Commit c15934dd authored by Maria Dimashova's avatar Maria Dimashova

modified default var_type values

parent 4a05af68
......@@ -72,7 +72,7 @@ void CvERTreeTrainData::set_data( const CvMat* _train_data, int _tflag,
int sample_all = 0, r_type = 0, cv_n;
int sample_all = 0, r_type, cv_n;
int total_c_count = 0;
int tree_block_size, temp_block_size, max_split_size, nv_size, cv_size = 0;
int ds_step, dv_step, ms_step = 0, mv_step = 0; // {data|mask}{sample|var}_step
......@@ -148,12 +148,12 @@ void CvERTreeTrainData::set_data( const CvMat* _train_data, int _tflag,
if ( sample_count < 65536 )
is_buf_16u = true;
if( _var_type )
CV_CALL( var_type0 = cvPreprocessVarType( _var_type, var_idx, var_count, &r_type ));
CV_CALL( var_type = cvCreateMat( 1, var_count+2, CV_32SC1 ));
cat_var_count = 0;
ord_var_count = -1;
......@@ -149,7 +149,7 @@ void CvDTreeTrainData::set_data( const CvMat* _train_data, int _tflag,
int sample_all = 0, r_type = 0, cv_n;
int sample_all = 0, r_type, cv_n;
int total_c_count = 0;
int tree_block_size, temp_block_size, max_split_size, nv_size, cv_size = 0;
int ds_step, dv_step, ms_step = 0, mv_step = 0; // {data|mask}{sample|var}_step
......@@ -252,12 +252,12 @@ void CvDTreeTrainData::set_data( const CvMat* _train_data, int _tflag,
"floating-point vector containing as many elements as "
"the total number of samples in the training data matrix" );
if( _var_type )
CV_CALL( var_type0 = cvPreprocessVarType( _var_type, var_idx, var_count, &r_type ));
CV_CALL( var_type = cvCreateMat( 1, var_count+2, CV_32SC1 ));
cat_var_count = 0;
ord_var_count = -1;
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