Commit cf0f47f5 authored by Ilya Lavrenov's avatar Ilya Lavrenov Committed by Dikay900

fixed memory leak in descriptor regression tests

parent f7d36bba
......@@ -60,7 +60,7 @@ static void writeMatInBin( const Mat& mat, const string& filename )
fwrite( (void*)&mat.rows, sizeof(int), 1, f );
fwrite( (void*)&mat.cols, sizeof(int), 1, f );
fwrite( (void*)&type, sizeof(int), 1, f );
int dataSize = (int)(mat.step * mat.rows * mat.channels());
int dataSize = (int)(mat.step * mat.rows);
fwrite( (void*)&dataSize, sizeof(int), 1, f );
fwrite( (void*)mat.ptr(), 1, dataSize, f );
......@@ -82,13 +82,14 @@ static Mat readMatFromBin( const string& filename )
int step = dataSize / rows / CV_ELEM_SIZE(type);
CV_Assert(step >= cols);
Mat m = Mat(rows, step, type).colRange(0, cols);
Mat returnMat = Mat(rows, step, type).colRange(0, cols);
size_t elements_read = fread( m.ptr(), 1, dataSize, f );
size_t elements_read = fread( returnMat.ptr(), 1, dataSize, f );
CV_Assert(elements_read == (size_t)(dataSize));
return m;
return returnMat;
return Mat();
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