Commit d4032009 authored by Vadim Pisarevsky's avatar Vadim Pisarevsky

fixed top-right and bottom-right corners filtering in the case of constant border (ticket #1058)

parent 613a69ab
......@@ -222,16 +222,8 @@ int FilterEngine::start(Size _wholeSize, Rect _roi, int _maxBufRows)
constBorderRow.resize(getElemSize(bufType)*(maxWidth + ksize.width - 1 + VEC_ALIGN));
uchar *dst = alignPtr(&constBorderRow[0], VEC_ALIGN), *tdst;
int n = (int)constBorderValue.size(), N;
if( isSeparable() )
tdst = &srcRow[0];
N = (maxWidth + ksize.width - 1)*esz;
tdst = dst;
N = maxWidth*esz;
N = (maxWidth + ksize.width - 1)*esz;
tdst = isSeparable() ? &srcRow[0] : dst;
for( i = 0; i < N; i += n )
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