Commit d004ee58 authored by Maksim Shabunin's avatar Maksim Shabunin

Support loading old models in ML module

- added test for loading legacy files
- added version to new written models
- fixed loading of several fields in some models
- added generation of new fields from old data
parent 1c8493fb
......@@ -1241,7 +1241,7 @@ public:
vector<int> _layer_sizes;
fn["layer_sizes"] >> _layer_sizes;
readVectorOrMat(fn["layer_sizes"], _layer_sizes);
create( _layer_sizes );
int i, l_count = layer_count();
......@@ -434,13 +434,17 @@ public:
bparams.priors = params0.priors;
FileNode tparams_node = fn["training_params"];
String bts = (String)tparams_node["boosting_type"];
// check for old layout
String bts = (String)(fn["boosting_type"].empty() ?
tparams_node["boosting_type"] : fn["boosting_type"]);
bparams.boostType = (bts == "DiscreteAdaboost" ? Boost::DISCRETE :
bts == "RealAdaboost" ? Boost::REAL :
bts == "LogitBoost" ? Boost::LOGIT :
bts == "GentleAdaboost" ? Boost::GENTLE : -1);
_isClassifier = bparams.boostType == Boost::DISCRETE;
bparams.weightTrimRate = (double)tparams_node["weight_trimming_rate"];
// check for old layout
bparams.weightTrimRate = (double)(fn["weight_trimming_rate"].empty() ?
tparams_node["weight_trimming_rate"] : fn["weight_trimming_rate"]);
void read( const FileNode& fn )
......@@ -898,7 +898,7 @@ public:
CV_Assert( m > 0 ); // if m==0, vi is an ordered variable
const int* cmap = &<int>(ofs[0]);
bool fastMap = (m == cmap[m] - cmap[0]);
bool fastMap = (m == cmap[m - 1] - cmap[0] + 1);
if( fastMap )
......@@ -115,6 +115,7 @@ void StatModel::save(const String& filename) const
FileStorage fs(filename, FileStorage::WRITE);
fs << getDefaultModelName() << "{";
fs << "format" << (int)3;
fs << "}";
......@@ -263,11 +263,27 @@ namespace ml
vector<int> subsets;
vector<int> classLabels;
vector<float> missingSubst;
vector<int> varMapping;
bool _isClassifier;
Ptr<WorkData> w;
template <typename T>
static inline void readVectorOrMat(const FileNode & node, std::vector<T> & v)
if (node.type() == FileNode::MAP)
Mat m;
node >> m;
else if (node.type() == FileNode::SEQ)
node >> v;
#endif /* __OPENCV_ML_PRECOMP_HPP__ */
......@@ -346,7 +346,7 @@ public:
oobError = (double)fn["oob_error"];
int ntrees = (int)fn["ntrees"];
fn["var_importance"] >> varImportance;
readVectorOrMat(fn["var_importance"], varImportance);
......@@ -2038,7 +2038,8 @@ public:
Params _params;
String svm_type_str = (String)fn["svmType"];
// check for old naming
String svm_type_str = (String)(fn["svm_type"].empty() ? fn["svmType"] : fn["svm_type"]);
int svmType =
svm_type_str == "C_SVC" ? C_SVC :
svm_type_str == "NU_SVC" ? NU_SVC :
......@@ -1597,7 +1597,10 @@ void DTreesImpl::writeParams(FileStorage& fs) const
fs << "}";
if( !varIdx.empty() )
fs << "global_var_idx" << 1;
fs << "var_idx" << varIdx;
fs << "var_type" << varType;
......@@ -1726,9 +1729,8 @@ void DTreesImpl::readParams( const FileNode& fn )
if( !tparams_node.empty() ) // training parameters are not necessary
params0.useSurrogates = (int)tparams_node["use_surrogates"] != 0;
params0.maxCategories = (int)tparams_node["max_categories"];
params0.maxCategories = (int)(tparams_node["max_categories"].empty() ? 16 : tparams_node["max_categories"]);
params0.regressionAccuracy = (float)tparams_node["regression_accuracy"];
params0.maxDepth = (int)tparams_node["max_depth"];
params0.minSampleCount = (int)tparams_node["min_sample_count"];
params0.CVFolds = (int)tparams_node["cross_validation_folds"];
......@@ -1741,13 +1743,83 @@ void DTreesImpl::readParams( const FileNode& fn )
tparams_node["priors"] >> params0.priors;
fn["var_idx"] >> varIdx;
readVectorOrMat(fn["var_idx"], varIdx);
fn["var_type"] >> varType;
fn["cat_ofs"] >> catOfs;
fn["cat_map"] >> catMap;
fn["missing_subst"] >> missingSubst;
fn["class_labels"] >> classLabels;
int format = 0;
fn["format"] >> format;
bool isLegacy = format < 3;
int varAll = (int)fn["var_all"];
if (isLegacy && (int)varType.size() <= varAll)
std::vector<uchar> extendedTypes(varAll + 1, 0);
int i = 0, n;
if (!varIdx.empty())
n = (int)varIdx.size();
for (; i < n; ++i)
int var = varIdx[i];
extendedTypes[var] = varType[i];
n = (int)varType.size();
for (; i < n; ++i)
extendedTypes[i] = varType[i];
extendedTypes[varAll] = (uchar)(_isClassifier ? VAR_CATEGORICAL : VAR_ORDERED);
readVectorOrMat(fn["cat_map"], catMap);
if (isLegacy)
// generating "catOfs" from "cat_count"
std::vector<int> counts;
