Commit c96630c9 authored by Alexander Alekhin's avatar Alexander Alekhin

Merge pull request #10705 from alalek:opencv_version_update

parents f780ee12 c8930cc2
......@@ -7,6 +7,8 @@
#include <opencv2/core.hpp>
#include <opencv2/core/utils/trace.hpp>
#include <opencv2/core/opencl/opencl_info.hpp>
int main(int argc, const char** argv)
......@@ -17,12 +19,17 @@ int main(int argc, const char** argv)
cv::CommandLineParser parser(argc, argv,
"{ help h usage ? | | show this help message }"
"{ verbose v | | show build configuration log }"
"{ opencl | | show information about OpenCL (available platforms/devices, default selected device) }"
"{ hw | | show detected HW features (see cv::checkHardwareSupport() function). Use --hw=0 to show available features only }"
if (parser.has("help"))
return 0;
else if (parser.has("verbose"))
if (parser.has("verbose"))
std::cout << cv::getBuildInformation().c_str() << std::endl;
......@@ -30,5 +37,32 @@ int main(int argc, const char** argv)
std::cout << CV_VERSION << std::endl;
if (parser.has("opencl"))
if (parser.has("hw"))
bool showAll = parser.get<bool>("hw");
std::cout << "OpenCV's HW features list:" << std::endl;
int count = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < CV_HARDWARE_MAX_FEATURE; i++)
cv::String name = cv::getHardwareFeatureName(i);
if (name.empty())
bool enabled = cv::checkHardwareSupport(i);
if (enabled)
if (enabled || showAll)
printf(" ID=%3d (%s) -> %s\n", i, name.c_str(), enabled ? "ON" : "N/A");
std::cout << "Total available: " << count << std::endl;
return 0;
......@@ -23,6 +23,7 @@
......@@ -27,6 +27,7 @@ endif()
file(GLOB lib_cuda_hdrs "include/opencv2/${name}/cuda/*.hpp" "include/opencv2/${name}/cuda/*.h")
file(GLOB lib_cuda_hdrs_detail "include/opencv2/${name}/cuda/detail/*.hpp" "include/opencv2/${name}/cuda/detail/*.h")
file(GLOB_RECURSE module_opencl_hdrs "include/opencv2/${name}/opencl/*")
source_group("Include\\Cuda Headers" FILES ${lib_cuda_hdrs})
source_group("Include\\Cuda Headers\\Detail" FILES ${lib_cuda_hdrs_detail})
......@@ -34,7 +35,7 @@ source_group("Include\\Cuda Headers\\Detail" FILES ${lib_cuda_hdrs_detail})
source_group("Src" FILES "${OPENCV_MODULE_opencv_core_BINARY_DIR}/")
ocv_glob_module_sources(SOURCES "${OPENCV_MODULE_opencv_core_BINARY_DIR}/"
HEADERS ${lib_cuda_hdrs} ${lib_cuda_hdrs_detail})
HEADERS ${module_opencl_hdrs} ${lib_cuda_hdrs} ${lib_cuda_hdrs_detail})
ocv_module_include_directories(${the_module} ${ZLIB_INCLUDE_DIRS} ${OPENCL_INCLUDE_DIRS})
// This file is part of OpenCV project.
