Commit c9c759f7 authored by Alexander Alekhin's avatar Alexander Alekhin

ocl: fix moments global_size (should be >= local_size)

parent cc626a3b
......@@ -510,7 +510,8 @@ static bool ocl_moments( InputArray _src, Moments& m, bool binary)
int ntiles = xtiles*ytiles;
UMat umbuf(1, ntiles*K, CV_32S);
size_t globalsize[] = {(size_t)xtiles, (size_t)sz.height}, localsize[] = {1, TILE_SIZE};
size_t globalsize[] = {(size_t)xtiles, std::max((size_t)TILE_SIZE, (size_t)sz.height)};
size_t localsize[] = {1, TILE_SIZE};
bool ok = k.args(ocl::KernelArg::ReadOnly(src),
xtiles).run(2, globalsize, localsize, true);
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