Commit c231472a authored by Alexander Alekhin's avatar Alexander Alekhin

Merge pull request #10290 from tomoaki0705:fixVS2012Round

parents 74f12957 ecb6bcf2
......@@ -57,6 +57,10 @@ namespace cv
namespace dnn
static inline int scaleAndRoundRoi(float f, float scale)
return (int)(f * scale + (f >= 0.f ? 0.5f : -0.5f));
class PoolingLayerImpl : public PoolingLayer
......@@ -295,16 +299,16 @@ public:
if (poolingType == ROI)
const float *roisData = rois->ptr<float>(n);
int ystartROI = round(roisData[2] * spatialScale);
int yendROI = round(roisData[4] * spatialScale);
int ystartROI = scaleAndRoundRoi(roisData[2], spatialScale);
int yendROI = scaleAndRoundRoi(roisData[4], spatialScale);
int roiHeight = std::max(yendROI - ystartROI + 1, 1);
roiRatio = (float)roiHeight / height;
ystart = ystartROI + y0 * roiRatio;
yend = ystartROI + std::ceil((y0 + 1) * roiRatio);
xstartROI = round(roisData[1] * spatialScale);
int xendROI = round(roisData[3] * spatialScale);
xstartROI = scaleAndRoundRoi(roisData[1], spatialScale);
int xendROI = scaleAndRoundRoi(roisData[3], spatialScale);
int roiWidth = std::max(xendROI - xstartROI + 1, 1);
roiRatio = (float)roiWidth / width;
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