Commit b88f5302 authored by Jin Ma's avatar Jin Ma

Removed unused constructor.

parent 1bfe39f4
......@@ -1900,8 +1900,6 @@ namespace cv
KNearestNeighbour(const Mat& trainData, const Mat& labels,
const Mat& sampleIdx = Mat().setTo(Scalar::all(0)), bool isRegression = false, int max_k = 32);
bool train(const Mat& trainData, Mat& labels, Mat& sampleIdx = Mat().setTo(Scalar::all(0)),
bool isRegression = false, int max_k = 32, bool updateBase = false);
......@@ -1911,9 +1909,6 @@ namespace cv
void find_nearest(const oclMat& samples, int k, oclMat& lables);
int max_k, var_count;
int total;
bool regression;
oclMat samples_ocl;
......@@ -63,13 +63,7 @@ KNearestNeighbour::KNearestNeighbour()
KNearestNeighbour::KNearestNeighbour(const Mat& train_data, const Mat& responses,
const Mat& sample_idx, bool is_regression, int max_k)
max_k = max_k;
CvKNearest::train(train_data, responses, sample_idx, is_regression, max_k);
void KNearestNeighbour::clear()
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