Commit ce503c64 authored by Roman Donchenko's avatar Roman Donchenko Committed by OpenCV Buildbot

Merge pull request #1968 from pentschev:fix_indentation_freak_2.4

parents 13c058ec c289c8a7
......@@ -54,8 +54,9 @@ static const int FREAK_NB_SCALES = FREAK::NB_SCALES;
static const int FREAK_NB_PAIRS = FREAK::NB_PAIRS;
// default pairs
static const int FREAK_DEF_PAIRS[FREAK::NB_PAIRS] =
{ // default pairs
......@@ -92,15 +93,17 @@ static const int FREAK_DEF_PAIRS[FREAK::NB_PAIRS] =
// used to sort pairs during pairs selection
struct PairStat
{ // used to sort pairs during pairs selection
double mean;
int idx;
struct sortMean
bool operator()( const PairStat& a, const PairStat& b ) const {
bool operator()( const PairStat& a, const PairStat& b ) const
return a.mean < b.mean;
......@@ -130,17 +133,21 @@ void FREAK::buildPattern()
radius[6]/2.0, radius[6]/2.0
// fill the lookup table
for( int scaleIdx=0; scaleIdx < FREAK_NB_SCALES; ++scaleIdx ) {
for( int scaleIdx=0; scaleIdx < FREAK_NB_SCALES; ++scaleIdx )
patternSizes[scaleIdx] = 0; // proper initialization
scalingFactor = pow(scaleStep,scaleIdx); //scale of the pattern, scaleStep ^ scaleIdx
for( int orientationIdx = 0; orientationIdx < FREAK_NB_ORIENTATION; ++orientationIdx ) {
for( int orientationIdx = 0; orientationIdx < FREAK_NB_ORIENTATION; ++orientationIdx )
theta = double(orientationIdx)* 2*CV_PI/double(FREAK_NB_ORIENTATION); // orientation of the pattern
int pointIdx = 0;
PatternPoint* patternLookupPtr = &patternLookup[0];
for( size_t i = 0; i < 8; ++i ) {
for( int k = 0 ; k < n[i]; ++k ) {
for( size_t i = 0; i < 8; ++i )
for( int k = 0 ; k < n[i]; ++k )
beta = CV_PI/n[i] * (i%2); // orientation offset so that groups of points on each circles are staggered
alpha = double(k)* 2*CV_PI/double(n[i])+beta+theta;
......@@ -182,7 +189,8 @@ void FREAK::buildPattern()
orientationPairs[39].i=30; orientationPairs[39].j=33; orientationPairs[40].i=31; orientationPairs[40].j=34; orientationPairs[41].i=32; orientationPairs[41].j=35;
orientationPairs[42].i=36; orientationPairs[42].j=39; orientationPairs[43].i=37; orientationPairs[43].j=40; orientationPairs[44].i=38; orientationPairs[44].j=41;
for( unsigned m = FREAK_NB_ORIENPAIRS; m--; ) {
for( unsigned m = FREAK_NB_ORIENPAIRS; m--; )
const float dx = patternLookup[orientationPairs[m].i].x-patternLookup[orientationPairs[m].j].x;
const float dy = patternLookup[orientationPairs[m].i].y-patternLookup[orientationPairs[m].j].y;
const float norm_sq = (dx*dx+dy*dy);
......@@ -192,30 +200,37 @@ void FREAK::buildPattern()
// build the list of description pairs
std::vector<DescriptionPair> allPairs;
for( unsigned int i = 1; i < (unsigned int)FREAK_NB_POINTS; ++i ) {
for( unsigned int i = 1; i < (unsigned int)FREAK_NB_POINTS; ++i )
// (generate all the pairs)
for( unsigned int j = 0; (unsigned int)j < i; ++j ) {
for( unsigned int j = 0; (unsigned int)j < i; ++j )
DescriptionPair pair = {(uchar)i,(uchar)j};
// Input vector provided
if( !selectedPairs0.empty() ) {
if( (int)selectedPairs0.size() == FREAK_NB_PAIRS ) {
if( !selectedPairs0.empty() )
if( (int)selectedPairs0.size() == FREAK_NB_PAIRS )
for( int i = 0; i < FREAK_NB_PAIRS; ++i )
