 | }"
"{ | est-trim | yes | }"
"{ et | est-trim | yes | }"
"{ t | trim-ratio | 0.1 | }"
"{ | incl-constr | no | }"
"{ | border-mode | replicate | }"
"{ ic | incl-constr | no | }"
"{ bm | border-mode | replicate | }"
"{ | mosaic | no | }"
"{ | mosaic-stdev | 10.0 | }"
"{ | motion-inpaint | no | }"
"{ | dist-thresh | 5.0 | }"
"{ | color-inpaint | no | }"
"{ | color-inpaint-radius | 2 | }"
"{ | wobble-suppress | no | }"
"{ ms | mosaic-stdev | 10.0 | }"
"{ mi | motion-inpaint | no | }"
"{ | mi-dist-thresh | 5.0 | }"
"{ ci | color-inpaint | no | }"
"{ | ci-radius | 2 | }"
"{ ws | wobble-suppress | no | }"
"{ | ws-period | 30 | }"
"{ | ws-model | homography | }"
"{ sm2 | save-motions2 | no | }"
"{ lm2 | load-motions2 | no | }"
"{ o | output | stabilized.avi | }"
"{ | fps | auto | }"
"{ q | quiet | false | }"
......@@ -177,15 +189,27 @@ int main(int argc, const char **argv)
twoPassStabilizer->setMotionStabilizer(new GaussianMotionFilter(argi("radius"), argf("stdev")));
if (arg("wobble-suppress") == "yes")
twoPassStabilizer->setWobbleSuppressor(new MoreAccurateMotionWobbleSuppressor());
if (arg("load-motions") != "no")
new FromFileMotionReader("motions2." + arg("load-motions")));
if (arg("save-motions") != "no")
MoreAccurateMotionWobbleSuppressor *ws = new MoreAccurateMotionWobbleSuppressor();
if (arg("ws-model") == "transl")
ws->setMotionEstimator(new PyrLkRobustMotionEstimator(TRANSLATION));
else if (arg("ws-model") == "transl_and_scale")
ws->setMotionEstimator(new PyrLkRobustMotionEstimator(TRANSLATION_AND_SCALE));
else if (arg("ws-model") == "linear_sim")
ws->setMotionEstimator(new PyrLkRobustMotionEstimator(LINEAR_SIMILARITY));
else if (arg("ws-model") == "affine")
ws->setMotionEstimator(new PyrLkRobustMotionEstimator(AFFINE));
else if (arg("ws-model") == "homography")
ws->setMotionEstimator(new PyrLkRobustMotionEstimator(HOMOGRAPHY));
throw runtime_error("unknown wobble suppression motion model: " + arg("ws-model"));
if (arg("load-motions2") != "no")
ws->setMotionEstimator(new FromFileMotionReader(arg("load-motions2")));
if (arg("save-motions2") != "no")
Ptr<GlobalMotionEstimatorBase> est = twoPassStabilizer->wobbleSuppressor()->motionEstimator();
new ToFileMotionWriter("motions2." + arg("save-motions"), est));
Ptr<GlobalMotionEstimatorBase> est = ws->motionEstimator();
ws->setMotionEstimator(new ToFileMotionWriter(arg("save-motions2"), est));
......@@ -210,42 +234,32 @@ int main(int argc, const char **argv)
if (arg("load-motions") == "no")
RansacParams ransac;
PyrLkRobustMotionEstimator *est = new PyrLkRobustMotionEstimator();
Ptr<GlobalMotionEstimatorBase> est_(est);
PyrLkRobustMotionEstimator *est = 0;
if (arg("model") == "transl")
ransac = RansacParams::translation2dMotionStd();
est = new PyrLkRobustMotionEstimator(TRANSLATION);
else if (arg("model") == "transl_and_scale")
ransac = RansacParams::translationAndScale2dMotionStd();
est = new PyrLkRobustMotionEstimator(TRANSLATION_AND_SCALE);
else if (arg("model") == "linear_sim")
ransac = RansacParams::linearSimilarity2dMotionStd();
est = new PyrLkRobustMotionEstimator(LINEAR_SIMILARITY);
else if (arg("model") == "affine")
ransac = RansacParams::affine2dMotionStd();
est = new PyrLkRobustMotionEstimator(AFFINE);
delete est;
throw runtime_error("unknown motion model: " + arg("model"));
RansacParams ransac = est->ransacParams();
ransac.eps = argf("outlier-ratio");
stabilizer->setMotionEstimator(new FromFileMotionReader("motions." + arg("load-motions")));
stabilizer->setMotionEstimator(new FromFileMotionReader(arg("load-motions")));
if (arg("save-motions") != "no")
new ToFileMotionWriter("motions." + arg("save-motions"), stabilizer->motionEstimator()));
new ToFileMotionWriter(arg("save-motions"), stabilizer->motionEstimator()));
if (arg("deblur") == "yes")
......@@ -280,15 +294,15 @@ int main(int argc, const char **argv)
if (arg("motion-inpaint") == "yes")
MotionInpainter *inp = new MotionInpainter();
if (arg("color-inpaint") == "average")
inpainters->pushBack(new ColorAverageInpainter());
else if (arg("color-inpaint") == "ns")
inpainters->pushBack(new ColorInpainter(INPAINT_NS, argd("color-inpaint-radius")));
inpainters->pushBack(new ColorInpainter(INPAINT_NS, argd("ci-radius")));
else if (arg("color-inpaint") == "telea")
inpainters->pushBack(new ColorInpainter(INPAINT_TELEA, argd("color-inpaint-radius")));
inpainters->pushBack(new ColorInpainter(INPAINT_TELEA, argd("ci-radius")));
else if (arg("color-inpaint") != "no")
throw runtime_error("unknown color inpainting method: " + arg("color-inpaint"));
if (!inpainters->empty())
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