Commit d1229efe authored by Grigory Serebryakov's avatar Grigory Serebryakov

No output image resize in case of PNG dataset

parent 74d8527f
......@@ -113,9 +113,9 @@ bool PngDatasetOutput::init( const char* annotationsListFileName )
bool PngDatasetOutput::write( const CvMat& img,
const CvRect& boundingBox )
const CvRect& boundingBox )
CvRect bbox = scaleBoundingBox(cvGetSize(&img), boundingBox);
CvRect bbox = addBoundingboxBorder(boundingBox);
sprintf( imgFileName,
......@@ -148,44 +148,16 @@ bool PngDatasetOutput::write( const CvMat& img,
bbox.y + bbox.height );
fclose( annotationFile );
cvSaveImage( imgFullPath, &img);
return true;
void PngDatasetOutput::writeImage(const CvMat &img) const
CvSize origsize = cvGetSize(&img);
if( origsize.height > destImgHeight || origsize.width > destImgWidth )
CvMat result = cvMat( destImgHeight, destImgWidth, CV_8UC1,
cvAlloc( sizeof( uchar ) * destImgHeight * destImgWidth ) );
cvResize(&img, &result);
cvSaveImage( imgFullPath, &result );
cvFree( &( );
cvSaveImage( imgFullPath, &img);
CvRect PngDatasetOutput::scaleBoundingBox(const CvSize& imgSize, const CvRect& bbox)
CvRect PngDatasetOutput::addBoundingboxBorder(const CvRect& bbox) const
double scale = MAX( (float) destImgWidth / imgSize.width,
(float) destImgHeight / imgSize.height );
CvRect boundingBox = bbox;
int border = 5;
if( scale < 1. )
boundingBox.x = bbox.x * scale;
boundingBox.y = bbox.y * scale;
boundingBox.width = bbox.width * scale;
boundingBox.height = bbox.height * scale;
boundingBox.x -= border;
boundingBox.y -= border;
boundingBox.width += 2*border;
......@@ -20,10 +20,7 @@ private:
virtual bool init(const char* annotationsListFileName );
void writeImage( const CvMat& img ) const;
CvRect scaleBoundingBox(const CvSize& imgSize,
const CvRect& bbox);
CvRect addBoundingboxBorder(const CvRect& bbox) const;
char annotationFullPath[PATH_MAX];
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