descriptionPairs[i] = allPairs[];
else {
CV_Error(CV_StsVecLengthErr, "Input vector does not match the required size");
else { // default selected pairs
else // default selected pairs
for( int i = 0; i < FREAK_NB_PAIRS; ++i )
descriptionPairs[i] = allPairs[FREAK_DEF_PAIRS[i]];
void FREAK::computeImpl( const Mat& image, std::vector<KeyPoint>& keypoints, Mat& descriptors ) const {
void FREAK::computeImpl( const Mat& image, std::vector<KeyPoint>& keypoints, Mat& descriptors ) const
if( image.empty() )
......@@ -236,8 +251,10 @@ void FREAK::computeImpl( const Mat& image, std::vector<KeyPoint>& keypoints, Mat
int direction1;
// compute the scale index corresponding to the keypoint size and remove keypoints close to the border
if( scaleNormalized ) {
for( size_t k = keypoints.size(); k--; ) {
if( scaleNormalized )
for( size_t k = keypoints.size(); k--; )
//Is k non-zero? If so, decrement it and continue"
kpScaleIdx[k] = max( (int)(log(keypoints[k].size/FREAK_SMALLEST_KP_SIZE)*sizeCst+0.5) ,0);
if( kpScaleIdx[k] >= FREAK_NB_SCALES )
......@@ -247,24 +264,29 @@ void FREAK::computeImpl( const Mat& image, std::vector<KeyPoint>& keypoints, Mat
keypoints[k].pt.y <= patternSizes[kpScaleIdx[k]] ||
keypoints[k].pt.x >= image.cols-patternSizes[kpScaleIdx[k]] ||
keypoints[k].pt.y >= image.rows-patternSizes[kpScaleIdx[k]]
) {
else {
const int scIdx = max( (int)(1.0986122886681*sizeCst+0.5) ,0);
for( size_t k = keypoints.size(); k--; ) {
for( size_t k = keypoints.size(); k--; )
kpScaleIdx[k] = scIdx; // equivalent to the formule when the scale is normalized with a constant size of keypoints[k].size=3*SMALLEST_KP_SIZE
if( kpScaleIdx[k] >= FREAK_NB_SCALES ) {
if( kpScaleIdx[k] >= FREAK_NB_SCALES )
kpScaleIdx[k] = FREAK_NB_SCALES-1;
if( keypoints[k].pt.x <= patternSizes[kpScaleIdx[k]] ||
keypoints[k].pt.y <= patternSizes[kpScaleIdx[k]] ||
keypoints[k].pt.x >= image.cols-patternSizes[kpScaleIdx[k]] ||
keypoints[k].pt.y >= image.rows-patternSizes[kpScaleIdx[k]]
) {
......@@ -272,7 +294,8 @@ void FREAK::computeImpl( const Mat& image, std::vector<KeyPoint>& keypoints, Mat
// allocate descriptor memory, estimate orientations, extract descriptors
if( !extAll ) {
if( !extAll )
// extract the best comparisons only
descriptors = cv::Mat::zeros((int)keypoints.size(), FREAK_NB_PAIRS/8, CV_8U);
#if CV_SSE2
......@@ -280,20 +303,25 @@ void FREAK::computeImpl( const Mat& image, std::vector<KeyPoint>& keypoints, Mat
std::bitset<FREAK_NB_PAIRS>* ptr = (std::bitset<FREAK_NB_PAIRS>*) (*descriptors.step[0]);
for( size_t k = keypoints.size(); k--; ) {
for( size_t k = keypoints.size(); k--; )
// estimate orientation (gradient)
if( !orientationNormalized ) {
if( !orientationNormalized )
thetaIdx = 0; // assign 0° to all keypoints
keypoints[k].angle = 0.0;
else {
// get the points intensity value in the un-rotated pattern
for( int i = FREAK_NB_POINTS; i--; ) {
for( int i = FREAK_NB_POINTS; i--; )
pointsValue[i] = meanIntensity(image, imgIntegral, keypoints[k].pt.x,keypoints[k].pt.y, kpScaleIdx[k], 0, i);
direction0 = 0;
direction1 = 0;
for( int m = 45; m--; ) {
for( int m = 45; m--; )
//iterate through the orientation pairs
