Commit cd42e380 authored by ippei ito's avatar ippei ito

FlannBasedMatcher(LshIndex) in the feature2d optimization for continuance additional train()

Current implementation of miniflann is releasing the trained index, and
rebuilding the index from the beginning.
But, some indexing algorithms like the LSH are able to add the indexing
data after that.
This branch is implementation of that optimization for LshIndex
FlannBasedMatcher in the feature2d.
parent 29e7eb77
......@@ -531,10 +531,20 @@ void FlannBasedMatcher::clear()
void FlannBasedMatcher::train()
if( flannIndex.empty() || mergedDescriptors.size() < addedDescCount )
int trained = mergedDescriptors.size();
if (flannIndex.empty() || trained < addedDescCount)
mergedDescriptors.set( trainDescCollection );
flannIndex = new flann::Index( mergedDescriptors.getDescriptors(), *indexParams );
// construct flannIndex class, if empty or Algorithm not equal FLANN_INDEX_LSH
if (flannIndex.empty() || flannIndex->getAlgorithm() != cvflann::FLANN_INDEX_LSH)
flannIndex = new flann::Index(mergedDescriptors.getDescriptors(), *indexParams);
flannIndex->build(mergedDescriptors.getDescriptors(), mergedDescriptors.getDescriptors().rowRange(trained, mergedDescriptors.size()), *indexParams, cvflann::FLANN_DIST_HAMMING);
......@@ -94,6 +94,13 @@ public:
* Dummy implementation for other algorithms of addable indexes after that.
void addIndex(const Matrix<ElementType>& wholeData, const Matrix<ElementType>& additionalData)
* Method responsible with building the index.
......@@ -130,6 +130,13 @@ public:
return kmeans_index_->usedMemory() + kdtree_index_->usedMemory();
* Dummy implementation for other algorithms of addable indexes after that.
void addIndex(const Matrix<ElementType>& wholeData, const Matrix<ElementType>& additionalData)
* \brief Builds the index
......@@ -124,6 +124,16 @@ public:
delete nnIndex_;
* implementation for algorithms of addable indexes after that.
void addIndex(const Matrix<ElementType>& wholeData, const Matrix<ElementType>& additionalData)
if (!loaded_) {
nnIndex_->addIndex(wholeData, additionalData);
* Builds the index.
......@@ -378,6 +378,14 @@ public:
return pool.usedMemory+pool.wastedMemory+memoryCounter;
* Dummy implementation for other algorithms of addable indexes after that.
void addIndex(const Matrix<ElementType>& wholeData, const Matrix<ElementType>& additionalData)
* Builds the index
......@@ -117,6 +117,13 @@ public:
delete[] var_;
* Dummy implementation for other algorithms of addable indexes after that.
void addIndex(const Matrix<ElementType>& wholeData, const Matrix<ElementType>& additionalData)
* Builds the index
......@@ -110,6 +110,13 @@ public:
if (reorder_) delete[];
* Dummy implementation for other algorithms of addable indexes after that.
void addIndex(const Matrix<ElementType>& wholeData, const Matrix<ElementType>& additionalData)
* Builds the index
......@@ -362,6 +362,13 @@ public:
return pool_.usedMemory+pool_.wastedMemory+memoryCounter_;
* Dummy implementation for other algorithms of addable indexes after that.
void addIndex(const Matrix<ElementType>& wholeData, const Matrix<ElementType>& additionalData)
* Builds the index
......@@ -85,6 +85,13 @@ public:
return 0;
* Dummy implementation for other algorithms of addable indexes after that.
void addIndex(const Matrix<ElementType>& wholeData, const Matrix<ElementType>& additionalData)
void buildIndex()
/* nothing to do here for linear search */
......@@ -104,6 +104,20 @@ public:
LshIndex(const LshIndex&);
LshIndex& operator=(const LshIndex&);
* Implementation for the LSH addable indexes after that.
void addIndex(const Matrix<ElementType>& wholeData, const Matrix<ElementType>& additionalData)
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < table_number_; ++i) {
lsh::LshTable<ElementType>& table = tables_[i];
// Add the features to the table with indexed offset
table.add(wholeData.rows - additionalData.rows, additionalData);
dataset_ = wholeData;
* Builds the index
......@@ -126,8 +140,8 @@ public:
lsh::LshTable<ElementType>& table = tables_[i];
table = lsh::LshTable<ElementType>(feature_size_, key_size_, indices);
// Add the features to the table
// Add the features to the table with offset 0
table.add(0, dataset_);
......@@ -194,13 +194,13 @@ public:
/** Add a set of features to the table
* @param dataset the values to store
void add(Matrix<ElementType> dataset)
void add(int indexed_ofst, Matrix<ElementType> dataset)
buckets_space_.rehash((buckets_space_.size() + dataset.rows) * 1.2);
// Add the features to the table
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < dataset.rows; ++i) add(i, dataset[i]);
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < dataset.rows; ++i) add(i + indexed_ofst, dataset[i]);
// Now that the table is full, optimize it for speed/space
......@@ -134,7 +134,8 @@ public:
CV_WRAP Index(InputArray features, const IndexParams& params, cvflann::flann_distance_t distType=cvflann::FLANN_DIST_L2);
virtual ~Index();
CV_WRAP virtual void build(InputArray features, const IndexParams& params, cvflann::flann_distance_t distType=cvflann::FLANN_DIST_L2);
CV_WRAP virtual void build(InputArray wholefeatures, InputArray additionalfeatures, const IndexParams& params, cvflann::flann_distance_t distType=cvflann::FLANN_DIST_L2);
CV_WRAP virtual void knnSearch(InputArray query, OutputArray indices,
OutputArray dists, int knn, const SearchParams& params=SearchParams());
......@@ -59,6 +59,11 @@ public:
virtual void buildIndex() = 0;
* \brief implementation for algorithms of addable indexes after that.
