Commit c377804e authored by Andrey Kamaev's avatar Andrey Kamaev

Refactored YUV420 to RGB/BGR/RGBA/BGRA conversion

parent e45d5e8a
......@@ -911,11 +911,21 @@ enum
COLOR_YUV420sp2RGB = 92,
COLOR_YUV420sp2BGR = 93,
COLOR_YUV420i2RGBA = 94,
COLOR_YUV420i2BGRA = 95,
COLOR_YUV420sp2RGBA = 96,
COLOR_YUV420sp2BGRA = 97,
......@@ -231,11 +231,21 @@ enum
CV_YUV420sp2RGB = 92,
CV_YUV420sp2BGR = 93,
CV_YUV420i2RGBA = 94,
CV_YUV420i2BGRA = 95,
CV_YUV420sp2RGBA = 96,
CV_YUV420sp2BGRA = 97,
......@@ -2651,130 +2651,187 @@ static void Bayer2RGB_VNG_8u( const Mat& srcmat, Mat& dstmat, int code )
///////////////////////////////////// YUV420 -> RGB /////////////////////////////////////
template<int R, int SPorI>
struct YUV4202BGR888Invoker
template<int bIdx, int uIdx>
struct YUV4202RGB888Invoker
Mat* dst;
const uchar* my1, *muv;
int width;
int width, stride;
YUV4202BGR888Invoker(Mat* _dst, int _width, const uchar* _y1, const uchar* _uv)
: dst(_dst), my1(_y1), muv(_uv), width(_width) {}
YUV4202RGB888Invoker(Mat* _dst, int _stride, const uchar* _y1, const uchar* _uv)
: dst(_dst), my1(_y1), muv(_uv), width(_dst->cols), stride(_stride) {}
void operator()(const BlockedRange& range) const
int rangeBegin = range.begin() * 2;
int rangeEnd = range.end() * 2;
//B = 1.164(Y - 16) + 2.018(U - 128)
//G = 1.164(Y - 16) - 0.813(V - 128) - 0.391(U - 128)
//R = 1.164(Y - 16) + 1.596(V - 128)
//G = 1.164(Y - 16) - 0.813(V - 128) - 0.391(U - 128)
//B = 1.164(Y - 16) + 2.018(U - 128)
//R = (1220542(Y - 16) + 1673527(V - 128) + (1 << 19)) >> 20
//G = (1220542(Y - 16) - 852492(V - 128) - 409993(U - 128) + (1 << 19)) >> 20
//B = (1220542(Y - 16) + 2116026(U - 128) + (1 << 19)) >> 20
const uchar* y1 = my1 + rangeBegin * width, *uv = muv + rangeBegin * width / 2;
const int cY = 1220542;
const int cUB = 2116026;
const int cUG = -409993;
const int cVG = -852492;
const int cVR = 1673527;
const int YUV420_SHIFT = 20;
for (int j = rangeBegin; j < rangeEnd; j+=2, y1+=width*2, uv+=width)
const uchar* y1 = my1 + rangeBegin * stride, *uv = muv + rangeBegin * stride / 2;
if(tegra::cvtYUV4202RGB(bIdx, uIdx, 3, y1, uv, stride, dst->ptr<uchar>(rangeBegin), dst->step, rangeEnd - rangeBegin, dst->cols))
for (int j = rangeBegin; j < rangeEnd; j += 2, y1 += stride * 2, uv += stride)
uchar* row1 = dst->ptr<uchar>(j);
uchar* row2 = dst->ptr<uchar>(j+1);
const uchar* y2 = y1 + width;
uchar* row2 = dst->ptr<uchar>(j + 1);
const uchar* y2 = y1 + stride;
for(int i = 0; i < width; i+=2,row1+=6,row2+=6)
for (int i = 0; i < width; i += 2, row1 += 6, row2 += 6)
int cr = uv[i + SPorI + 0] - 128;
int cb = uv[i - SPorI + 1] - 128;
int u = int(uv[i + 0 + uIdx]) - 128;
int v = int(uv[i + 1 - uIdx]) - 128;
int ruv = 409 * cr + 128;
int guv = 128 - 100 * cb - 208 * cr;
int buv = 516 * cb + 128;
int ruv = (1 << (YUV420_SHIFT - 1)) + cVR * v;
int guv = (1 << (YUV420_SHIFT - 1)) + cVG * v + cUG * u;
int buv = (1 << (YUV420_SHIFT - 1)) + cUB * u;
int y00 = (y1[i] - 16) * 298;
row1[0+R] = saturate_cast<uchar>((y00 + buv) >> 8);
row1[1] = saturate_cast<uchar>((y00 + guv) >> 8);
