Commit c8544f39 authored by Anatoly Baksheev's avatar Anatoly Baksheev

added begin/and with Thrust iterators for Device classes

parent 02cd916c
......@@ -43,6 +43,11 @@
#include "thrust/device_ptr.h"
namespace cv
namespace gpu
......@@ -55,6 +60,7 @@ namespace cv
#define __CV_GPU_HOST_DEVICE__
template <bool expr> struct StaticAssert;
template <> struct StaticAssert<true> {static __CV_GPU_HOST_DEVICE__ void check(){}};
......@@ -80,6 +86,11 @@ namespace cv
__CV_GPU_HOST_DEVICE__ size_t elemSize() const { return elem_size; }
__CV_GPU_HOST_DEVICE__ T* ptr(int y = 0) { return (T*)( (char*)data + y * step ); }
__CV_GPU_HOST_DEVICE__ const T* ptr(int y = 0) const { return (const T*)( (const char*)data + y * step ); }
thrust::device_ptr<T> begin() const { return thrust::device_ptr<T>(data); }
thrust::device_ptr<T> end() const { return thrust::device_ptr<T>(data) + cols * rows; }
template<typename T> struct PtrStep_
......@@ -96,10 +107,12 @@ namespace cv
__CV_GPU_HOST_DEVICE__ size_t elemSize() const { return elem_size; }
__CV_GPU_HOST_DEVICE__ T* ptr(int y = 0) { return (T*)( (char*)data + y * step); }
__CV_GPU_HOST_DEVICE__ const T* ptr(int y = 0) const { return (const T*)( (const char*)data + y * step); }
thrust::device_ptr<T> begin() const { return thrust::device_ptr<T>(data); }
template<typename T> struct PtrElemStep_ : public PtrStep_<T>
PtrElemStep_(const DevMem2D_<T>& mem) : PtrStep_<T>(mem)
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