Commit b62d1011 authored by alexandre benoit's avatar alexandre benoit

updated retina interface for cleaner use, following OpenCV standards

parent d9ffe5e7
......@@ -22,9 +22,9 @@ The retina can be settled up with various parameters, by default, the retina can
// parameters setup instance
struct RetinaParameters; // this class is detailled later
// constructors
Retina (Size inputSize);
Retina (Size inputSize, const bool colorMode, RETINA_COLORSAMPLINGMETHOD colorSamplingMethod=RETINA_COLOR_BAYER, const bool useRetinaLogSampling=false, const double reductionFactor=1.0, const double samplingStrenght=10.0);
// constructors (interfaces)
cv::Ptr<Retina> createRetina (Size inputSize);
cv::Ptr<Retina> createRetina (Size inputSize, const bool colorMode, RETINA_COLORSAMPLINGMETHOD colorSamplingMethod=RETINA_COLOR_BAYER, const bool useRetinaLogSampling=false, const double reductionFactor=1.0, const double samplingStrenght=10.0);
// main method for input frame processing
void run (const Mat &inputImage);
......@@ -32,19 +32,19 @@ The retina can be settled up with various parameters, by default, the retina can
// output buffers retreival methods
// -> foveal color vision details channel with luminance and noise correction
void getParvo (Mat &retinaOutput_parvo);
void getParvo (std::valarray< float > &retinaOutput_parvo);
const std::valarray< float > & getParvo () const;
void getParvoRAW (Mat &retinaOutput_parvo);// retreive original output buffers without any normalisation
const Mat getParvo () const;// retreive original output buffers without any normalisation
// -> peripheral monochrome motion and events (transient information) channel
void getMagno (Mat &retinaOutput_magno);
void getMagno (std::valarray< float > &retinaOutput_magno);
const std::valarray< float > & getMagno () const;
void getMagnoRAW (Mat &retinaOutput_magno); // retreive original output buffers without any normalisation
const Mat getMagno () const;// retreive original output buffers without any normalisation
// reset retina buffers... equivalent to closing your eyes for some seconds
void clearBuffers ();
// retreive input and output buffers sizes
Size inputSize ();
Size outputSize ();
Size getInputSize ();
Size getOutputSize ();
// setup methods with specific parameters specification of global xml config file loading/write
void setup (std::string retinaParameterFile="", const bool applyDefaultSetupOnFailure=true);
......@@ -127,13 +127,13 @@ Methods description
Here are detailled the main methods to control the retina model
.. ocv:function:: Retina::Retina(Size inputSize)
.. ocv:function:: Retina::Retina(Size inputSize, const bool colorMode, RETINA_COLORSAMPLINGMETHOD colorSamplingMethod = RETINA_COLOR_BAYER, const bool useRetinaLogSampling = false, const double reductionFactor = 1.0, const double samplingStrenght = 10.0 )
.. ocv:function:: Ptr<Retina> createRetina(Size inputSize)
.. ocv:function:: Ptr<Retina> createRetina(Size inputSize, const bool colorMode, RETINA_COLORSAMPLINGMETHOD colorSamplingMethod = RETINA_COLOR_BAYER, const bool useRetinaLogSampling = false, const double reductionFactor = 1.0, const double samplingStrenght = 10.0 )
Constructors from standardized interfaces : retreive a smart pointer to a Retina instance
:param inputSize: the input frame size
:param colorMode: the chosen processing mode : with or without color processing
......@@ -209,8 +209,21 @@ Retina::getParameters
:return: the current parameters setup
.. ocv:function:: void getParvo(Mat parvoOutput)
.. ocv:function:: void getParvoRAW(Mat parvoOutput)
.. ocv:function:: Mat getParvoRAW()
Retrieve the Parvocellular channel (details with color) output normalized between range [0;255] if not 'RAW'.
.. ocv:function:: void getParvo(Mat parvoOutput)
.. ocv:function:: void getParvoRAW(Mat parvoOutput)
.. ocv:function:: Mat getParvoRAW()
Retrieve the Magnocellular channel (transient events, grayscale) output normalized between range [0;255] if not 'RAW'.
