Commit d0a4352e authored by Ethan Rublee's avatar Ethan Rublee

adding an include director to android cmake <opencv2/opencv.hpp> should work now

parent d3ce702c
......@@ -34,7 +34,7 @@ file(GLOB module_includes "${opencv_root}/modules/[a-zA-Z]*")
list(REMOVE_ITEM module_includes ${opencv_root}/modules/CMakeLists.txt)
set(module_includes ${module_includes} ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/../3rdparty $(OPENCV_BUILD_ROOT) )
set(module_includes ${module_includes} ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/../3rdparty $(OPENCV_BUILD_ROOT) ${opencv_root} )
foreach(mdir ${module_includes})
string(REPLACE "${opencv_root}" "$(OPENCV_ROOT)" n_f ${mdir})
set(android_module_include_dirs "${android_module_include_dirs} ${n_f}/include")
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