// It is subject to the license terms in the LICENSE file found in the top-level directory
// of this distribution and at
#include <iostream>
#include <opencv2/core.hpp>
#include <opencv2/core/ocl.hpp>
#define DUMP_MESSAGE_STDOUT(...) do { std::cout << __VA_ARGS__ << std::endl; } while (false)
namespace cv {
namespace {
static std::string bytesToStringRepr(size_t value)
size_t b = value % 1024;
value /= 1024;
size_t kb = value % 1024;
value /= 1024;
size_t mb = value % 1024;
value /= 1024;
size_t gb = value;
std::ostringstream stream;
if (gb > 0)
stream << gb << " GB ";
if (mb > 0)
stream << mb << " MB ";
if (kb > 0)
stream << kb << " KB ";
if (b > 0)
stream << b << " B";
std::string s = stream.str();
if (s[s.size() - 1] == ' ')
s = s.substr(0, s.size() - 1);
return s;
} // namespace
static void dumpOpenCLInformation()
using namespace cv::ocl;
if (!haveOpenCL() || !useOpenCL())
DUMP_MESSAGE_STDOUT("OpenCL is disabled");
DUMP_CONFIG_PROPERTY("cv_ocl", "disabled");
std::vector<PlatformInfo> platforms;
if (platforms.size() > 0)
DUMP_MESSAGE_STDOUT("OpenCL Platforms: ");
for (size_t i = 0; i < platforms.size(); i++)
const PlatformInfo* platform = &platforms[i];
DUMP_MESSAGE_STDOUT(" " << platform->name().c_str());
Device current_device;
for (int j = 0; j < platform->deviceNumber(); j++)
platform->getDevice(current_device, j);
const char* deviceTypeStr = current_device.type() == Device::TYPE_CPU
? ("CPU") : (current_device.type() == Device::TYPE_GPU ? current_device.hostUnifiedMemory() ? "iGPU" : "dGPU" : "unknown");
DUMP_MESSAGE_STDOUT( " " << deviceTypeStr << ": " << << " (" << current_device.version().c_str() << ")");
DUMP_CONFIG_PROPERTY( cv::format("cv_ocl_platform_%d_device_%d", (int)i, (int)j ),
platform->name().c_str(), deviceTypeStr,, current_device.version().c_str()) );
DUMP_MESSAGE_STDOUT("OpenCL is not available");
DUMP_CONFIG_PROPERTY("cv_ocl", "not available");
const Device& device = Device::getDefault();
if (!device.available())
CV_ErrorNoReturn(Error::OpenCLInitError, "OpenCL device is not available");
DUMP_MESSAGE_STDOUT("Current OpenCL device: ");
#if 0
DUMP_MESSAGE_STDOUT(" Platform = " << device.getPlatform().name());
DUMP_CONFIG_PROPERTY("cv_ocl_current_platformName", device.getPlatform().name());
const char* deviceTypeStr = device.type() == Device::TYPE_CPU
? ("CPU") : (device.type() == Device::TYPE_GPU ? device.hostUnifiedMemory() ? "iGPU" : "dGPU" : "unknown");
DUMP_MESSAGE_STDOUT(" Type = " << deviceTypeStr);
DUMP_CONFIG_PROPERTY("cv_ocl_current_deviceType", deviceTypeStr);
DUMP_MESSAGE_STDOUT(" Version = " << device.version());
DUMP_CONFIG_PROPERTY("cv_ocl_current_deviceVersion", device.version());
DUMP_MESSAGE_STDOUT(" Driver version = " << device.driverVersion());
DUMP_CONFIG_PROPERTY("cv_ocl_current_driverVersion", device.driverVersion());
DUMP_MESSAGE_STDOUT(" Address bits = " << device.addressBits());
DUMP_CONFIG_PROPERTY("cv_ocl_current_addressBits", device.addressBits());
DUMP_MESSAGE_STDOUT(" Compute units = " << device.maxComputeUnits());
DUMP_CONFIG_PROPERTY("cv_ocl_current_maxComputeUnits", device.maxComputeUnits());
DUMP_MESSAGE_STDOUT(" Max work group size = " << device.maxWorkGroupSize());
DUMP_CONFIG_PROPERTY("cv_ocl_current_maxWorkGroupSize", device.maxWorkGroupSize());
std::string localMemorySizeStr = bytesToStringRepr(device.localMemSize());
