Commit c886afb5 authored by Andrey Kamaev's avatar Andrey Kamaev

Finalize cv::Mat transition

parent 71e43852
This diff is collapsed.
......@@ -279,11 +279,22 @@ CV_EXPORTS int LU(float* A, size_t astep, int m, float* b, size_t bstep, int n);
CV_EXPORTS int LU(double* A, size_t astep, int m, double* b, size_t bstep, int n);
CV_EXPORTS bool Cholesky(float* A, size_t astep, int m, float* b, size_t bstep, int n);
CV_EXPORTS bool Cholesky(double* A, size_t astep, int m, double* b, size_t bstep, int n);
CV_EXPORTS float normL2Sqr_(const float* a, const float* b, int n);
CV_EXPORTS float normL1_(const float* a, const float* b, int n);
CV_EXPORTS int normL1_(const uchar* a, const uchar* b, int n);
CV_EXPORTS int normHamming(const uchar* a, const uchar* b, int n);
CV_EXPORTS int normHamming(const uchar* a, const uchar* b, int n, int cellSize);
CV_EXPORTS float normL1_(const float* a, const float* b, int n);
CV_EXPORTS float normL2Sqr_(const float* a, const float* b, int n);
CV_EXPORTS void exp(const float* src, float* dst, int n);
CV_EXPORTS void log(const float* src, float* dst, int n);
CV_EXPORTS void fastAtan2(const float* y, const float* x, float* dst, int n, bool angleInDegrees);
CV_EXPORTS void magnitude(const float* x, const float* y, float* dst, int n);
//! computes cube root of the argument
CV_EXPORTS_W float cubeRoot(float val);
//! computes the angle in degrees (0..360) of the vector (x,y)
CV_EXPORTS_W float fastAtan2(float y, float x);
......@@ -442,11 +453,11 @@ class CV_EXPORTS KeyPoint;
class CV_EXPORTS DMatch;
class CV_EXPORTS Mat;
class CV_EXPORTS MatExpr;
class CV_EXPORTS SparseMat;
typedef Mat MatND;
class CV_EXPORTS MatExpr;
template<typename _Tp> class CV_EXPORTS Mat_;
template<typename _Tp> class CV_EXPORTS SparseMat_;
......@@ -470,8 +481,6 @@ namespace gpu
class CV_EXPORTS GpuMat;
} // cv
This diff is collapsed.
......@@ -234,6 +234,110 @@ Matx<_Tp, n, l> Matx<_Tp, m, n>::solve(const Matx<_Tp, m, l>& rhs, int method) c
////////////////////////////// Augmenting algebraic & logical operations //////////////////////////////////
#define CV_MAT_AUG_OPERATOR1(op, cvop, A, B) \
static inline A& operator op (A& a, const B& b) { cvop; return a; }
#define CV_MAT_AUG_OPERATOR(op, cvop, A, B) \
CV_MAT_AUG_OPERATOR1(op, cvop, A, B) \
CV_MAT_AUG_OPERATOR1(op, cvop, const A, B)
#define CV_MAT_AUG_OPERATOR_T(op, cvop, A, B) \
template<typename _Tp> CV_MAT_AUG_OPERATOR1(op, cvop, A, B) \
template<typename _Tp> CV_MAT_AUG_OPERATOR1(op, cvop, const A, B)
CV_MAT_AUG_OPERATOR (+=, cv::add(a,b,a), Mat, Mat)
CV_MAT_AUG_OPERATOR (+=, cv::add(a,b,a), Mat, Scalar)
CV_MAT_AUG_OPERATOR_T(+=, cv::add(a,b,a), Mat_<_Tp>, Mat)
CV_MAT_AUG_OPERATOR_T(+=, cv::add(a,b,a), Mat_<_Tp>, Scalar)
CV_MAT_AUG_OPERATOR_T(+=, cv::add(a,b,a), Mat_<_Tp>, Mat_<_Tp>)
CV_MAT_AUG_OPERATOR (-=, cv::subtract(a,b,a), Mat, Mat)
CV_MAT_AUG_OPERATOR (-=, cv::subtract(a,b,a), Mat, Scalar)
CV_MAT_AUG_OPERATOR_T(-=, cv::subtract(a,b,a), Mat_<_Tp>, Mat)
CV_MAT_AUG_OPERATOR_T(-=, cv::subtract(a,b,a), Mat_<_Tp>, Scalar)