const int delta = (pointsValue[ orientationPairs[m].i ]-pointsValue[ orientationPairs[m].j ]);
direction0 += delta*(orientationPairs[m].weight_dx)/2048;
......@@ -309,7 +337,8 @@ void FREAK::computeImpl( const Mat& image, std::vector<KeyPoint>& keypoints, Mat
// extract descriptor at the computed orientation
for( int i = FREAK_NB_POINTS; i--; ) {
for( int i = FREAK_NB_POINTS; i--; )
pointsValue[i] = meanIntensity(image, imgIntegral, keypoints[k].pt.x,keypoints[k].pt.y, kpScaleIdx[k], thetaIdx, i);
#if CV_SSE2
......@@ -384,24 +413,29 @@ void FREAK::computeImpl( const Mat& image, std::vector<KeyPoint>& keypoints, Mat
else { // extract all possible comparisons for selection
else // extract all possible comparisons for selection
descriptors = cv::Mat::zeros((int)keypoints.size(), 128, CV_8U);
std::bitset<1024>* ptr = (std::bitset<1024>*) (*descriptors.step[0]);
for( size_t k = keypoints.size(); k--; ) {
for( size_t k = keypoints.size(); k--; )
//estimate orientation (gradient)
if( !orientationNormalized ) {
if( !orientationNormalized )
thetaIdx = 0;//assign 0° to all keypoints
keypoints[k].angle = 0.0;
else {
//get the points intensity value in the un-rotated pattern
for( int i = FREAK_NB_POINTS;i--; )
pointsValue[i] = meanIntensity(image, imgIntegral, keypoints[k].pt.x,keypoints[k].pt.y, kpScaleIdx[k], 0, i);
direction0 = 0;
direction1 = 0;
for( int m = 45; m--; ) {
for( int m = 45; m--; )
//iterate through the orientation pairs
const int delta = (pointsValue[ orientationPairs[m].i ]-pointsValue[ orientationPairs[m].j ]);
direction0 += delta*(orientationPairs[m].weight_dx)/2048;
......@@ -418,15 +452,18 @@ void FREAK::computeImpl( const Mat& image, std::vector<KeyPoint>& keypoints, Mat
// get the points intensity value in the rotated pattern
for( int i = FREAK_NB_POINTS; i--; ) {
for( int i = FREAK_NB_POINTS; i--; )
pointsValue[i] = meanIntensity(image, imgIntegral, keypoints[k].pt.x,
keypoints[k].pt.y, kpScaleIdx[k], thetaIdx, i);
int cnt(0);
for( int i = 1; i < FREAK_NB_POINTS; ++i ) {
for( int i = 1; i < FREAK_NB_POINTS; ++i )
//(generate all the pairs)
for( int j = 0; j < i; ++j ) {
for( int j = 0; j < i; ++j )
ptr->set(cnt, pointsValue[i] >= pointsValue[j] );
......@@ -442,7 +479,8 @@ uchar FREAK::meanIntensity( const cv::Mat& image, const cv::Mat& integral,
const float kp_y,
const unsigned int scale,
const unsigned int rot,
const unsigned int point) const {
const unsigned int point) const
// get point position in image
const PatternPoint& FreakPoint = patternLookup[scale*FREAK_NB_ORIENTATION*FREAK_NB_POINTS + rot*FREAK_NB_POINTS + point];
const float xf = FreakPoint.x+kp_x;
......@@ -455,7 +493,8 @@ uchar FREAK::meanIntensity( const cv::Mat& image, const cv::Mat& integral,
const float radius = FreakPoint.sigma;
// calculate output:
if( radius < 0.5 ) {
if( radius < 0.5 )
// interpolation multipliers:
const int r_x = static_cast<int>((xf-x)*1024);
const int r_y = static_cast<int>((yf-y)*1024);
......@@ -507,7 +546,8 @@ vector<int> FREAK::selectPairs(const std::vector<Mat>& images
if( verbose )
std::cout << "Number of images: " << images.size() << std::endl;
for( size_t i = 0;i < images.size(); ++i ) {
