@@ -618,15 +618,18 @@ Finds an object pose from 3D-2D point correspondences using the RANSAC scheme.
:param reprojectionError: Inlier threshold value used by the RANSAC procedure. The parameter value is the maximum allowed distance between the observed and computed point projections to consider it an inlier.
:param minInliersCount: Number of inliers. If the algorithm at some stage finds more inliers than ``minInliersCount`` , it finishes.
:param confidence: The probability that the algorithm produces a useful result.
:param inliers: Output vector that contains indices of inliers in ``objectPoints`` and ``imagePoints`` .
:param flags: Method for solving a PnP problem (see :ocv:func:`solvePnP` ).
The function estimates an object pose given a set of object points, their corresponding image projections, as well as the camera matrix and the distortion coefficients. This function finds such a pose that minimizes reprojection error, that is, the sum of squared distances between the observed projections ``imagePoints`` and the projected (using
:ocv:func:`projectPoints` ) ``objectPoints``. The use of RANSAC makes the function resistant to outliers. The function is parallelized with the TBB library.
:ocv:func:`projectPoints` ) ``objectPoints``. The use of RANSAC makes the function resistant to outliers.
.. note::
* An example of how to use solvePNPRansac for object detection can be found at opencv_source_code/samples/cpp/tutorial_code/calib3d/real_time_pose_estimation/