Commit d81e940c authored by Vadim Pisarevsky's avatar Vadim Pisarevsky

excluded some tests from blacklist that now pass

parent 378af78e
......@@ -45,40 +45,40 @@ CvTS test_system("cv");
const char* blacklist[] =
"_3d-fundam", //ticket 484
//"_3d-fundam", //ticket 484
"calibrate-camera-artificial", //ticket 472
"chessboard-detector", //ticket 569
"chessboard-subpixel", //ticket 473
"color-luv", //ticket 502
//"chessboard-detector", //ticket 569
//"chessboard-subpixel", //ticket 473
//"color-luv", //ticket 502
"flann_saved", //ticket 618
//"flann_saved", //ticket 618
"inpaint", //ticket 570
"mhi-global", //ticket 457
"morph-ex", //ticket 612
"MSER", //ticket 437
"operations", //ticket 613
"optflow-estimate-rigid", //ticket 433
"posit", //ticket 430
//"mhi-global", //ticket 457
//"morph-ex", //ticket 612
//"MSER", //ticket 437
//"operations", //ticket 613
//"optflow-estimate-rigid", //ticket 433
//"posit", //ticket 430
"segmentation-pyramid", //ticket 464
"shape-minarearect", //ticket 436
"stereogc", //ticket 439
"subdiv", //ticket 454
//"segmentation-pyramid", //ticket 464
//"shape-minarearect", //ticket 436
//"stereogc", //ticket 439
//"subdiv", //ticket 454
"track-camshift", //ticket 483
//"track-camshift", //ticket 483
"warp-affine", //ticket 572
"warp-perspective", //ticket 575
"warp-remap", //ticket 576
//"warp-affine", //ticket 572
//"warp-perspective", //ticket 575
//"warp-remap", //ticket 576
"warp-resize", //ticket 429
"warp-undistort", //ticket 577
//"warp-undistort", //ticket 577
"hist-backproj", //ticket 579
"projectPoints-c", //ticket 652
//"hist-backproj", //ticket 579
//"projectPoints-c", //ticket 652
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