row1[2-R] = saturate_cast<uchar>((y00 + ruv) >> 8);
int y00 = std::max(0, int(y1[i]) - 16) * cY;
row1[2-bIdx] = saturate_cast<uchar>((y00 + ruv) >> YUV420_SHIFT);
row1[1] = saturate_cast<uchar>((y00 + guv) >> YUV420_SHIFT);
row1[bIdx] = saturate_cast<uchar>((y00 + buv) >> YUV420_SHIFT);
int y01 = (y1[i+1] - 16) * 298;
row1[3+R] = saturate_cast<uchar>((y01 + buv) >> 8);
row1[4] = saturate_cast<uchar>((y01 + guv) >> 8);
row1[5-R] = saturate_cast<uchar>((y01 + ruv) >> 8);
int y01 = std::max(0, int(y1[i + 1]) - 16) * cY;
row1[5-bIdx] = saturate_cast<uchar>((y01 + ruv) >> YUV420_SHIFT);
row1[4] = saturate_cast<uchar>((y01 + guv) >> YUV420_SHIFT);
row1[3+bIdx] = saturate_cast<uchar>((y01 + buv) >> YUV420_SHIFT);
int y10 = (y2[i] - 16) * 298;
row2[0+R] = saturate_cast<uchar>((y10 + buv) >> 8);
row2[1] = saturate_cast<uchar>((y10 + guv) >> 8);
row2[2-R] = saturate_cast<uchar>((y10 + ruv) >> 8);
int y10 = std::max(0, int(y2[i]) - 16) * cY;
row2[2-bIdx] = saturate_cast<uchar>((y10 + ruv) >> YUV420_SHIFT);
row2[1] = saturate_cast<uchar>((y10 + guv) >> YUV420_SHIFT);
row2[bIdx] = saturate_cast<uchar>((y10 + buv) >> YUV420_SHIFT);
int y11 = (y2[i+1] - 16) * 298;
row2[3+R] = saturate_cast<uchar>((y11 + buv) >> 8);
row2[4] = saturate_cast<uchar>((y11 + guv) >> 8);
row2[5-R] = saturate_cast<uchar>((y11 + ruv) >> 8);
int y11 = std::max(0, int(y2[i + 1]) - 16) * cY;
row2[5-bIdx] = saturate_cast<uchar>((y11 + ruv) >> YUV420_SHIFT);
row2[4] = saturate_cast<uchar>((y11 + guv) >> YUV420_SHIFT);
row2[3+bIdx] = saturate_cast<uchar>((y11 + buv) >> YUV420_SHIFT);
template<int R, int SPorI>
struct YUV4202BGRA8888Invoker
template<int bIdx, int uIdx>
struct YUV4202RGBA8888Invoker
Mat* dst;
const uchar* my1, *muv;
int width;
int width, stride;
YUV4202BGRA8888Invoker(Mat* _dst, int _width, const uchar* _y1, const uchar* _uv)
: dst(_dst), my1(_y1), muv(_uv), width(_width) {}
YUV4202RGBA8888Invoker(Mat* _dst, int _stride, const uchar* _y1, const uchar* _uv)
: dst(_dst), my1(_y1), muv(_uv), width(_dst->cols), stride(_stride) {}
void operator()(const BlockedRange& range) const
int rangeBegin = range.begin() * 2;
int rangeEnd = range.end() * 2;
//B = 1.164(Y - 16) + 2.018(U - 128)
//G = 1.164(Y - 16) - 0.813(V - 128) - 0.391(U - 128)
//R = 1.164(Y - 16) + 1.596(V - 128)
//G = 1.164(Y - 16) - 0.813(V - 128) - 0.391(U - 128)
//B = 1.164(Y - 16) + 2.018(U - 128)
//R = (1220542(Y - 16) + 1673527(V - 128) + (1 << 19)) >> 20
//G = (1220542(Y - 16) - 852492(V - 128) - 409993(U - 128) + (1 << 19)) >> 20
//B = (1220542(Y - 16) + 2116026(U - 128) + (1 << 19)) >> 20
const int cY = 1220542;
const int cUB = 2116026;
const int cUG = -409993;
const int cVG = -852492;
const int cVR = 1673527;
const int YUV420_SHIFT = 20;
const uchar* y1 = my1 + rangeBegin * stride, *uv = muv + rangeBegin * stride / 2;
const uchar* y1 = my1 + rangeBegin * width, *uv = muv + rangeBegin * width / 2;
if(tegra::cvtYUV4202RGB(bIdx, uIdx, 4, y1, uv, stride, dst->ptr<uchar>(rangeBegin), dst->step, rangeEnd - rangeBegin, dst->cols))
for (int j = rangeBegin; j < rangeEnd; j+=2, y1+=width*2, uv+=width)
