Commit be29d628 authored by vbystricky's avatar vbystricky

Check 8.1 ipp version for morphology functions, which not exists in versions before this.

parent 4512d064
......@@ -1136,7 +1136,7 @@ private:
Scalar borderValue;
#if defined (HAVE_IPP) && (IPP_VERSION_MAJOR >= 7)
#if defined (HAVE_IPP) && (IPP_VERSION_MAJOR >= 8) && (IPP_VERSION_MINOR >= 1)
static bool IPPMorphReplicate(int op, const Mat &src, Mat &dst, const Mat &kernel,
const Size& ksize, const Point &anchor, bool rectKernel)
......@@ -1186,16 +1186,16 @@ static bool IPPMorphReplicate(int op, const Mat &src, Mat &dst, const Mat &kerne
IppiPoint point = {anchor.x, anchor.y};
// this is case, which can be used with the anchor not in center of the kernel, but
// ippiMorphologyBorderGetSize_, ippiErodeBorderReplicate_ and ippiDilateBorderReplicate_ are deprecate.
// ippiMorphologyBorderGetSize_, ippiErodeBorderReplicate_ and ippiDilateBorderReplicate_ are deprecated.
#define IPP_MORPH_CASE(cvtype, flavor, data_type) \
case cvtype: \
int specSize = 0;\
int bufferSize = 0;\
if (ippStsNoErr != ippiMorphologyBorderGetSize_##flavor( roiSize.width, kernelSize, &specSize, &bufferSize))\
if (ippStsNoErr != ippiMorphologyGetSize_##flavor( roiSize.width, kernelSize, &specSize))\
return false;\
bool ok = false;\
IppiMorphState* pState = (IppiMorphState*)ippMalloc(specSize);;\
IppiMorphState* pState = (IppiMorphState*)ippMalloc(specSize);\
if (ippiMorphologyInit_##flavor(roiSize.width,, kernelSize, point, pState) >= 0)\
if (op == MORPH_ERODE)\
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