Commit bb589a59 authored by Ilya Lavrenov's avatar Ilya Lavrenov


parent 427ce124
......@@ -47,6 +47,8 @@
// */
#include "precomp.hpp"
#include <iostream>
#include <vector>
namespace cv
......@@ -1414,6 +1416,8 @@ public:
, cur_dy_ofs(_cur_dy_ofs), bands(_bands)
if (src.size() == Size(16, 16) && dst.size() == Size(5, 5))
std::cout << "scale_y = " << scale_y_ << std::endl << std::endl;
#ifdef HAVE_TBB
......@@ -1437,7 +1441,7 @@ public:
#ifdef HAVE_TBB
cur_dy = cur_dy_ofs[range.start];
for( sy = range.start; sy < range.end; sy++ )
for (sy = range.start; sy < range.end; sy++)
const T* S = (const T*)( + src.step*sy);
if( cn == 1 )
......@@ -1484,6 +1488,9 @@ public:
if( (cur_dy + 1)*scale_y <= sy + 1 || sy == ssize.height - 1 )
if (dsize == Size(5, 5) && ssize == Size(16, 16))
std::cout << "Band: (" << range.start << ", " << range.end << ")" << std::endl;
WT beta = std::max(sy + 1 - (cur_dy+1)*scale_y, (WT)0);
WT beta1 = 1 - beta;
T* D = (T*)( + dst.step*cur_dy);
......@@ -1493,14 +1500,31 @@ public:
for( dx = 0; dx < dsize.width; dx++ )
D[dx] = saturate_cast<T>((sum[dx] + buf[dx]) / min(scale_y, src.rows - cur_dy * scale_y));
D[dx] = saturate_cast<T>((sum[dx] + buf[dx]) / min(scale_y, src.rows - cur_dy * scale_y)); //
if (dsize == Size(5, 5) && ssize == Size(16, 16))
std::cout << "sum[" << dx << "] = " << sum[dx] << std::endl;
std::cout << "buf[" << dx << "] = " << buf[dx] << std::endl;
std::cout << "min(scale_y, src.rows - cur_dy * scale_y) = " << min(scale_y, src.rows - cur_dy * scale_y) << std::endl;
std::cout << "D[" << dx << "] = " << D[dx] << std::endl;
std::cout << std::endl;
sum[dx] = buf[dx] = 0;
for( dx = 0; dx < dsize.width; dx++ )
D[dx] = saturate_cast<T>((sum[dx] + buf[dx]* beta1)/ min(scale_y, src.rows - cur_dy*scale_y));
D[dx] = saturate_cast<T>((sum[dx] + buf[dx]* beta1)/ min(scale_y, src.rows - cur_dy*scale_y)); //
if (dsize == Size(5, 5) && ssize == Size(16, 16))
std::cout << "sum[" << dx << "] = " << sum[dx] << std::endl;
std::cout << "buf[" << dx << "] = " << buf[dx] << std::endl;
std::cout << "beta1 = " << beta1 << std::endl;
std::cout << "min(scale_y, src.rows - cur_dy * scale_y) = " << min(scale_y, src.rows - cur_dy * scale_y) << std::endl;
std::cout << "D[" << dx << "] = " << D[dx] << std::endl;
std::cout << std::endl;
sum[dx] = buf[dx]*beta;
buf[dx] = 0;
......@@ -1579,11 +1603,20 @@ static void resizeArea_( const Mat& src, Mat& dst, const DecimateAlpha* xofs, in
bands.push_back(std::make_pair(index, ssize.height));
// bands.push_back(std::make_pair(index, ssize.height));
#ifdef HAVE_TBB
Range range(0, bands.size());
if (dsize == Size(5, 5) && ssize == Size(16, 16))
std::cout << "Bands" << std::endl;
for (std::vector<std::pair<int, int> >::const_iterator i = bands.begin(), end = bands.end(); i != end; ++i)
std::cout << i->first << " " << i->second << std::endl;
std::cout << std::endl;
resizeArea_Invoker<T, WT> invoker(src, dst, xofs, xofs_count, scale_y_, cur_dy_ofs, bands);
Range range(0, src.rows);
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