virtual void addIndex(const Matrix<ElementType>& wholeData, const Matrix<ElementType>& additionalData) = 0;
* \brief Perform k-nearest neighbor search
* \param[in] queries The query points for which to find the nearest neighbors
......@@ -308,7 +308,7 @@ SearchParams::SearchParams( int checks, float eps, bool sorted )
template<typename Distance, typename IndexType> void
buildIndex_(void*& index, const Mat& data, const IndexParams& params, const Distance& dist = Distance())
buildIndex_(void*& index, const Mat& wholedata, const Mat& data, const IndexParams& params, const Distance& dist = Distance())
typedef typename Distance::ElementType ElementType;
if(DataType<ElementType>::type != data.type())
......@@ -317,15 +317,25 @@ buildIndex_(void*& index, const Mat& data, const IndexParams& params, const Dist
CV_Error(CV_StsBadArg, "Only continuous arrays are supported");
::cvflann::Matrix<ElementType> dataset((ElementType*), data.rows, data.cols);
IndexType* _index = new IndexType(dataset, get_params(params), dist);
index = _index;
IndexType* _index = NULL;
if( !index || getParam<flann_algorithm_t>(params, "algorithm", FLANN_INDEX_LINEAR) != FLANN_INDEX_LSH) // currently, additional index support is the lsh algorithm only.
_index = new IndexType(dataset, get_params(params), dist);
index = _index;
else // build additional lsh index
::cvflann::Matrix<ElementType> wholedataset((ElementType*), wholedata.rows, wholedata.cols);
((IndexType*)index)->addIndex(wholedataset, dataset);
template<typename Distance> void
buildIndex(void*& index, const Mat& data, const IndexParams& params, const Distance& dist = Distance())
buildIndex(void*& index, const Mat& wholedata, const Mat& data, const IndexParams& params, const Distance& dist = Distance())
buildIndex_<Distance, ::cvflann::Index<Distance> >(index, data, params, dist);
buildIndex_<Distance, ::cvflann::Index<Distance> >(index, wholedata, data, params, dist);
......@@ -348,21 +358,28 @@ Index::Index(InputArray _data, const IndexParams& params, flann_distance_t _dist
featureType = CV_32F;
distType = FLANN_DIST_L2;
build(_data, params, _distType);
build(_data, _data, params, _distType);
void Index::build(InputArray _data, const IndexParams& params, flann_distance_t _distType)
void Index::build(InputArray &_wholedata, InputArray &_data, const IndexParams& params, flann_distance_t _distType)
algo = getParam<flann_algorithm_t>(params, "algorithm", FLANN_INDEX_LINEAR);
if( algo == FLANN_INDEX_SAVED )
if (algo != FLANN_INDEX_LSH) // do not release if algo == FLANN_INDEX_LSH
if (algo == FLANN_INDEX_SAVED)
load(_data, getParam<std::string>(params, "filename", std::string()));
Mat data = _data.getMat();
index = 0;
if (algo != FLANN_INDEX_LSH) // do not clear if algo == FLANN_INDEX_LSH
index = 0;
featureType = data.type();
distType = _distType;
......@@ -374,29 +391,29 @@ void Index::build(InputArray _data, const IndexParams& params, flann_distance_t
switch( distType )
buildIndex< HammingDistance >(index, data, params);
buildIndex< HammingDistance >(index, _wholedata.getMat(), data, params);
buildIndex< ::cvflann::L2<float> >(index, data, params);
buildIndex< ::cvflann::L2<float> >(index, _wholedata.getMat(), data, params);
buildIndex< ::cvflann::L1<float> >(index, data, params);
buildIndex< ::cvflann::L1<float> >(index, _wholedata.getMat(), data, params);
buildIndex< ::cvflann::MaxDistance<float> >(index, data, params);
buildIndex< ::cvflann::MaxDistance<float> >(index, _wholedata.getMat(), data, params);
buildIndex< ::cvflann::HistIntersectionDistance<float> >(index, data, params);
buildIndex< ::cvflann::HistIntersectionDistance<float> >(index, _wholedata.getMat(), data, params);
buildIndex< ::cvflann::HellingerDistance<float> >(index, data, params);
buildIndex< ::cvflann::HellingerDistance<float> >(index, _wholedata.getMat(), data, params);
buildIndex< ::cvflann::ChiSquareDistance<float> >(index, data, params);
buildIndex< ::cvflann::ChiSquareDistance<float> >(index, _wholedata.getMat(), data, params);
buildIndex< ::cvflann::KL_Divergence<float> >(index, data, params);
buildIndex< ::cvflann::KL_Divergence<float> >(index, _wholedata.getMat(), data, params);
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