:param sigma_color: vector smooth color sigma parameter
:param postprocess_window: window size for postprocess cross bilateral filter
:param sigma_dist_fix: spatial sigma for postprocess cross bilateralf filter
:param sigma_color_fix: color sigma for postprocess cross bilateral filter
:param occ_thr: threshold for detecting occlusions
:param upscale_averaging_radiud: window size for bilateral upscale operation
:param upscale_sigma_dist: spatial sigma for bilateral upscale operation
:param upscale_sigma_color: color sigma for bilateral upscale operation
:param speed_up_thr: threshold to detect point with irregular flow - where flow should be recalculated after upscale
See [Tao2012]_. And site of project - http://graphics.berkeley.edu/papers/Tao-SAN-2012-05/.
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@@ -612,3 +654,5 @@ See :ocv:func:`BackgroundSubtractor::getBackgroundImage`.
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.. [Welch95] Greg Welch and Gary Bishop “An Introduction to the Kalman Filter”, 1995
.. [Tao2012] Michael Tao, Jiamin Bai, Pushmeet Kohli and Sylvain Paris. SimpleFlow: A Non-iterative, Sublinear Optical Flow Algorithm. Computer Graphics Forum (Eurographics 2012)