Commit bee271a1 authored by Alexey Spizhevoy's avatar Alexey Spizhevoy

Updated the stitching module docs

parent a7e7226a
......@@ -136,6 +136,8 @@ Base class for all camera parameters refinement methods. ::
std::vector<std::pair<int,int> > edges_;
.. seealso:: :ocv:class:`detail::Estimator`
......@@ -147,6 +149,42 @@ Construct a bundle adjuster base instance.
:param num_errs_per_measurement: Number of error terms (components) per match
Sets initial camera parameter to refine.
.. ocv:function:: void detail::BundleAdjusterBase::setUpInitialCameraParams(const std::vector<CameraParams> &cameras) = 0;
:param cameras: Camera parameters
Calculates error vector.
.. ocv:function:: void detail::BundleAdjusterBase::calcError(Mat &err) = 0;
:param err: Error column-vector of length ``total_num_matches * num_errs_per_measurement``
Calculates the cost function jacobian.
.. ocv:function:: void detail::BundleAdjusterBase::calcJacobian(Mat &jac) = 0;
:param jac: Jacobian matrix of dimensions ``(total_num_matches * num_errs_per_measurement) x (num_images * num_params_per_cam)``
Gets the refined camera parameters.
.. ocv:function:: void detail::BundleAdjusterBase::obtainRefinedCameraParams(std::vector<CameraParams> &cameras) const = 0;
:param cameras: Refined camera parameters
.. ocv:class:: detail::BundleAdjusterReproj
......@@ -201,5 +239,3 @@ Tries to make panorama more horizontal (or verical).
:param rmats: Camera rotation matrices.
:param kind: Correction kind, see :ocv:class:`detail::WaveCorrectKind`.
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