Commit babec518 authored by Vadim Pisarevsky's avatar Vadim Pisarevsky

fixed memory leaks in fromarray (thanks to Matthew Baker for the patch!)

parent 32825893
......@@ -380,9 +380,8 @@ static int is_iplimage(PyObject *o)
static void cvmat_dealloc(PyObject *self)
cvmat_t *pc = (cvmat_t*)self;
if (pc->data) {
......@@ -698,7 +697,8 @@ static int is_cvmat(PyObject *o)
static void cvmatnd_dealloc(PyObject *self)
cvmatnd_t *pc = (cvmatnd_t*)self;
......@@ -1648,7 +1648,11 @@ static int convert_to_CvMat(PyObject *o, CvMat **dst, const char *name)
assert(cvGetErrStatus() == 0);
*dst = m->a;
return 1;
} else {
} else if (m->data && m->a->data.ptr){
*dst = m->a;
return 1;
else {
return failmsg("CvMat argument '%s' has no data", name);
......@@ -2241,36 +2245,6 @@ static PyObject *pythonize_CvMat(cvmat_t *m)
return (PyObject*)m;
static PyObject *pythonize_foreign_CvMat(cvmat_t *m)
// Need to make this CvMat look like any other, with a Python
// buffer object as its data.
// Difference here is that the buffer is 'foreign' (from NumPy, for example)
CvMat *mat = m->a;
assert(mat->step != 0);
#if 0
PyObject *data = PyString_FromStringAndSize((char*)(mat->data.ptr), mat->rows * mat->step);
memtrack_t *o = PyObject_NEW(memtrack_t, &memtrack_Type);
o->ptr = mat->data.ptr;
o->owner = __LINE__;
o->freeptr = false;
o->size = mat->rows * mat->step;
o->backing = NULL;
o->backingmat = mat;
PyObject *data = PyBuffer_FromReadWriteObject((PyObject*)o, (size_t)0, mat->rows * mat->step);
if (data == NULL)
return NULL;
m->data = data;
m->offset = 0;
// Now m has a reference to data, which has a reference to o.
return (PyObject*)m;
static PyObject *pythonize_IplImage(iplimage_t *cva)
// Need to make this iplimage look like any other, with a Python
......@@ -2848,6 +2822,7 @@ static PyObject *fromarray(PyObject *o, int allowND)
PyArrayInterface *pai = (PyArrayInterface*)PyCObject_AsVoidPtr(ao);
if (pai->two != 2) {
PyErr_SetString(PyExc_TypeError, "object does not have array interface");
return NULL;
......@@ -2880,6 +2855,7 @@ static PyObject *fromarray(PyObject *o, int allowND)
if (type == -1) {
PyErr_SetString(PyExc_TypeError, "the array type is not supported by OpenCV");
return NULL;
......@@ -2892,27 +2868,36 @@ static PyObject *fromarray(PyObject *o, int allowND)
ERRWRAP(m->a = cvCreateMatHeader(pai->shape[0], pai->shape[1], type));
m->a->step = pai->strides[0];
} else if (pai->nd == 3) {
if (pai->shape[2] > CV_CN_MAX)
if (pai->shape[2] > CV_CN_MAX) {
return (PyObject*)failmsg("cv.fromarray too many channels, see allowND argument");
ERRWRAP(m->a = cvCreateMatHeader(pai->shape[0], pai->shape[1], type + ((pai->shape[2] - 1) << CV_CN_SHIFT)));
m->a->step = pai->strides[0];
} else {
return (PyObject*)failmsg("cv.fromarray array can be 2D or 3D only, see allowND argument");
m->a->data.ptr = (uchar*)pai->data;
retval = pythonize_foreign_CvMat(m);
//retval = pythonize_foreign_CvMat(m);
m->data = o;
m->offset = 0;
retval = (PyObject*)m;
} else {
int dims[CV_MAX_DIM];
int i;
for (i = 0; i < pai->nd; i++)
dims[i] = pai->shape[i];
cvmatnd_t *m = PyObject_NEW(cvmatnd_t, &cvmatnd_Type);
ERRWRAP(m->a = cvCreateMatND(pai->nd, dims, type));
ERRWRAP(m->a = cvCreateMatNDHeader(pai->nd, dims, type));
m->a->data.ptr = (uchar*)pai->data;
retval = pythonize_CvMatND(m, ao);
m->data = o;
m->offset = 0;
retval = (PyObject*)m;
//retval = pythonize_CvMatND(m, ao);
return retval;
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