for (int j = rangeBegin; j < rangeEnd; j += 2, y1 += stride * 2, uv += stride)
uchar* row1 = dst->ptr<uchar>(j);
uchar* row2 = dst->ptr<uchar>(j+1);
const uchar* y2 = y1 + width;
uchar* row2 = dst->ptr<uchar>(j + 1);
const uchar* y2 = y1 + stride;
for(int i = 0; i < width; i+=2,row1+=8,row2+=8)
for (int i = 0; i < width; i += 2, row1 += 8, row2 += 8)
int cr = uv[i + SPorI + 0] - 128;
int cb = uv[i - SPorI + 1] - 128;
int u = int(uv[i + 0 + uIdx]) - 128;
int v = int(uv[i + 1 - uIdx]) - 128;
int ruv = 409 * cr + 128;
int guv = 128 - 100 * cb - 208 * cr;
int buv = 516 * cb + 128;
int ruv = (1 << (YUV420_SHIFT - 1)) + cVR * v;
int guv = (1 << (YUV420_SHIFT - 1)) + cVG * v + cUG * u;
int buv = (1 << (YUV420_SHIFT - 1)) + cUB * u;
int y00 = (y1[i] - 16) * 298;
row1[0+R] = saturate_cast<uchar>((y00 + buv) >> 8);
row1[1] = saturate_cast<uchar>((y00 + guv) >> 8);
row1[2-R] = saturate_cast<uchar>((y00 + ruv) >> 8);
row1[3] = (uchar)0xff;
int y00 = std::max(0, int(y1[i]) - 16) * cY;
row1[2-bIdx] = saturate_cast<uchar>((y00 + ruv) >> YUV420_SHIFT);
row1[1] = saturate_cast<uchar>((y00 + guv) >> YUV420_SHIFT);
row1[bIdx] = saturate_cast<uchar>((y00 + buv) >> YUV420_SHIFT);
row1[3] = uchar(0xff);
int y01 = (y1[i+1] - 16) * 298;
row1[4+R] = saturate_cast<uchar>((y01 + buv) >> 8);
row1[5] = saturate_cast<uchar>((y01 + guv) >> 8);
row1[6-R] = saturate_cast<uchar>((y01 + ruv) >> 8);
row1[7] = (uchar)0xff;
int y01 = std::max(0, int(y1[i + 1]) - 16) * cY;
row1[6-bIdx] = saturate_cast<uchar>((y01 + ruv) >> YUV420_SHIFT);
row1[5] = saturate_cast<uchar>((y01 + guv) >> YUV420_SHIFT);
row1[4+bIdx] = saturate_cast<uchar>((y01 + buv) >> YUV420_SHIFT);
row1[7] = uchar(0xff);
int y10 = (y2[i] - 16) * 298;
row2[0+R] = saturate_cast<uchar>((y10 + buv) >> 8);
row2[1] = saturate_cast<uchar>((y10 + guv) >> 8);
row2[2-R] = saturate_cast<uchar>((y10 + ruv) >> 8);
row2[3] = (uchar)0xff;
int y10 = std::max(0, int(y2[i]) - 16) * cY;
row2[2-bIdx] = saturate_cast<uchar>((y10 + ruv) >> YUV420_SHIFT);
row2[1] = saturate_cast<uchar>((y10 + guv) >> YUV420_SHIFT);
row2[bIdx] = saturate_cast<uchar>((y10 + buv) >> YUV420_SHIFT);
row2[3] = uchar(0xff);
int y11 = (y2[i+1] - 16) * 298;
row2[4+R] = saturate_cast<uchar>((y11 + buv) >> 8);
row2[5] = saturate_cast<uchar>((y11 + guv) >> 8);
row2[6-R] = saturate_cast<uchar>((y11 + ruv) >> 8);
row2[7] = (uchar)0xff;
int y11 = std::max(0, int(y2[i + 1]) - 16) * cY;
row2[6-bIdx] = saturate_cast<uchar>((y11 + ruv) >> YUV420_SHIFT);
row2[5] = saturate_cast<uchar>((y11 + guv) >> YUV420_SHIFT);
row2[4+bIdx] = saturate_cast<uchar>((y11 + buv) >> YUV420_SHIFT);
row2[7] = uchar(0xff);
template<int bIdx, int uIdx>
inline void cvtYUV4202RGB(Mat& _dst, int _stride, const uchar* _y1, const uchar* _uv)
YUV4202RGB888Invoker<bIdx, uIdx> converter(&_dst, _stride, _y1, _uv);
#ifdef HAVE_TBB
parallel_for(BlockedRange(0, _dst.rows/2), converter);
converter(BlockedRange(0, _dst.rows/2));
template<int bIdx, int uIdx>
inline void cvtYUV4202RGBA(Mat& _dst, int _stride, const uchar* _y1, const uchar* _uv)
YUV4202RGBA8888Invoker<bIdx, uIdx> converter(&_dst, _stride, _y1, _uv);