DUMP_MESSAGE_STDOUT(" Local memory size = " << localMemorySizeStr);
DUMP_CONFIG_PROPERTY("cv_ocl_current_localMemSize", device.localMemSize());
std::string maxMemAllocSizeStr = bytesToStringRepr(device.maxMemAllocSize());
DUMP_MESSAGE_STDOUT(" Max memory allocation size = " << maxMemAllocSizeStr);
DUMP_CONFIG_PROPERTY("cv_ocl_current_maxMemAllocSize", device.maxMemAllocSize());
const char* doubleSupportStr = device.doubleFPConfig() > 0 ? "Yes" : "No";
DUMP_MESSAGE_STDOUT(" Double support = " << doubleSupportStr);
DUMP_CONFIG_PROPERTY("cv_ocl_current_haveDoubleSupport", device.doubleFPConfig() > 0);
const char* isUnifiedMemoryStr = device.hostUnifiedMemory() ? "Yes" : "No";
DUMP_MESSAGE_STDOUT(" Host unified memory = " << isUnifiedMemoryStr);
DUMP_CONFIG_PROPERTY("cv_ocl_current_hostUnifiedMemory", device.hostUnifiedMemory());
DUMP_MESSAGE_STDOUT(" Device extensions:");
String extensionsStr = device.extensions();
size_t pos = 0;
while (pos < extensionsStr.size())
size_t pos2 = extensionsStr.find(' ', pos);
if (pos2 == String::npos)
pos2 = extensionsStr.size();
if (pos2 > pos)
String extensionName = extensionsStr.substr(pos, pos2 - pos);
DUMP_MESSAGE_STDOUT(" " << extensionName);
pos = pos2 + 1;
DUMP_CONFIG_PROPERTY("cv_ocl_current_extensions", extensionsStr.c_str());
const char* haveAmdBlasStr = haveAmdBlas() ? "Yes" : "No";
DUMP_MESSAGE_STDOUT(" Has AMD Blas = " << haveAmdBlasStr);
DUMP_CONFIG_PROPERTY("cv_ocl_current_AmdBlas", haveAmdBlas());
const char* haveAmdFftStr = haveAmdFft() ? "Yes" : "No";
DUMP_MESSAGE_STDOUT(" Has AMD Fft = " << haveAmdFftStr);
DUMP_CONFIG_PROPERTY("cv_ocl_current_AmdFft", haveAmdFft());
DUMP_MESSAGE_STDOUT(" Preferred vector width char = " << device.preferredVectorWidthChar());
DUMP_CONFIG_PROPERTY("cv_ocl_current_preferredVectorWidthChar", device.preferredVectorWidthChar());
DUMP_MESSAGE_STDOUT(" Preferred vector width short = " << device.preferredVectorWidthShort());
DUMP_CONFIG_PROPERTY("cv_ocl_current_preferredVectorWidthShort", device.preferredVectorWidthShort());
DUMP_MESSAGE_STDOUT(" Preferred vector width int = " << device.preferredVectorWidthInt());
DUMP_CONFIG_PROPERTY("cv_ocl_current_preferredVectorWidthInt", device.preferredVectorWidthInt());
DUMP_MESSAGE_STDOUT(" Preferred vector width long = " << device.preferredVectorWidthLong());
DUMP_CONFIG_PROPERTY("cv_ocl_current_preferredVectorWidthLong", device.preferredVectorWidthLong());
DUMP_MESSAGE_STDOUT(" Preferred vector width float = " << device.preferredVectorWidthFloat());
DUMP_CONFIG_PROPERTY("cv_ocl_current_preferredVectorWidthFloat", device.preferredVectorWidthFloat());
DUMP_MESSAGE_STDOUT(" Preferred vector width double = " << device.preferredVectorWidthDouble());
DUMP_CONFIG_PROPERTY("cv_ocl_current_preferredVectorWidthDouble", device.preferredVectorWidthDouble());
catch (...)
DUMP_MESSAGE_STDOUT("Exception. Can't dump OpenCL info");
DUMP_MESSAGE_STDOUT("OpenCL device not available");
DUMP_CONFIG_PROPERTY("cv_ocl", "not available");
} // namespace
......@@ -429,6 +429,12 @@ in OpenCV.
CV_EXPORTS_W bool checkHardwareSupport(int feature);
/** @brief Returns feature name by ID
Returns empty string if feature is not defined
CV_EXPORTS_W String getHardwareFeatureName(int feature);
/** @brief Returns the number of logical CPUs available for the process.
