Commit bac94f85 authored by Vladislav Vinogradov's avatar Vladislav Vinogradov

fixed printCudaDeviceInfo for 3.5 CC (Patch #2641)

parent dd8e442b
......@@ -401,7 +401,7 @@ namespace
int Cores;
} SMtoCores;
SMtoCores gpuArchCoresPerSM[] = { { 0x10, 8 }, { 0x11, 8 }, { 0x12, 8 }, { 0x13, 8 }, { 0x20, 32 }, { 0x21, 48 }, {0x30, 192}, { -1, -1 } };
SMtoCores gpuArchCoresPerSM[] = { { 0x10, 8 }, { 0x11, 8 }, { 0x12, 8 }, { 0x13, 8 }, { 0x20, 32 }, { 0x21, 48 }, {0x30, 192}, {0x35, 192}, { -1, -1 } };
int index = 0;
while (gpuArchCoresPerSM[index].SM != -1)
......@@ -410,7 +410,7 @@ namespace
return gpuArchCoresPerSM[index].Cores;
printf("MapSMtoCores undefined SMversion %d.%d!\n", major, minor);
return -1;
......@@ -448,9 +448,11 @@ void cv::gpu::printCudaDeviceInfo(int device)
printf(" CUDA Driver Version / Runtime Version %d.%d / %d.%d\n", driverVersion/1000, driverVersion%100, runtimeVersion/1000, runtimeVersion%100);
printf(" CUDA Capability Major/Minor version number: %d.%d\n", prop.major, prop.minor);
printf(" Total amount of global memory: %.0f MBytes (%llu bytes)\n", (float)prop.totalGlobalMem/1048576.0f, (unsigned long long) prop.totalGlobalMem);
printf(" (%2d) Multiprocessors x (%2d) CUDA Cores/MP: %d CUDA Cores\n",
prop.multiProcessorCount, convertSMVer2Cores(prop.major, prop.minor),
convertSMVer2Cores(prop.major, prop.minor) * prop.multiProcessorCount);
int cores = convertSMVer2Cores(prop.major, prop.minor);
if (cores > 0)
printf(" (%2d) Multiprocessors x (%2d) CUDA Cores/MP: %d CUDA Cores\n", prop.multiProcessorCount, cores, cores * prop.multiProcessorCount);
printf(" GPU Clock Speed: %.2f GHz\n", prop.clockRate * 1e-6f);
printf(" Max Texture Dimension Size (x,y,z) 1D=(%d), 2D=(%d,%d), 3D=(%d,%d,%d)\n",
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