CV_MAT_AUG_OPERATOR_T(-=, cv::subtract(a,b,a), Mat_<_Tp>, Mat_<_Tp>)
CV_MAT_AUG_OPERATOR (*=, cv::gemm(a, b, 1, Mat(), 0, a, 0), Mat, Mat)
CV_MAT_AUG_OPERATOR_T(*=, cv::gemm(a, b, 1, Mat(), 0, a, 0), Mat_<_Tp>, Mat)
CV_MAT_AUG_OPERATOR_T(*=, cv::gemm(a, b, 1, Mat(), 0, a, 0), Mat_<_Tp>, Mat_<_Tp>)
CV_MAT_AUG_OPERATOR (*=, a.convertTo(a, -1, b), Mat, double)
CV_MAT_AUG_OPERATOR_T(*=, a.convertTo(a, -1, b), Mat_<_Tp>, double)
CV_MAT_AUG_OPERATOR (/=, cv::divide(a,b,a), Mat, Mat)
CV_MAT_AUG_OPERATOR_T(/=, cv::divide(a,b,a), Mat_<_Tp>, Mat)
CV_MAT_AUG_OPERATOR_T(/=, cv::divide(a,b,a), Mat_<_Tp>, Mat_<_Tp>)
CV_MAT_AUG_OPERATOR (/=, a.convertTo((Mat&)a, -1, 1./b), Mat, double)
CV_MAT_AUG_OPERATOR_T(/=, a.convertTo((Mat&)a, -1, 1./b), Mat_<_Tp>, double)
CV_MAT_AUG_OPERATOR (&=, cv::bitwise_and(a,b,a), Mat, Mat)
CV_MAT_AUG_OPERATOR (&=, cv::bitwise_and(a,b,a), Mat, Scalar)
CV_MAT_AUG_OPERATOR_T(&=, cv::bitwise_and(a,b,a), Mat_<_Tp>, Mat)
CV_MAT_AUG_OPERATOR_T(&=, cv::bitwise_and(a,b,a), Mat_<_Tp>, Scalar)
CV_MAT_AUG_OPERATOR_T(&=, cv::bitwise_and(a,b,a), Mat_<_Tp>, Mat_<_Tp>)
CV_MAT_AUG_OPERATOR (|=, cv::bitwise_or(a,b,a), Mat, Mat)
CV_MAT_AUG_OPERATOR (|=, cv::bitwise_or(a,b,a), Mat, Scalar)
CV_MAT_AUG_OPERATOR_T(|=, cv::bitwise_or(a,b,a), Mat_<_Tp>, Mat)
CV_MAT_AUG_OPERATOR_T(|=, cv::bitwise_or(a,b,a), Mat_<_Tp>, Scalar)
CV_MAT_AUG_OPERATOR_T(|=, cv::bitwise_or(a,b,a), Mat_<_Tp>, Mat_<_Tp>)
CV_MAT_AUG_OPERATOR (^=, cv::bitwise_xor(a,b,a), Mat, Mat)
CV_MAT_AUG_OPERATOR (^=, cv::bitwise_xor(a,b,a), Mat, Scalar)
CV_MAT_AUG_OPERATOR_T(^=, cv::bitwise_xor(a,b,a), Mat_<_Tp>, Mat)
CV_MAT_AUG_OPERATOR_T(^=, cv::bitwise_xor(a,b,a), Mat_<_Tp>, Scalar)
CV_MAT_AUG_OPERATOR_T(^=, cv::bitwise_xor(a,b,a), Mat_<_Tp>, Mat_<_Tp>)
///////////////////////////////////////////// SVD //////////////////////////////////////////////////////
inline SVD::SVD() {}
inline SVD::SVD( InputArray m, int flags ) { operator ()(m, flags); }
inline void SVD::solveZ( InputArray m, OutputArray _dst )
Mat mtx = m.getMat();
SVD svd(mtx, (mtx.rows >= mtx.cols ? 0 : SVD::FULL_UV));
_dst.create(svd.vt.cols, 1, svd.vt.type());
Mat dst = _dst.getMat();
template<typename _Tp, int m, int n, int nm> inline void
SVD::compute( const Matx<_Tp, m, n>& a, Matx<_Tp, nm, 1>& w, Matx<_Tp, m, nm>& u, Matx<_Tp, n, nm>& vt )
CV_StaticAssert( nm == MIN(m, n), "Invalid size of output vector.");
Mat _a(a, false), _u(u, false), _w(w, false), _vt(vt, false);
SVD::compute(_a, _w, _u, _vt);
CV_Assert( == (uchar*)&w.val[0] && == (uchar*)&u.val[0] && == (uchar*)&vt.val[0]);
template<typename _Tp, int m, int n, int nm> inline void
SVD::compute( const Matx<_Tp, m, n>& a, Matx<_Tp, nm, 1>& w )
CV_StaticAssert( nm == MIN(m, n), "Invalid size of output vector.");
Mat _a(a, false), _w(w, false);
SVD::compute(_a, _w);
CV_Assert( == (uchar*)&w.val[0]);
template<typename _Tp, int m, int n, int nm, int nb> inline void
SVD::backSubst( const Matx<_Tp, nm, 1>& w, const Matx<_Tp, m, nm>& u,
const Matx<_Tp, n, nm>& vt, const Matx<_Tp, m, nb>& rhs,
Matx<_Tp, n, nb>& dst )
