Commit b9d68ef0 authored by Alexander Alekhin's avatar Alexander Alekhin

core/ocl: OpenCL build log improvements

parent 57b6850d
......@@ -46,6 +46,8 @@
#include <sstream>
#include <iostream> // std::cerr
#include "opencv2/core/bufferpool.hpp"
# if 0
......@@ -3010,26 +3012,28 @@ struct Program::Impl
retval = clBuildProgram(handle, n,
(const cl_device_id*)deviceList,
buildflags.c_str(), 0, 0);
if( retval != CL_SUCCESS )
size_t retsz = 0;
retval = clGetProgramBuildInfo(handle, (cl_device_id)deviceList[0],
cl_int buildInfo_retval = clGetProgramBuildInfo(handle, (cl_device_id)deviceList[0],
CL_PROGRAM_BUILD_LOG, 0, 0, &retsz);
if( retval == CL_SUCCESS && retsz > 1 )
if (buildInfo_retval == CL_SUCCESS && retsz > 1)
AutoBuffer<char> bufbuf(retsz + 16);
char* buf = bufbuf;
retval = clGetProgramBuildInfo(handle, (cl_device_id)deviceList[0],
buildInfo_retval = clGetProgramBuildInfo(handle, (cl_device_id)deviceList[0],
CL_PROGRAM_BUILD_LOG, retsz+1, buf, &retsz);
if( retval == CL_SUCCESS )
if (buildInfo_retval == CL_SUCCESS)
// TODO It is useful to see kernel name & program file name also
errmsg = String(buf);
printf("OpenCL program can not be built: %s", errmsg.c_str());
printf("OpenCL program build log: %s\n%s\n", buildflags.c_str(), errmsg.c_str());
if( handle )
if (retval != CL_SUCCESS && handle)
handle = NULL;
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