Commit c6f666a0 authored by Yakun Wang's avatar Yakun Wang

BufferPool is used for temporary buffer, use mat create directly

parent 5fad2a3f
......@@ -1100,13 +1100,9 @@ namespace
// Note - these are hardcoded in the actual GPU kernel. Do not change these values.
int histSize=256, histCoarseSize=8;
int devHistCols = src.cols*histSize*partitions, devCoarseHistCols = src.cols*histCoarseSize*partitions;
if(devHist.empty() || devCoarseHist.empty() || devHist.cols != devHistCols || devCoarseHist.cols != devCoarseHistCols)
BufferPool pool(_stream);
devHist = pool.getBuffer(1, devHistCols, CV_32SC1);
devCoarseHist = pool.getBuffer(1, devCoarseHistCols, CV_32SC1);
devHist.create(1, src.cols*histSize*partitions, CV_32SC1);
devCoarseHist.create(1, src.cols*histCoarseSize*partitions, CV_32SC1);
devHist.setTo(0, _stream);
devCoarseHist.setTo(0, _stream);
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