Commit c5720213 authored by hbristow's avatar hbristow

Commented enum maps

parent e51bdbeb
......@@ -4,6 +4,22 @@
typedef std::unordered_map Map;
/*! @brief Hash from strings to OpenCV enums
* This is a translation map for strings to OpenCV constants (enums).
* When an int is requested from the bridge, and the the mxArray storage
* type is a string, this map is invoked. Thus functions can be called
* from Matlab as, e.g.
* cv.dft(x, xf, "DFT_FORWARD");
* Note that an alternative MAtlab class exists as well, so that functions
* can be called as, e.g.
* cv.dft(x, xf, cv.DFT_FORWARD);
* This string to int map tends to be faster than its Matlab companion,
* but there is no direct access to the value of the constants. It also
* enables different error reporting properties.
Map<std::string, int> constants = {
{% for key, val in constants.items() %}
{ "{{key}}", {{val}} },
% CV
% This class enumerates all OpenCV constants, stripping them
% out of classes where necessary. The constants can then be
% used in OpenCV functions by prefixing the class name
% e.g.
% cv.dft(x, xf, cv.DFT_FORWARD);
% The properties are all declared Constant, so they cannot be
% changed, however they can be accidentally aliased if you
% declare a variable of the same name first. If you're
% particularly afraid of aliasing, you can call cv() before
% calling constants to parse the variable 'cv' as this class
% Note that calls to this class and calls to methods contained
% in the namespace cv can happily coexist
% Users also have the option of calling the constants as strings
% e.g.
% cv.dft(x, xf, "DFT_FORWARD");
% This tends to be faster as it is hashed in C++, but the
% values of the constants cannot be introspected
classdef cv
properties (Constant = true)
{% for key, val in constants.items() %}
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