Commit d4ac4fcd authored by Hamdi Sahloul's avatar Hamdi Sahloul

Python binding: METH_STATIC instead of METH_CLASS for static functions

parent 335e61dc
......@@ -534,13 +534,13 @@ class FuncVariant(object):
class FuncInfo(object):
def __init__(self, classname, name, cname, isconstructor, namespace, isclassmethod):
def __init__(self, classname, name, cname, isconstructor, namespace, is_static):
self.classname = classname = name
self.cname = cname
self.isconstructor = isconstructor
self.namespace = namespace
self.isclassmethod = isclassmethod
self.is_static = is_static
self.variants = []
def add_variant(self, decl, isphantom=False):
......@@ -555,8 +555,8 @@ class FuncInfo(object):
classname = ""
if self.isclassmethod:
name += "_cls"
if self.is_static:
name += "_static"
return "pyopencv_" + self.namespace.replace('.','_') + '_' + classname + name
......@@ -615,7 +615,7 @@ class FuncInfo(object):
return Template(' {"$py_funcname", CV_PY_FN_WITH_KW_($wrap_funcname, $flags), "$py_docstring"},\n'
).substitute(py_funcname = self.variants[0].wname, wrap_funcname=self.get_wrapper_name(),
flags = 'METH_CLASS' if self.isclassmethod else '0', py_docstring = full_docstring)
flags = 'METH_STATIC' if self.is_static else '0', py_docstring = full_docstring)
def gen_code(self, codegen):
all_classes = codegen.classes
......@@ -632,7 +632,7 @@ class FuncInfo(object):
selfinfo = all_classes[self.classname]
if not self.isconstructor:
amp = "&" if selfinfo.issimple else ""
if self.isclassmethod:
if self.is_static:
elif selfinfo.isalgorithm:
code += gen_template_check_self_algo.substitute(, cname=selfinfo.cname, amp=amp)
......@@ -652,7 +652,7 @@ class FuncInfo(object):
all_cargs = []
parse_arglist = []
if v.isphantom and ismethod and not self.isclassmethod:
if v.isphantom and ismethod and not self.is_static:
code_args += "_self_"
# declare all the C function arguments,
......@@ -740,7 +740,7 @@ class FuncInfo(object):
if v.rettype:
code_decl += " " + v.rettype + " retval;\n"
code_fcall += "retval = "
if ismethod and not self.isclassmethod:
if ismethod and not self.is_static:
code_fcall += "_self_->" + self.cname
code_fcall += self.cname
......@@ -821,7 +821,7 @@ class FuncInfo(object):
#if dump: pprint(vars(classinfo))
if self.isconstructor:
py_name = 'cv.' + classinfo.wname
elif self.isclassmethod:
elif self.is_static:
py_name = '.'.join([self.namespace, classinfo.sname + '_' + self.variants[0].wname])
cname = classinfo.cname + '::' + cname
......@@ -929,12 +929,12 @@ class PythonWrapperGenerator(object):
namespace = '.'.join(namespace)
isconstructor = name == bareclassname
isclassmethod = False
is_static = False
isphantom = False
mappable = None
for m in decl[2]:
if m == "/S":
isclassmethod = True
is_static = True
elif m == "/phantom":
isphantom = True
cname = cname.replace("::", "_")
......@@ -948,10 +948,10 @@ class PythonWrapperGenerator(object):
if isconstructor:
name = "_".join(classes[:-1]+[name])
if isclassmethod:
if is_static:
# Add it as a method to the class
func_map = self.classes[classname].methods
func = func_map.setdefault(name, FuncInfo(classname, name, cname, isconstructor, namespace, isclassmethod))
func = func_map.setdefault(name, FuncInfo(classname, name, cname, isconstructor, namespace, is_static))
func.add_variant(decl, isphantom)
# Add it as global function
......@@ -966,7 +966,7 @@ class PythonWrapperGenerator(object):
func_map = self.namespaces.setdefault(namespace, Namespace()).funcs
func = func_map.setdefault(name, FuncInfo(classname, name, cname, isconstructor, namespace, isclassmethod))
func = func_map.setdefault(name, FuncInfo(classname, name, cname, isconstructor, namespace, is_static))
func.add_variant(decl, isphantom)
if classname and isconstructor:
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