Commit bc78e87a authored by Andrey Pavlenko's avatar Andrey Pavlenko Committed by OpenCV Buildbot

Merge pull request #1123 from bitwangyaoyao:2.4_fix

parents 26a3cabb 270b2c79
......@@ -48,8 +48,8 @@
///////////// PyrLKOpticalFlow ////////////////////////
std::string images1[] = {"rubberwhale1.png", "basketball1.png"};
std::string images2[] = {"rubberwhale2.png", "basketball2.png"};
std::string images1[] = {"rubberwhale1.png", "aloeL.jpg"};
std::string images2[] = {"rubberwhale2.png", "aloeR.jpg"};
for (size_t i = 0; i < sizeof(images1) / sizeof(std::string); i++)
This diff is collapsed.
......@@ -53,7 +53,7 @@
// Histogram computation
// 12 threads for a cell, 12x4 threads per block
// Use pre-computed gaussian and interp_weight lookup tables if sigma is 4.0f
// Use pre-computed gaussian and interp_weight lookup tables
__kernel void compute_hists_lut_kernel(
const int cblock_stride_x, const int cblock_stride_y,
const int cnbins, const int cblock_hist_size, const int img_block_width,
......@@ -146,99 +146,6 @@ __kernel void compute_hists_lut_kernel(
// Histogram computation
// 12 threads for a cell, 12x4 threads per block
__kernel void compute_hists_kernel(
const int cblock_stride_x, const int cblock_stride_y,
const int cnbins, const int cblock_hist_size, const int img_block_width,
const int blocks_in_group, const int blocks_total,
const int grad_quadstep, const int qangle_step,
__global const float* grad, __global const uchar* qangle,
const float scale, __global float* block_hists, __local float* smem)
const int lx = get_local_id(0);
const int lp = lx / 24; /* local group id */
const int gid = get_group_id(0) * blocks_in_group + lp;/* global group id */
const int gidY = gid / img_block_width;
const int gidX = gid - gidY * img_block_width;
const int lidX = lx - lp * 24;
const int lidY = get_local_id(1);
const int cell_x = lidX / 12;
const int cell_y = lidY;
const int cell_thread_x = lidX - cell_x * 12;
__local float* hists = smem + lp * cnbins * (CELLS_PER_BLOCK_X *
__local float* final_hist = hists + cnbins *
const int offset_x = gidX * cblock_stride_x + (cell_x << 2) + cell_thread_x;
const int offset_y = gidY * cblock_stride_y + (cell_y << 2);
__global const float* grad_ptr = (gid < blocks_total) ?
grad + offset_y * grad_quadstep + (offset_x << 1) : grad;
__global const uchar* qangle_ptr = (gid < blocks_total) ?
qangle + offset_y * qangle_step + (offset_x << 1) : qangle;
__local float* hist = hists + 12 * (cell_y * CELLS_PER_BLOCK_Y + cell_x) +
for (int bin_id = 0; bin_id < cnbins; ++bin_id)
hist[bin_id * 48] = 0.f;
const int dist_x = -4 + cell_thread_x - 4 * cell_x;
const int dist_center_x = dist_x - 4 * (1 - 2 * cell_x);
const int dist_y_begin = -4 - 4 * lidY;
for (int dist_y = dist_y_begin; dist_y < dist_y_begin + 12; ++dist_y)
float2 vote = (float2) (grad_ptr[0], grad_ptr[1]);
uchar2 bin = (uchar2) (qangle_ptr[0], qangle_ptr[1]);
grad_ptr += grad_quadstep;
qangle_ptr += qangle_step;
int dist_center_y = dist_y - 4 * (1 - 2 * cell_y);
float gaussian = exp(-(dist_center_y * dist_center_y + dist_center_x *
dist_center_x) * scale);
float interp_weight = (8.f - fabs(dist_y + 0.5f)) *
(8.f - fabs(dist_x + 0.5f)) / 64.f;
hist[bin.x * 48] += gaussian * interp_weight * vote.x;
hist[bin.y * 48] += gaussian * interp_weight * vote.y;
volatile __local float* hist_ = hist;
for (int bin_id = 0; bin_id < cnbins; ++bin_id, hist_ += 48)
if (cell_thread_x < 6)
hist_[0] += hist_[6];
if (cell_thread_x < 3)
hist_[0] += hist_[3];
#ifdef CPU
if (cell_thread_x == 0)
final_hist[(cell_x * 2 + cell_y) * cnbins + bin_id] =
hist_[0] + hist_[1] + hist_[2];
#ifdef CPU
int tid = (cell_y * CELLS_PER_BLOCK_Y + cell_x) * 12 + cell_thread_x;
if ((tid < cblock_hist_size) && (gid < blocks_total))
__global float* block_hist = block_hists +
(gidY * img_block_width + gidX) * cblock_hist_size;
block_hist[tid] = final_hist[tid];
// Normalization of histograms via L2Hys_norm
// optimized for the case of 9 bins
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