CV_StaticAssert( nm == MIN(m, n), "Invalid size of output vector.");
Mat _u(u, false), _w(w, false), _vt(vt, false), _rhs(rhs, false), _dst(dst, false);
SVD::backSubst(_w, _u, _vt, _rhs, _dst);
CV_Assert( == (uchar*)&dst.val[0]);
//////////////////////////////// Vector ////////////////////////////////
// template vector class. It is similar to STL's vector,
......@@ -500,6 +604,13 @@ inline Point LineIterator::pos() const
return p;
//! returns the next unifomly-distributed random number of the specified type
template<typename _Tp> static inline _Tp randu()
return (_Tp)theRNG();
//////////////////////////////////////// XML & YAML I/O ////////////////////////////////////
CV_EXPORTS_W void write( FileStorage& fs, const String& name, int value );
......@@ -220,6 +220,10 @@ static inline bool isInitializer(const MatExpr& e) { return e.op == &g_MatOp_Ini
MatOp::MatOp() {}
MatOp::~MatOp() {}
bool MatOp::elementWise(const MatExpr& /*expr*/) const
return false;
......@@ -262,9 +262,10 @@ void Mat::deallocate()
Mat::Mat(const Mat& m, const Range& _rowRange, const Range& _colRange) : size(&rows)
Mat::Mat(const Mat& m, const Range& _rowRange, const Range& _colRange)
: flags(MAGIC_VAL), dims(0), rows(0), cols(0), data(0), refcount(0), datastart(0), dataend(0),
datalimit(0), allocator(0), size(&rows)
CV_Assert( m.dims >= 2 );
if( m.dims > 2 )
......@@ -335,9 +336,10 @@ Mat::Mat(const Mat& m, const Rect& roi)
Mat::Mat(int _dims, const int* _sizes, int _type, void* _data, const size_t* _steps) : size(&rows)
Mat::Mat(int _dims, const int* _sizes, int _type, void* _data, const size_t* _steps)
: flags(MAGIC_VAL), dims(0), rows(0), cols(0), data(0), refcount(0), datastart(0), dataend(0),
datalimit(0), allocator(0), size(&rows)
flags |= CV_MAT_TYPE(_type);
data = datastart = (uchar*)_data;
setSize(*this, _dims, _sizes, _steps, true);
......@@ -345,9 +347,10 @@ Mat::Mat(int _dims, const int* _sizes, int _type, void* _data, const size_t* _st
Mat::Mat(const Mat& m, const Range* ranges) : size(&rows)
Mat::Mat(const Mat& m, const Range* ranges)
: flags(MAGIC_VAL), dims(0), rows(0), cols(0), data(0), refcount(0), datastart(0), dataend(0),
datalimit(0), allocator(0), size(&rows)
int i, d = m.dims;
......@@ -833,6 +836,18 @@ Mat Mat::reshape(int new_cn, int new_rows) const
return hdr;
Mat Mat::diag(const Mat& d)
CV_Assert( d.cols == 1 || d.rows == 1 );
int len = d.rows + d.cols - 1;
Mat m(len, len, d.type(), Scalar(0));
Mat md = m.diag();
if( d.cols == 1 )
transpose(d, md);
return m;
int Mat::checkVector(int _elemChannels, int _depth, bool _requireContinuous) const
......@@ -3407,16 +3422,6 @@ void MatConstIterator::seek(const int* _idx, bool relative)
seek(ofs, relative);
ptrdiff_t operator - (const MatConstIterator& b, const MatConstIterator& a)
if( a.m != b.m )
return INT_MAX;
if( a.sliceEnd == b.sliceEnd )
return (b.ptr - a.ptr)/b.elemSize;
return b.lpos() - a.lpos();
//////////////////////////////// SparseMat ////////////////////////////////
template<typename T1, typename T2> void
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