Commit d7e612cd authored by Anatoly Baksheev's avatar Anatoly Baksheev

GPU: In strcut _scanElemOp dummy type pass by value

parent 2a612ca6
......@@ -178,11 +178,11 @@ struct _scanElemOp
template <int v> struct Int2Type { enum { value = v }; };
static inline __host__ __device__ T_out scanElemOp(T_in elem,const Int2Type<0>&)
static inline __host__ __device__ T_out scanElemOp(T_in elem, Int2Type<0>)
return (T_out)elem;
static inline __host__ __device__ T_out scanElemOp(T_in elem, const Int2Type<1>&)
static inline __host__ __device__ T_out scanElemOp(T_in elem, Int2Type<1>)
return (T_out)(elem*elem);
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