#ifdef HAVE_TBB
parallel_for(BlockedRange(0, _dst.rows/2), converter);
converter(BlockedRange(0, _dst.rows/2));
}//namespace cv
......@@ -3138,49 +3195,46 @@ void cv::cvtColor( InputArray _src, OutputArray _dst, int code, int dcn )
case CV_YUV420sp2BGR: case CV_YUV420sp2RGB: case CV_YUV420i2BGR: case CV_YUV420i2RGB:
case CV_YUV420sp2BGRA: case CV_YUV420sp2RGBA: case CV_YUV420i2BGRA: case CV_YUV420i2RGBA:
if(dcn <= 0) dcn = (code==CV_YUV420sp2BGRA || code==CV_YUV420sp2RGBA || code==CV_YUV420i2BGRA || code==CV_YUV420i2RGBA) ? 4 : 3;
if (dcn <= 0) dcn = (code==CV_YUV420sp2BGRA || code==CV_YUV420sp2RGBA || code==CV_YUV420i2BGRA || code==CV_YUV420i2RGBA) ? 4 : 3;
CV_Assert( dcn == 3 || dcn == 4 );
CV_Assert( sz.width % 2 == 0 && sz.height % 3 == 0 && depth == CV_8U && src.isContinuous() );
CV_Assert( sz.width % 2 == 0 && sz.height % 3 == 0 && depth == CV_8U );
Size dstSz(sz.width, sz.height * 2 / 3);
_dst.create( dstSz, CV_MAKETYPE(depth, dcn));
_dst.create(dstSz, CV_MAKETYPE(depth, dcn));
dst = _dst.getMat();
const uchar* y = src.ptr();
const uchar* uv = y + dstSz.area();
if (!tegra::cvtYUV420i2BGR(y, uv, dst, CV_YUV420sp2RGB == code || CV_YUV420sp2RGBA == code))
if (CV_YUV420sp2RGB == code || CV_YUV420sp2RGBA == code)
// == yuv420sp -> a plane of 8 bit Y samples followed by an interleaved V/U plane containing 8 bit 2x2 subsampled chroma samples
// == yuv420i -> a plane of 8 bit Y samples followed by an interleaved U/V plane containing 8 bit 2x2 subsampled colour difference samples
if (CV_YUV420sp2RGB == code || COLOR_YUV420sp2RGBA == code)
if (dcn == 3)
parallel_for(BlockedRange(0, dstSz.height/2), YUV4202BGR888Invoker<2,0>(&dst, dstSz.width, y, uv));
cvtYUV4202RGB<2, 1>(dst, src.step, y, uv);
parallel_for(BlockedRange(0, dstSz.height/2), YUV4202BGRA8888Invoker<2,0>(&dst, dstSz.width, y, uv));
cvtYUV4202RGBA<2, 1>(dst, src.step, y, uv);
else if (CV_YUV420sp2BGR == code || CV_YUV420sp2BGRA == code)
if (dcn == 3)
parallel_for(BlockedRange(0, dstSz.height/2), YUV4202BGR888Invoker<0,0>(&dst, dstSz.width, y, uv));
cvtYUV4202RGB<0, 1>(dst, src.step, y, uv);
parallel_for(BlockedRange(0, dstSz.height/2), YUV4202BGRA8888Invoker<0,0>(&dst, dstSz.width, y, uv));
cvtYUV4202RGBA<0, 1>(dst, src.step, y, uv);
else if (CV_YUV420i2RGB == code || CV_YUV420i2RGBA == code)
if (dcn == 3)
parallel_for(BlockedRange(0, dstSz.height/2), YUV4202BGR888Invoker<2,1>(&dst, dstSz.width, y, uv));
cvtYUV4202RGB<2, 0>(dst, src.step, y, uv);
parallel_for(BlockedRange(0, dstSz.height/2), YUV4202BGRA8888Invoker<2,1>(&dst, dstSz.width, y, uv));
cvtYUV4202RGBA<2, 0>(dst, src.step, y, uv);
else if (CV_YUV420i2BGR == code || CV_YUV420i2BGRA == code)
else //if (CV_YUV420i2BGR == code || CV_YUV420i2BGRA == code)
if (dcn == 3)
parallel_for(BlockedRange(0, dstSz.height/2), YUV4202BGR888Invoker<0,1>(&dst, dstSz.width, y, uv));
cvtYUV4202RGB<0, 0>(dst, src.step, y, uv);
parallel_for(BlockedRange(0, dstSz.height/2), YUV4202BGRA8888Invoker<0,1>(&dst, dstSz.width, y, uv));
cvtYUV4202RGBA<0, 0>(dst, src.step, y, uv);
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