CV_EXPORTS_W int getNumberOfCPUs();
......@@ -663,6 +663,11 @@ bool checkHardwareSupport(int feature)
return currentFeatures->have[feature];
String getHardwareFeatureName(int feature)
const char* name = getHWFeatureName(feature);
return name ? String(name) : String();
volatile bool useOptimizedFlag = true;
......@@ -32,6 +32,7 @@ ocv_list_filterout(opencv_hdrs "modules/core/.*/cuda")
ocv_list_filterout(opencv_hdrs "modules/cuda.*")
ocv_list_filterout(opencv_hdrs "modules/cudev")
ocv_list_filterout(opencv_hdrs "modules/core/.*/hal/")
ocv_list_filterout(opencv_hdrs "modules/core/.*/opencl/")
ocv_list_filterout(opencv_hdrs "modules/.+/utils/.*")
ocv_list_filterout(opencv_hdrs "modules/.*\\\\.inl\\\\.h*")
ocv_list_filterout(opencv_hdrs "modules/.*_inl\\\\.h*")
......@@ -43,16 +43,9 @@
#include "opencv2/ts/ocl_test.hpp"
namespace cvtest {
namespace ocl {
using namespace cv;
int test_loop_times = 1; // TODO Read from command line / environment
#define DUMP_PROPERTY_XML(propertyName, propertyValue) \
#define DUMP_CONFIG_PROPERTY(propertyName, propertyValue) \
do { \
std::stringstream ssName, ssValue;\
ssName << propertyName;\
......@@ -65,180 +58,23 @@ int test_loop_times = 1; // TODO Read from command line / environment
std::cout << msg << std::endl; \
} while (false)
static std::string bytesToStringRepr(size_t value)
size_t b = value % 1024;
value /= 1024;
#include <opencv2/core/opencl/opencl_info.hpp>
size_t kb = value % 1024;
value /= 1024;
#endif // HAVE_OPENCL
size_t mb = value % 1024;
value /= 1024;
size_t gb = value;
std::ostringstream stream;
namespace cvtest {
namespace ocl {
if (gb > 0)
stream << gb << " GB ";
if (mb > 0)
stream << mb << " MB ";
if (kb > 0)
stream << kb << " kB ";
if (b > 0)
stream << b << " B";
using namespace cv;
return stream.str();
int test_loop_times = 1; // TODO Read from command line / environment
void dumpOpenCLDevice()
using namespace cv::ocl;
if (!useOpenCL())
DUMP_MESSAGE_STDOUT("OpenCL is disabled");
DUMP_PROPERTY_XML("cv_ocl", "disabled");
std::vector<PlatformInfo> platforms;
if (platforms.size() > 0)
DUMP_MESSAGE_STDOUT("OpenCL Platforms: ");
for (size_t i = 0; i < platforms.size(); i++)
const PlatformInfo* platform = &platforms[i];
DUMP_MESSAGE_STDOUT(" " << platform->name().c_str());
Device current_device;
for (int j = 0; j < platform->deviceNumber(); j++)
platform->getDevice(current_device, j);
const char* deviceTypeStr = current_device.type() == Device::TYPE_CPU
? ("CPU") : (current_device.type() == Device::TYPE_GPU ? current_device.hostUnifiedMemory() ? "iGPU" : "dGPU" : "unknown");
DUMP_MESSAGE_STDOUT( " " << deviceTypeStr << ": " << << " (" << current_device.version().c_str() << ")");
DUMP_PROPERTY_XML( cv::format("cv_ocl_platform_%d_device_%d", (int)i, (int)j ),
platform->name().c_str(), deviceTypeStr,, current_device.version().c_str()) );
DUMP_MESSAGE_STDOUT("OpenCL is not available");
DUMP_PROPERTY_XML("cv_ocl", "not available");
const Device& device = Device::getDefault();
if (!device.available())
CV_ErrorNoReturn(CV_OpenCLInitError, "OpenCL device is not available");
DUMP_MESSAGE_STDOUT("Current OpenCL device: ");
#if 0
DUMP_MESSAGE_STDOUT(" Platform = "<< device.getPlatform().name());
DUMP_PROPERTY_XML("cv_ocl_current_platformName", device.getPlatform().name());
const char* deviceTypeStr = device.type() == Device::TYPE_CPU
? ("CPU") : (device.type() == Device::TYPE_GPU ? device.hostUnifiedMemory() ? "iGPU" : "dGPU" : "unknown");
DUMP_MESSAGE_STDOUT(" Type = "<< deviceTypeStr);
DUMP_PROPERTY_XML("cv_ocl_current_deviceType", deviceTypeStr);
DUMP_MESSAGE_STDOUT(" Version = " << device.version());
DUMP_PROPERTY_XML("cv_ocl_current_deviceVersion", device.version());
