@@ -12,7 +12,8 @@ In this tutorial we will learn how to do basic image processing using OpenCV in
@@ -12,7 +12,8 @@ In this tutorial we will learn how to do basic image processing using OpenCV in
In *OpenCV* all the image processing operations are done on *Mat*. iOS uses UIImage object to display image. One of the thing is to convert UIImage object to Mat object. Below is the code to convert UIImage to Mat.
In *OpenCV* all the image processing operations are usually carried out on the *Mat* structure. In iOS however, to render an image on screen it have to be an instance of the *UIImage* class. To convert an *OpenCV Mat* to an *UIImage* we use the *Core Graphics* framework available in iOS. Below is the code needed to covert back and forth between Mat's and UIImage's.
.. code-block:: cpp
.. code-block:: cpp
@@ -22,7 +23,7 @@ In *OpenCV* all the image processing operations are done on *Mat*. iOS uses UIIm
@@ -22,7 +23,7 @@ In *OpenCV* all the image processing operations are done on *Mat*. iOS uses UIIm
Once we obtain the Mat Object. We can do all our processing on Mat object, similar to cpp. For example if we want to convert image to gray, we can do it via below code.
After the processing we need to convert it back to UIImage. The code below can handle both gray-scale and color image conversions (determined by the number of channels in the *if* statement).