for( size_t i = 0;i < images.size(); ++i )
Mat descriptorsTmp;
......@@ -520,8 +560,10 @@ vector<int> FREAK::selectPairs(const std::vector<Mat>& images
Mat descriptorsFloat = Mat::zeros(descriptors.rows, 903, CV_32F);
std::bitset<1024>* ptr = (std::bitset<1024>*) (*descriptors.step[0]);
for( int m = descriptors.rows; m--; ) {
for( int n = 903; n--; ) {
for( int m = descriptors.rows; m--; )
for( int n = 903; n--; )
if( ptr->test(n) == true )<float>(m,n)=1.0f;
......@@ -529,7 +571,8 @@ vector<int> FREAK::selectPairs(const std::vector<Mat>& images
std::vector<PairStat> pairStat;
for( int n = 903; n--; ) {
for( int n = 903; n--; )
// the higher the variance, the better --> mean = 0.5
PairStat tmp = { fabs( mean(descriptorsFloat.col(n))[0]-0.5 ) ,n};
......@@ -538,19 +581,22 @@ vector<int> FREAK::selectPairs(const std::vector<Mat>& images
std::sort( pairStat.begin(),pairStat.end(), sortMean() );
std::vector<PairStat> bestPairs;
for( int m = 0; m < 903; ++m ) {
for( int m = 0; m < 903; ++m )
if( verbose )
std::cout << m << ":" << bestPairs.size() << " " << std::flush;
double corrMax(0);
for( size_t n = 0; n < bestPairs.size(); ++n ) {
for( size_t n = 0; n < bestPairs.size(); ++n )
int idxA = bestPairs[n].idx;
int idxB = pairStat[m].idx;
double corr(0);
// compute correlation between 2 pairs
corr = fabs(compareHist(descriptorsFloat.col(idxA), descriptorsFloat.col(idxB), CV_COMP_CORREL));
if( corr > corrMax ) {
if( corr > corrMax )
corrMax = corr;
if( corrMax >= corrTresh )
......@@ -560,7 +606,8 @@ vector<int> FREAK::selectPairs(const std::vector<Mat>& images
if( corrMax < corrTresh/*0.7*/ )
if( bestPairs.size() >= 512 ) {
if( bestPairs.size() >= 512 )
if( verbose )
std::cout << m << std::endl;
......@@ -568,11 +615,13 @@ vector<int> FREAK::selectPairs(const std::vector<Mat>& images
std::vector<int> idxBestPairs;
if( (int)bestPairs.size() >= FREAK_NB_PAIRS ) {
if( (int)bestPairs.size() >= FREAK_NB_PAIRS )
for( int i = 0; i < FREAK_NB_PAIRS; ++i )
else {
if( verbose )
std::cout << "correlation threshold too small (restrictive)" << std::endl;
CV_Error(CV_StsError, "correlation threshold too small (restrictive)");
......@@ -583,11 +632,13 @@ vector<int> FREAK::selectPairs(const std::vector<Mat>& images
// create an image showing the brisk pattern
void FREAKImpl::drawPattern()
{ // create an image showing the brisk pattern
Mat pattern = Mat::zeros(1000, 1000, CV_8UC3) + Scalar(255,255,255);
int sFac = 500 / patternScale;
for( int n = 0; n < kNB_POINTS; ++n ) {
for( int n = 0; n < kNB_POINTS; ++n )
PatternPoint& pt = patternLookup[n];
circle(pattern, Point( pt.x*sFac,pt.y*sFac)+Point(500,500), pt.sigma*sFac, Scalar(0,0,255),2);
// rectangle(pattern, Point( (pt.x-pt.sigma)*sFac,(pt.y-pt.sigma)*sFac)+Point(500,500), Point( (pt.x+pt.sigma)*sFac,(pt.y+pt.sigma)*sFac)+Point(500,500), Scalar(0,0,255),2);
......@@ -615,11 +666,13 @@ FREAK::~FREAK()
int FREAK::descriptorSize() const {
int FREAK::descriptorSize() const
return FREAK_NB_PAIRS / 8; // descriptor length in bytes
int FREAK::descriptorType() const {
int FREAK::descriptorType() const
return CV_8U;
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