readVectorOrMat(fn["cat_count"], counts);
unsigned int i = 0, j = 0, curShift = 0, size = (int)varType.size() - 1;
for (; i < size; ++i)
Vec2i newOffsets(0, 0);
if (varType[i] == VAR_CATEGORICAL) // only categorical vars are represented in catMap
newOffsets[0] = curShift;
curShift += counts[j];
newOffsets[1] = curShift;
// other elements in "catMap" are "classLabels"
if (curShift < catMap.size())
classLabels.insert(classLabels.end(), catMap.begin() + curShift, catMap.end());
catMap.erase(catMap.begin() + curShift, catMap.end());
fn["cat_ofs"] >> catOfs;
fn["missing_subst"] >> missingSubst;
fn["class_labels"] >> classLabels;
// init var mapping for node reading (var indexes or varIdx indexes)
bool globalVarIdx = false;
fn["global_var_idx"] >> globalVarIdx;
if (globalVarIdx || varIdx.empty())
setRangeVector(varMapping, (int)varType.size());
varMapping = varIdx;
......@@ -1759,6 +1831,7 @@ int DTreesImpl::readSplit( const FileNode& fn )
int vi = (int)fn["var"];
CV_Assert( 0 <= vi && vi <= (int)varType.size() );
vi = varMapping[vi]; // convert to varIdx if needed
split.varIdx = vi;
if( varType[vi] == VAR_CATEGORICAL ) // split on categorical var
......@@ -158,6 +158,109 @@ TEST(ML_Boost, save_load) { CV_SLMLTest test( CV_BOOST ); test.safe_run(); }
TEST(ML_RTrees, save_load) { CV_SLMLTest test( CV_RTREES ); test.safe_run(); }
TEST(DISABLED_ML_ERTrees, save_load) { CV_SLMLTest test( CV_ERTREES ); test.safe_run(); }
class CV_LegacyTest : public cvtest::BaseTest
CV_LegacyTest(const std::string &_modelName, const std::string &_suffixes = std::string())
: cvtest::BaseTest(), modelName(_modelName), suffixes(_suffixes)
virtual ~CV_LegacyTest() {}
void run(int)
unsigned int idx = 0;
for (;;)
if (idx >= suffixes.size())
int found = (int)suffixes.find(';', idx);
string piece = suffixes.substr(idx, found - idx);
if (piece.empty())
idx += (unsigned int)piece.size() + 1;
void oneTest(const string & suffix)
using namespace cv::ml;
int code = cvtest::TS::OK;
string filename = ts->get_data_path() + "legacy/" + modelName + suffix;
bool isTree = modelName == CV_BOOST || modelName == CV_DTREE || modelName == CV_RTREES;
Ptr<StatModel> model;
if (modelName == CV_BOOST)
model = StatModel::load<Boost>(filename);
else if (modelName == CV_ANN)
model = StatModel::load<ANN_MLP>(filename);
else if (modelName == CV_DTREE)
model = StatModel::load<DTrees>(filename);
else if (modelName == CV_NBAYES)
model = StatModel::load<NormalBayesClassifier>(filename);
else if (modelName == CV_SVM)
model = StatModel::load<SVM>(filename);
else if (modelName == CV_RTREES)
model = StatModel::load<RTrees>(filename);
if (!model)
code = cvtest::TS::FAIL_INVALID_TEST_DATA;
Mat input = Mat(isTree ? 10 : 1, model->getVarCount(), CV_32F);
ts->get_rng().fill(input, RNG::UNIFORM, 0, 40);
if (isTree)
randomFillCategories(filename, input);
Mat output;
model->predict(input, output, StatModel::RAW_OUTPUT | (isTree ? DTrees::PREDICT_SUM : 0));
// just check if no internal assertions or errors thrown
void randomFillCategories(const string & filename, Mat & input)
Mat catMap;
Mat catCount;
std::vector<uchar> varTypes;
FileStorage fs(filename, FileStorage::READ);
FileNode root = fs.getFirstTopLevelNode();
root["cat_map"] >> catMap;
root["cat_count"] >> catCount;
root["var_type"] >> varTypes;
int offset = 0;
int countOffset = 0;
uint var = 0, varCount = (uint)varTypes.size();
for (; var < varCount; ++var)
if (varTypes[var] == ml::VAR_CATEGORICAL)
int size =<int>(0, countOffset);
for (int row = 0; row < input.rows; ++row)
int randomChosenIndex = offset + ((uint)ts->get_rng()) % size;
int value =<int>(0, randomChosenIndex);<float>(row, var) = (float)value;
offset += size;
string modelName;
string suffixes;
TEST(ML_ANN, legacy_load) { CV_LegacyTest test(CV_ANN, "_waveform.xml"); test.safe_run(); }
TEST(ML_Boost, legacy_load) { CV_LegacyTest test(CV_BOOST, "_adult.xml;_1.xml;_2.xml;_3.xml"); test.safe_run(); }
TEST(ML_DTree, legacy_load) { CV_LegacyTest test(CV_DTREE, "_abalone.xml;_mushroom.xml"); test.safe_run(); }
TEST(ML_NBayes, legacy_load) { CV_LegacyTest test(CV_NBAYES, "_waveform.xml"); test.safe_run(); }
TEST(ML_SVM, legacy_load) { CV_LegacyTest test(CV_SVM, "_poletelecomm.xml;_waveform.xml"); test.safe_run(); }
TEST(ML_RTrees, legacy_load) { CV_LegacyTest test(CV_RTREES, "_waveform.xml"); test.safe_run(); }
/*TEST(ML_SVM, throw_exception_when_save_untrained_model)
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