Commit d3076c50 authored by Vadim Pisarevsky's avatar Vadim Pisarevsky

hopefully, fixed compile errors on Win & Linux; fixed getMatVector() so core &…

hopefully, fixed compile errors on Win & Linux; fixed getMatVector() so core & imgproc tests now pass; fixed doc builder errors
parent d8c8339b
......@@ -378,7 +378,7 @@ Calculates the covariance matrix of a set of vectors.
.. ocv:function:: void calcCovarMatrix( const Mat* samples, int nsamples, Mat& covar, Mat& mean, int flags, int ctype=CV_64F)
.. ocv:function:: void calcCovarMatrix( InputArray samples, OutputArray covar, OutputArray mean, int flags, int ctype=CV_64F)
.. ocv:function:: void calcCovarMatrix( InputArray samples, OutputArray covar, InputOutputArray mean, int flags, int ctype=CV_64F)
.. ocv:pyfunction:: cv2.calcCovarMatrix(samples, flags[, covar[, mean[, ctype]]]) -> covar, mean
......@@ -211,7 +211,6 @@ public:
bool create(int dtype);
size_t ndevices() const;
const Device& device(size_t idx) const;
int dtype() const;
Program getProg(const ProgramSource& prog,
const String& buildopt, String& errmsg);
......@@ -1276,6 +1276,17 @@ void _InputArray::getMatVector(std::vector<Mat>& mv) const
if( k == STD_VECTOR_MAT )
const std::vector<Mat>& v = *(const std::vector<Mat>*)obj;
size_t i, n = v.size();
for( i = 0; i < n; i++ )
mv[i] = v[i];
if( k == STD_VECTOR_UMAT )
const std::vector<UMat>& v = *(const std::vector<UMat>*)obj;
......@@ -627,13 +627,13 @@ static void* initOpenCLAndLoad(const char* funcname)
handle = LoadLibraryA("OpenCL.dll");
initialized = true;
g_haveOpenCL = handle != 0 && GetProcAddressA(handle, oclFuncToCheck) != 0;
g_haveOpenCL = handle != 0 && GetProcAddress(handle, oclFuncToCheck) != 0;
return 0;
return funcname ? (void*)GetProcAddressA(handle, funcname) : 0;
return funcname ? (void*)GetProcAddress(handle, funcname) : 0;
#elif defined(__linux)
......@@ -649,9 +649,9 @@ static void* initOpenCLAndLoad(const char* funcname)
handle = dlopen("");
handle = dlopen("", RTLD_LAZY);
handle = dlopen("");
handle = dlopen("", RTLD_LAZY);
initialized = true;
g_haveOpenCL = handle != 0 && dlsym(handle, oclFuncToCheck) != 0;
......@@ -1107,7 +1107,7 @@ OCL_FUNC(cl_int, clEnqueueWriteBufferRect,
region, buffer_row_pitch, buffer_slice_pitch, host_row_pitch,
host_slice_pitch, ptr, num_events_in_wait_list, event_wait_list, event))
OCL_FUNC(cl_int, clEnqueueFillBuffer,
/*OCL_FUNC(cl_int, clEnqueueFillBuffer,
(cl_command_queue command_queue,
cl_mem buffer,
const void * pattern,
......@@ -1118,7 +1118,7 @@ OCL_FUNC(cl_int, clEnqueueFillBuffer,
const cl_event * event_wait_list,
cl_event * event),
(command_queue, buffer, pattern, pattern_size, offset, size,
num_events_in_wait_list, event_wait_list, event))
num_events_in_wait_list, event_wait_list, event))*/
OCL_FUNC(cl_int, clEnqueueCopyBuffer,
(cl_command_queue command_queue,
......@@ -1737,7 +1737,6 @@ struct Context::Impl
cl_context handle;
std::vector<Device> devices;
int dtype;
bool initialized;
typedef ProgramSource::hash_t hash_t;
......@@ -1766,11 +1765,6 @@ Context::Context(int dtype)
int Context::dtype() const
return p ? p->dtype : 0;
bool Context::create(int dtype0)
if( !haveOpenCL() )
......@@ -2113,9 +2107,8 @@ int Kernel::set(int i, const KernelArg& arg)
clSetKernelArg(p->handle, (cl_uint)(i+1), sizeof(size_t), &arg.m->offset);
clSetKernelArg(p->handle, (cl_uint)(i+1), sizeof(size_t)*(dims-1), &arg.m->step.p[0]);
clSetKernelArg(p->handle, (cl_uint)(i+2), sizeof(cl_int)*dims, &arg.m->size.p[0]);
clSetKernelArg(p->handle, (cl_uint)(i+2), sizeof(size_t)*(dims-1), &arg.m->step.p[0]);
clSetKernelArg(p->handle, (cl_uint)(i+3), sizeof(cl_int)*dims, &arg.m->size.p[0]);
return i + 4;
......@@ -2249,13 +2242,13 @@ struct Program::Impl
const Context& ctx = Context::getDefault();
const Device& dev = Device::getDefault();
const char* pos0 = _buf.c_str();
char* pos1 = strchr(pos0, '\n');
const char* pos1 = strchr(pos0, '\n');
char* pos2 = strchr(pos1+1, '\n');
const char* pos2 = strchr(pos1+1, '\n');
char* pos3 = strchr(pos2+1, '\n');
const char* pos3 = strchr(pos2+1, '\n');
size_t prefixlen = (pos3 - pos0)+1;
......@@ -2580,6 +2573,9 @@ public:
u->currAllocator = u->prevAllocator;
if(u->data && u->copyOnMap())
u->data = u->origdata;
if(u->refcount == 0)
......@@ -2898,4 +2894,3 @@ MatAllocator* getOpenCLAllocator()
......@@ -877,14 +877,14 @@ TLSData::TLSData()
if( tlsKey == TLS_OUT_OF_INDEXES )
tlsRNGKey = TlsAlloc();
tlsKey = TlsAlloc();
CV_Assert(tlsKey != TLS_OUT_OF_INDEXES);
TLSData* d = (TLSData*)TlsGetValue( tlsKey );
if( !d )
d = new TLSData;
TlsSetValue( tlsRNGKey, d );
TlsSetValue( tlsKey, d );
return d;
......@@ -548,7 +548,7 @@ Mat UMat::getMat(int accessFlags) const
Mat hdr(dims, size.p, type(), u->data + offset, step.p);
hdr.refcount = &u->refcount;
hdr.u = u;
hdr.datastart = u->data;
hdr.datastart = = u->data;
hdr.datalimit = hdr.dataend = u->data + u->size;
CV_XADD(hdr.refcount, 1);
return hdr;
......@@ -565,24 +565,24 @@ void* UMat::handle(int accessFlags) const
CV_Assert(u->refcount == 0);
else if( u->refcount > 0 && (accessFlags & ACCESS_WRITE) )
/*else if( u->refcount > 0 && (accessFlags & ACCESS_WRITE) )
"it's not allowed to access UMat handle for writing "
"while it's mapped; call Mat::release() first for all its mappings");
return u->handle;
void UMat::ndoffset(size_t* ofs) const
// offset = step[0]*ofs[0] + step[1]*ofs[1] + step[2]*ofs[2] + ...;
size_t t = offset;
size_t val = offset;
for( int i = 0; i < dims; i++ )
size_t s = step.p[i];
ofs[i] = t / s;
t -= ofs[i]*s;
ofs[i] = val / s;
val -= ofs[i]*s;
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