Commit b6367f58 authored by 1over's avatar 1over

fixed operator- for Rect

parent 36432cf4
......@@ -1884,8 +1884,11 @@ Rect_<_Tp>& operator += ( Rect_<_Tp>& a, const Size_<_Tp>& b )
template<typename _Tp> static inline
Rect_<_Tp>& operator -= ( Rect_<_Tp>& a, const Size_<_Tp>& b )
a.width -= b.width;
a.height -= b.height;
const _Tp width = a.width - b.width;
const _Tp height = a.height - b.height;
CV_DbgAssert(width >= 0 && height >= 0);
a.width = width;
a.height = height;
return a;
......@@ -1950,6 +1953,15 @@ Rect_<_Tp> operator + (const Rect_<_Tp>& a, const Size_<_Tp>& b)
return Rect_<_Tp>( a.x, a.y, a.width + b.width, a.height + b.height );
template<typename _Tp> static inline
Rect_<_Tp> operator - (const Rect_<_Tp>& a, const Size_<_Tp>& b)
const _Tp width = a.width - b.width;
const _Tp height = a.height - b.height;
CV_DbgAssert(width >= 0 && height >= 0);
return Rect_<_Tp>( a.x, a.y, width, height );
template<typename _Tp> static inline
Rect_<_Tp> operator & (const Rect_<_Tp>& a, const Rect_<_Tp>& b)
......@@ -972,6 +972,13 @@ bool CV_OperationsTest::operations1()
if (sz.width != 10 || sz.height != 20) throw test_excep();
if (cvSize(sz).width != 10 || cvSize(sz).height != 20) throw test_excep();
Rect r1(0, 0, 10, 20);
Size sz1(5, 10);
r1 -= sz1;
if (r1.size().width != 5 || r1.size().height != 10) throw test_excep();
Rect r2 = r1 - sz1;
if (r2.size().width != 0 || r2.size().height != 0) throw test_excep();
Vec<double, 5> v5d(1, 1, 1, 1, 1);
Vec<double, 6> v6d(1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1);
Vec<double, 7> v7d(1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1);
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