Commit d0a83909 authored by Tomoaki Teshima's avatar Tomoaki Teshima

fix run time error on Mac

  * integrate HW version and SW version to same function
parent fd76ed5c
......@@ -4540,24 +4540,9 @@ static short convertFp16SW(float fp32)
template<typename T, typename DT> static void
cvtScaleHalfSW_( const T* src, size_t sstep, DT* dst, size_t dstep, Size size)
sstep /= sizeof(src[0]);
dstep /= sizeof(dst[0]);
for( ; size.height--; src += sstep, dst += dstep )
for ( int x = 0 ; x < size.width; x ++ )
dst[x] = convertFp16SW(src[x]);
// template for FP16 HW conversion function
template<typename T, typename DT> static void
cvtScaleHalfHW_( const T* src, size_t sstep, DT* dst, size_t dstep, Size size)
cvtScaleHalf_( const T* src, size_t sstep, DT* dst, size_t dstep, Size size)
sstep /= sizeof(src[0]);
dstep /= sizeof(dst[0]);
......@@ -4573,77 +4558,105 @@ cvtScaleHalfHW_( const T* src, size_t sstep, DT* dst, size_t dstep, Size size)
template<> void
cvtScaleHalfHW_<float, short>( const float* src, size_t sstep, short* dst, size_t dstep, Size size)
cvtScaleHalf_<float, short>( const float* src, size_t sstep, short* dst, size_t dstep, Size size)
sstep /= sizeof(src[0]);
dstep /= sizeof(dst[0]);
for( ; size.height--; src += sstep, dst += dstep )
if( checkHardwareSupport(CV_FP16) )
int x = 0;
if ( ( (intptr_t)dst & 0xf ) == 0 && ( (intptr_t)src & 0xf ) == 0 )
for( ; size.height--; src += sstep, dst += dstep )
#if CV_FP16
for ( ; x <= size.width - 4; x += 4)
int x = 0;
if ( ( (intptr_t)dst & 0xf ) == 0 && ( (intptr_t)src & 0xf ) == 0 )
#if CV_FP16
for ( ; x <= size.width - 4; x += 4)
#if defined(__x86_64__) || defined(_M_X64) || defined(_M_IX86) || defined(i386)
__m128 v_src = _mm_load_ps(src + x);
__m128 v_src = _mm_load_ps(src + x);
__m128i v_dst = _mm_cvtps_ph(v_src, 0);
__m128i v_dst = _mm_cvtps_ph(v_src, 0);
_mm_storel_epi64((__m128i *)(dst + x), v_dst);
_mm_storel_epi64((__m128i *)(dst + x), v_dst);
#elif defined __GNUC__ && (defined __arm__ || defined __aarch64__)
float32x4_t v_src = *(float32x4_t*)(src + x);
float32x4_t v_src = *(float32x4_t*)(src + x);
float16x4_t v_dst = vcvt_f16_f32(v_src);
float16x4_t v_dst = vcvt_f16_f32(v_src);
*(float16x4_t*)(dst + x) = v_dst;
*(float16x4_t*)(dst + x) = v_dst;
for ( ; x < size.width; x++ )
dst[x] = convertFp16SW(src[x]);
for ( ; x < size.width; x++ )
for( ; size.height--; src += sstep, dst += dstep )
dst[x] = convertFp16SW(src[x]);
int x = 0;
for ( ; x < size.width; x++ )
dst[x] = convertFp16SW(src[x]);
template<> void
cvtScaleHalfHW_<short, float>( const short* src, size_t sstep, float* dst, size_t dstep, Size size)
cvtScaleHalf_<short, float>( const short* src, size_t sstep, float* dst, size_t dstep, Size size)
sstep /= sizeof(src[0]);
dstep /= sizeof(dst[0]);
for( ; size.height--; src += sstep, dst += dstep )
if( checkHardwareSupport(CV_FP16) )
int x = 0;
if ( ( (intptr_t)dst & 0xf ) == 0 && ( (intptr_t)src & 0xf ) == 0 )
for( ; size.height--; src += sstep, dst += dstep )
#if CV_FP16
for ( ; x <= size.width - 4; x += 4)
int x = 0;
if ( ( (intptr_t)dst & 0xf ) == 0 && ( (intptr_t)src & 0xf ) == 0 && checkHardwareSupport(CV_CPU_FP16) )
#if CV_FP16
for ( ; x <= size.width - 4; x += 4)
#if defined(__x86_64__) || defined(_M_X64) || defined(_M_IX86) || defined(i386)
__m128i v_src = _mm_loadl_epi64((__m128i*)(src+x));
__m128i v_src = _mm_loadl_epi64((__m128i*)(src+x));
__m128 v_dst = _mm_cvtph_ps(v_src);
__m128 v_dst = _mm_cvtph_ps(v_src);
_mm_store_ps((dst + x), v_dst);
