:return: Smart-pointer to an object that implements ``Solver::Function`` interface - it represents the function that is being optimized. It can be empty, if no function was given so far.
Setter for the optimized function. *It should be called at least once before the call to* ``DownhillSolver::minimize()``, as
:param termcrit: Terminal criteria to be used, represented as ``TermCriteria`` structure (defined elsewhere in openCV). Mind you, that it should meet ``(termcrit.type==(TermCriteria::MAX_ITER+TermCriteria::EPS) && termcrit.epsilon>0 && termcrit.maxCount>0)``, otherwise the error will be raised.
Returns the initial step that will be used in downhill simplex algorithm. See the description
of corresponding setter (follows next) for the meaning of this parameter.
:param step: Initial step that will be used in algorithm. Note, that although corresponding setter accepts column-vectors as well as row-vectors, this method will return a row-vector.
Sets the initial step that will be used in downhill simplex algorithm. Step, together with initial point (givin in ``DownhillSolver::minimize``)
are two *n*-dimensional vectors that are used to determine the shape of initial simplex. Roughly said, initial point determines the position
of a simplex (it will become simplex's centroid), while step determines the spread (size in each dimension) of a simplex. To be more precise,
if :math:`s,x_0\in\mathbb{R}^n` are the initial step and initial point respectively, the vertices of a simplex will be: :math:`v_0:=x_0-\frac{1}{2}
s` and :math:`v_i:=x_0+s_i` for :math:`i=1,2,\dots,n` where :math:`s_i` denotes projections of the initial step of *n*-th coordinate (the result
of projection is treated to be vector given by :math:`s_i:=e_i\cdot\left<e_i\cdot s\right>`, where :math:`e_i` form canonical basis)
:param x: The initial point, that will become a centroid of an initial simplex. After the algorithm will terminate, it will be setted to the point where the algorithm stops, the point of possible minimum.
:return: The value of a function at the point found.
This function returns the reference to the ready-to-use ``DownhillSolver`` object. All the parameters are optional, so this procedure can be called
even without parameters at all. In this case, the default values will be used. As default value for terminal criteria are the only sensible ones,
``DownhillSolver::setFunction()`` and ``DownhillSolver::setInitStep()`` should be called upon the obtained object, if the respective parameters
were not given to ``createDownhillSolver()``. Otherwise, the two ways (give parameters to ``createDownhillSolver()`` or miss the out and call the
``DownhillSolver::setFunction()`` and ``DownhillSolver::setInitStep()``) are absolutely equivalent (and will drop the same errors in the same way,