DUMP_MESSAGE_STDOUT(" Driver version = " << device.driverVersion());
DUMP_PROPERTY_XML("cv_ocl_current_driverVersion", device.driverVersion());
DUMP_MESSAGE_STDOUT(" Address bits = " << device.addressBits());
DUMP_PROPERTY_XML("cv_ocl_current_addressBits", device.addressBits());
DUMP_MESSAGE_STDOUT(" Compute units = "<< device.maxComputeUnits());
DUMP_PROPERTY_XML("cv_ocl_current_maxComputeUnits", device.maxComputeUnits());
DUMP_MESSAGE_STDOUT(" Max work group size = "<< device.maxWorkGroupSize());
DUMP_PROPERTY_XML("cv_ocl_current_maxWorkGroupSize", device.maxWorkGroupSize());
std::string localMemorySizeStr = bytesToStringRepr(device.localMemSize());
DUMP_MESSAGE_STDOUT(" Local memory size = " << localMemorySizeStr);
DUMP_PROPERTY_XML("cv_ocl_current_localMemSize", device.localMemSize());
std::string maxMemAllocSizeStr = bytesToStringRepr(device.maxMemAllocSize());
DUMP_MESSAGE_STDOUT(" Max memory allocation size = "<< maxMemAllocSizeStr);
DUMP_PROPERTY_XML("cv_ocl_current_maxMemAllocSize", device.maxMemAllocSize());
const char* doubleSupportStr = device.doubleFPConfig() > 0 ? "Yes" : "No";
DUMP_MESSAGE_STDOUT(" Double support = "<< doubleSupportStr);
DUMP_PROPERTY_XML("cv_ocl_current_haveDoubleSupport", device.doubleFPConfig() > 0);
const char* isUnifiedMemoryStr = device.hostUnifiedMemory() ? "Yes" : "No";
DUMP_MESSAGE_STDOUT(" Host unified memory = "<< isUnifiedMemoryStr);
DUMP_PROPERTY_XML("cv_ocl_current_hostUnifiedMemory", device.hostUnifiedMemory());
DUMP_MESSAGE_STDOUT(" Device extensions:");
String extensionsStr = device.extensions();
size_t pos = 0;
while (pos < extensionsStr.size())
size_t pos2 = extensionsStr.find(' ', pos);
if (pos2 == String::npos)
pos2 = extensionsStr.size();
if (pos2 > pos)
String extensionName = extensionsStr.substr(pos, pos2 - pos);
DUMP_MESSAGE_STDOUT(" " << extensionName);
pos = pos2 + 1;
DUMP_PROPERTY_XML("cv_ocl_current_extensions", extensionsStr.c_str());
const char* haveAmdBlasStr = haveAmdBlas() ? "Yes" : "No";
DUMP_MESSAGE_STDOUT(" Has AMD Blas = "<< haveAmdBlasStr);
DUMP_PROPERTY_XML("cv_ocl_current_AmdBlas", haveAmdBlas());
const char* haveAmdFftStr = haveAmdFft() ? "Yes" : "No";
DUMP_MESSAGE_STDOUT(" Has AMD Fft = "<< haveAmdFftStr);
DUMP_PROPERTY_XML("cv_ocl_current_AmdFft", haveAmdFft());
DUMP_MESSAGE_STDOUT(" Preferred vector width char = "<< device.preferredVectorWidthChar());
DUMP_PROPERTY_XML("cv_ocl_current_preferredVectorWidthChar", device.preferredVectorWidthChar());
DUMP_MESSAGE_STDOUT(" Preferred vector width short = "<< device.preferredVectorWidthShort());
DUMP_PROPERTY_XML("cv_ocl_current_preferredVectorWidthShort", device.preferredVectorWidthShort());
DUMP_MESSAGE_STDOUT(" Preferred vector width int = "<< device.preferredVectorWidthInt());
DUMP_PROPERTY_XML("cv_ocl_current_preferredVectorWidthInt", device.preferredVectorWidthInt());
DUMP_MESSAGE_STDOUT(" Preferred vector width long = "<< device.preferredVectorWidthLong());
DUMP_PROPERTY_XML("cv_ocl_current_preferredVectorWidthLong", device.preferredVectorWidthLong());
DUMP_MESSAGE_STDOUT(" Preferred vector width float = "<< device.preferredVectorWidthFloat());
DUMP_PROPERTY_XML("cv_ocl_current_preferredVectorWidthFloat", device.preferredVectorWidthFloat());
DUMP_MESSAGE_STDOUT(" Preferred vector width double = "<< device.preferredVectorWidthDouble());
DUMP_PROPERTY_XML("cv_ocl_current_preferredVectorWidthDouble", device.preferredVectorWidthDouble());
catch (...)
DUMP_MESSAGE_STDOUT("Exception. Can't dump OpenCL info");
DUMP_MESSAGE_STDOUT("OpenCL device not available");
DUMP_PROPERTY_XML("cv_ocl", "not available");
#endif // HAVE_OPENCL
Mat TestUtils::readImage(const String &fileName, int flags)
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