Commit d81c145f authored by yao's avatar yao

fix memory leak

parent c58e0d5d
......@@ -1580,6 +1580,7 @@ static void openCLExecuteKernel_hog(Context *clCxt , const char **source, string
cl_kernel kernel = openCLGetKernelFromSource(clCxt, source, kernelName);
size_t wave_size = queryDeviceInfo<WAVEFRONT_SIZE, size_t>(kernel);
if (wave_size <= 16)
char build_options[64];
......@@ -139,8 +139,9 @@ static void lkSparse_run(oclMat &I, oclMat &J,
stringstream idxStr;
idxStr << kernelName << "_C" << I.oclchannels() << "_D" << I.depth();
cl_kernel kernel = openCLGetKernelFromSource(clCxt, &pyrlk, idxStr.str());
int wave_size = queryDeviceInfo<WAVEFRONT_SIZE, int>(kernel);
static char opt[16] = {0};
sprintf(opt, " -D WAVE_SIZE=%d", wave_size);
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