Commit c1cfb4d4 authored by Alexander Alekhin's avatar Alexander Alekhin

core: added cv::error with CV_NORETURN attr

parent daefe698
......@@ -222,6 +222,23 @@ enum {
CV_EXPORTS void error(int _code, const String& _err, const char* _func, const char* _file, int _line);
#ifdef __GNUC__
# if defined __clang__ || defined __APPLE__
# pragma GCC diagnostic push
# pragma GCC diagnostic ignored "-Winvalid-noreturn"
# endif
CV_INLINE CV_NORETURN void errorNoReturn(int _code, const String& _err, const char* _func, const char* _file, int _line)
error(_code, _err, _func, _file, _line);
#ifdef __GNUC__
# if defined __clang__ || defined __APPLE__
# pragma GCC diagnostic pop
# endif
#if defined __GNUC__
#define CV_Func __func__
#elif defined _MSC_VER
......@@ -234,6 +251,9 @@ CV_EXPORTS void error(int _code, const String& _err, const char* _func, const ch
#define CV_Error_( code, args ) cv::error( code, cv::format args, CV_Func, __FILE__, __LINE__ )
#define CV_Assert( expr ) if(!!(expr)) ; else cv::error( cv::Error::StsAssert, #expr, CV_Func, __FILE__, __LINE__ )
#define CV_ErrorNoReturn( code, msg ) cv::errorNoReturn( code, msg, CV_Func, __FILE__, __LINE__ )
#define CV_ErrorNoReturn_( code, args ) cv::errorNoReturn( code, cv::format args, CV_Func, __FILE__, __LINE__ )
#ifdef _DEBUG
# define CV_DbgAssert(expr) CV_Assert(expr)
......@@ -464,4 +464,19 @@ CV_INLINE int cvIsInf( double value )
CV_INLINE CV_XADD(int* addr, int delta) { int tmp = *addr; *addr += delta; return tmp; }
* CV_NORETURN attribute *
# if defined(__GNUC__)
# define CV_NORETURN __attribute__((__noreturn__))
# elif defined(_MSC_VER) && (_MSC_VER >= 1300)
# define CV_NORETURN __declspec(noreturn)
# else
# define CV_NORETURN /* nothing by default */
# endif
#endif // __OPENCV_CORE_CVDEF_H__
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