Commit d7791575 authored by Vadim Pisarevsky's avatar Vadim Pisarevsky

updated cheatsheet; fixed a few typos

parent 922fc582
......@@ -134,7 +134,7 @@
\Large{\textbf{OpenCV 2.2 Cheat Sheet (C++)}} \\
\Large{\textbf{OpenCV 2.3 Cheat Sheet (C++)}} \\
\settowidth{\MyLen}{\texttt{letterpaper}/\texttt{a4paper} \ }
......@@ -381,7 +381,7 @@ implements the core of Levenberg-Marquardt optimization algorithm.
& Compute the spatial image derivatives \\
\texttt{\href{\#cv-laplacian}{Laplacian()}} & compute Laplacian: $\Delta I = \frac{\partial ^ 2 I}{\partial x^2} + \frac{\partial ^ 2 I}{\partial y^2}$ \\
\texttt{\href{\#cv-erode}{erode()}}, \texttt{\href{\#cv-dilate}{dilate()}} & Erode or dilate the image \\
\texttt{\href{\#cv-erode}{erode()}}, \texttt{\href{\#cv-dilate}{dilate()}} & Morphological operations \\
......@@ -455,11 +455,10 @@ Example. Decimate image by factor of $\sqrt{2}$:\\
Example. Compute Hue-Saturation histogram of an image:\\
\texttt{Mat hsv, H; MatND tempH;}\\
\texttt{Mat hsv, H;}\\
\texttt{cvtColor(image, hsv, CV\_BGR2HSV);}\\
\texttt{int planes[]=\{0, 1\}, hsize[] = \{32, 32\};}\\
\texttt{calcHist(\&hsv, 1, planes, Mat(), tempH, 2, hsize, 0);}\\
\texttt{H = tempH;}
\texttt{calcHist(\&hsv, 1, planes, Mat(), H, 2, hsize, 0);}\\
......@@ -520,7 +519,7 @@ samples on what are the contours and how to use them.
\textbf{Wr}\=\textbf{iting and reading raster images}\\
\texttt{\href{\#cv-imwrite}{imwrite}{imwrite}("myimage.jpg", image);}\\
\texttt{\href{\#cv-imwrite}{imwrite}("myimage.jpg", image);}\\
\texttt{Mat image\_color\_copy = \href{\#cv-imread}{imread}("myimage.jpg", 1);}\\
\texttt{Mat image\_grayscale\_copy = \href{\#cv-imread}{imread}("myimage.jpg", 0);}\\
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