_mm_store_ps((dst + x), v_dst);
#elif defined __GNUC__ && (defined __arm__ || defined __aarch64__)
float16x4_t v_src = *(float16x4_t*)(src + x);
float16x4_t v_src = *(float16x4_t*)(src + x);
float32x4_t v_dst = vcvt_f32_f16(v_src);
float32x4_t v_dst = vcvt_f32_f16(v_src);
*(float32x4_t*)(dst + x) = v_dst;
*(float32x4_t*)(dst + x) = v_dst;
for ( ; x < size.width; x++ )
dst[x] = convertFp16SW(src[x]);
for ( ; x < size.width; x++ )
for( ; size.height--; src += sstep, dst += dstep )
dst[x] = convertFp16SW(src[x]);
int x = 0;
for ( ; x < size.width; x++ )
dst[x] = convertFp16SW(src[x]);
......@@ -4735,11 +4748,11 @@ static void cvtScaleAbs##suffix( const stype* src, size_t sstep, const uchar*, s
tfunc(src, sstep, dst, dstep, size, (wtype)scale[0], (wtype)scale[1]); \
#define DEF_CVT_SCALE_FP16_FUNC(suffix, stype, dtype, resource) \
static void cvtScaleHalf##suffix##resource( const stype* src, size_t sstep, const uchar*, size_t, \
#define DEF_CVT_SCALE_FP16_FUNC(suffix, stype, dtype) \
static void cvtScaleHalf##suffix( const stype* src, size_t sstep, const uchar*, size_t, \
dtype* dst, size_t dstep, Size size, double*) \
{ \
cvtScaleHalf##resource##_<stype,dtype>(src, sstep, dst, dstep, size); \
cvtScaleHalf##_<stype,dtype>(src, sstep, dst, dstep, size); \
#define DEF_CVT_SCALE_FUNC(suffix, stype, dtype, wtype) \
......@@ -4798,10 +4811,8 @@ DEF_CVT_SCALE_ABS_FUNC(32s8u, cvtScaleAbs_, int, uchar, float)
DEF_CVT_SCALE_ABS_FUNC(32f8u, cvtScaleAbs_, float, uchar, float)
DEF_CVT_SCALE_ABS_FUNC(64f8u, cvtScaleAbs_, double, uchar, float)
DEF_CVT_SCALE_FP16_FUNC(32f16f, float, short, SW)
DEF_CVT_SCALE_FP16_FUNC(16f32f, short, float, SW)
DEF_CVT_SCALE_FP16_FUNC(32f16f, float, short, HW)
DEF_CVT_SCALE_FP16_FUNC(16f32f, short, float, HW)
DEF_CVT_SCALE_FP16_FUNC(32f16f, float, short)
DEF_CVT_SCALE_FP16_FUNC(16f32f, short, float)
DEF_CVT_SCALE_FUNC(8u, uchar, uchar, float)
DEF_CVT_SCALE_FUNC(8s8u, schar, uchar, float)
......@@ -4924,28 +4935,15 @@ static BinaryFunc getCvtScaleAbsFunc(int depth)
return cvtScaleAbsTab[depth];
BinaryFunc getConvertFuncFp16(int ddepth, bool useHW)
BinaryFunc getConvertFuncFp16(int ddepth)
static BinaryFunc cvtTabHW[] =
0, 0, 0,
(BinaryFunc)(cvtScaleHalf32f16fHW), 0, (BinaryFunc)(cvtScaleHalf16f32fHW),
0, 0,
static BinaryFunc cvtTabSW[] =
static BinaryFunc cvtTab[] =
0, 0, 0,
(BinaryFunc)(cvtScaleHalf32f16fSW), 0, (BinaryFunc)(cvtScaleHalf16f32fSW),
(BinaryFunc)(cvtScaleHalf32f16f), 0, (BinaryFunc)(cvtScaleHalf16f32f),
0, 0,
if( useHW == true)
return cvtTabHW[CV_MAT_DEPTH(ddepth)];
return cvtTabSW[CV_MAT_DEPTH(ddepth)];
return cvtTab[CV_MAT_DEPTH(ddepth)];
BinaryFunc getConvertFunc(int sdepth, int ddepth)
......@@ -5134,12 +5132,6 @@ void cv::convertScaleAbs( InputArray _src, OutputArray _dst, double alpha, doubl
void cv::convertFp16( InputArray _src, OutputArray _dst)
bool useHW = true;
if ( checkHardwareSupport(CV_CPU_FP16) == false )
useHW = false;
Mat src = _src.getMat();
int ddepth = 0;
......@@ -5158,7 +5150,7 @@ void cv::convertFp16( InputArray _src, OutputArray _dst)
int type = CV_MAKETYPE(ddepth, src.channels());
_dst.create( src.dims, src.size, type );
Mat dst = _dst.getMat();
BinaryFunc func = getConvertFuncFp16(ddepth, useHW);
BinaryFunc func = getConvertFuncFp16(ddepth);
int cn = src.channels();
CV_Assert( func != 0 );
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