Commit d10b3c86 authored by James Bowman's avatar James Bowman

#489, Forbid transposed matrices in fromarray()

parent f2353b85
......@@ -390,6 +390,18 @@ static PyObject *cvmat_repr(PyObject *self)
char *d = str + strlen(str);
sprintf(d, "type=%08x ", m->type);
d += strlen(d);
switch (CV_MAT_DEPTH(m->type)) {
case CV_8U: strcpy(d, "8U"); break;
case CV_8S: strcpy(d, "8S"); break;
case CV_16U: strcpy(d, "16U"); break;
case CV_16S: strcpy(d, "16S"); break;
case CV_32S: strcpy(d, "32S"); break;
case CV_32F: strcpy(d, "32F"); break;
case CV_64F: strcpy(d, "64F"); break;
d += strlen(d);
sprintf(d, "C%d ", CV_MAT_CN(m->type));
d += strlen(d);
sprintf(d, "rows=%d ", m->rows);
d += strlen(d);
sprintf(d, "cols=%d ", m->cols);
......@@ -2799,6 +2811,9 @@ static PyObject *fromarray(PyObject *o, int allowND)
if (!allowND) {
cvmat_t *m = PyObject_NEW(cvmat_t, &cvmat_Type);
if (pai->nd == 2) {
if (pai->strides[1] != pai->itemsize) {
return (PyObject*)failmsg("cv.fromarray array can only accept arrays with contiguous data");
ERRWRAP(m->a = cvCreateMatHeader(pai->shape[0], pai->shape[1], type));
m->a->step = pai->strides[0];
} else if (pai->nd == 3) {
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