Commit d1c1c017 authored by Tomoaki Teshima's avatar Tomoaki Teshima

fix typo

parent 45474279
......@@ -56,7 +56,7 @@ using namespace std;
#define MESSAGE_ERROR_COUNT "Matrix of eigen values must have the same rows as source matrix and 1 column."
#define MESSAGE_ERROR_SIZE "Source matrix and matrix of eigen vectors must have the same sizes."
#define MESSAGE_ERROR_DIFF_1 "Accurasy of eigen values computing less than required."
#define MESSAGE_ERROR_DIFF_1 "Accuracy of eigen values computing less than required."
#define MESSAGE_ERROR_DIFF_2 "Accuracy of eigen vectors computing less than required."
#define MESSAGE_ERROR_ORTHO "Matrix of eigen vectors is not orthogonal."
#define MESSAGE_ERROR_ORDER "Eigen values are not sorted in ascending order."
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