.. ocv:function:: Size Retina::inputSize()
......@@ -218,8 +231,8 @@ Retina::inputSize
:return: the retina input buffer size
.. ocv:function:: Size Retina::outputSize()
......@@ -329,7 +342,7 @@ Parameters structure for better clarity, check explenations on the comments of m
photoreceptorsTemporalConstant(0.5f),// the time constant of the first order low pass filter of the photoreceptors, use it to cut high temporal frequencies (noise or fast motion), unit is frames, typical value is 1 frame
photoreceptorsSpatialConstant(0.53f),// the spatial constant of the first order low pass filter of the photoreceptors, use it to cut high spatial frequencies (noise or thick contours), unit is pixels, typical value is 1 pixel
horizontalCellsGain(0.0f),//gain of the horizontal cells network, if 0, then the mean value of the output is zero, if the parameter is near 1, then, the luminance is not filtered and is still reachable at the output, typicall value is 0
hcellsTemporalConstant(1.f),// the time constant of the first order low pass filter of the horizontal cells, use it to cut low temporal frequencies (local luminance variations), unit is frames, typical value is 1 frame, as the photoreceptors
hcellsTemporalConstant(1.f),// the time constant of the first order low pass filter of the horizontal cells, use it to cut low temporal frequencies (local luminance variations), unit is frames, typical value is 1 frame, as the photoreceptors. Reduce to 0.5 to limit retina after effects.
hcellsSpatialConstant(7.f),//the spatial constant of the first order low pass filter of the horizontal cells, use it to cut low spatial frequencies (local luminance), unit is pixels, typical value is 5 pixel, this value is also used for local contrast computing when computing the local contrast adaptation at the ganglion cells level (Inner Plexiform Layer parvocellular channel model)
ganglionCellsSensitivity(0.7f)//the compression strengh of the ganglion cells local adaptation output, set a value between 0.6 and 1 for best results, a high value increases more the low value sensitivity... and the output saturates faster, recommended value: 0.7
{};// default setup
This diff is collapsed.
......@@ -338,8 +338,11 @@ void RetinaColor::runColorDemultiplexing(const std::valarray<float> &multiplexed
// compute the gradient of the luminance
#ifndef MAKE_PARALLEL // call the TemplateBuffer TBB clipping method
cv::parallel_for_(cv::Range(2,_filterOutput.getNBrows()-2), Parallel_computeGradient(_filterOutput.getNBcolumns(), _filterOutput.getNBrows(), &(*_luminance)[0], &_imageGradient[0]));
// adaptively filter the submosaics to get the adaptive densities, here the buffer _chrominance is used as a temp buffer
_adaptiveSpatialLPfilter(&_RGBmosaic[0], &_chrominance[0]);
_adaptiveSpatialLPfilter(&_RGBmosaic[0]+_filterOutput.getNBpixels(), &_chrominance[0]+_filterOutput.getNBpixels());
......@@ -333,6 +333,53 @@ namespace cv
class Parallel_computeGradient: public cv::ParallelLoopBody
float *imageGradient;
const float *luminance;
unsigned int nbColumns, doubleNbColumns, nbRows, nbPixels;
Parallel_computeGradient(const unsigned int nbCols, const unsigned int nbRws, const float *lum, float *imageGrad)
:imageGradient(imageGrad), luminance(lum), nbColumns(nbCols), doubleNbColumns(2*nbCols), nbRows(nbRws), nbPixels(nbRws*nbCols){};
virtual void operator()( const Range& r ) const {
for (int idLine=r.start;idLine!=r.end;++idLine)
for (unsigned int idColumn=2;idColumn<nbColumns-2;++idColumn)
const unsigned int pixelIndex=idColumn+nbColumns*idLine;
// horizontal and vertical local gradients
const float verticalGrad=fabs(luminance[pixelIndex+nbColumns]-luminance[pixelIndex-nbColumns]);
const float horizontalGrad=fabs(luminance[pixelIndex+1]-luminance[pixelIndex-1]);
// neighborhood horizontal and vertical gradients
const float verticalGrad_p=fabs(luminance[pixelIndex]-luminance[pixelIndex-doubleNbColumns]);
const float horizontalGrad_p=fabs(luminance[pixelIndex]-luminance[pixelIndex-2]);
const float verticalGrad_n=fabs(luminance[pixelIndex+doubleNbColumns]-luminance[pixelIndex]);
const float horizontalGrad_n=fabs(luminance[pixelIndex+2]-luminance[pixelIndex]);
const float horizontalGradient=0.5f*horizontalGrad+0.25f*(horizontalGrad_p+horizontalGrad_n);
const float verticalGradient=0.5f*verticalGrad+0.25f*(verticalGrad_p+verticalGrad_n);
// compare local gradient means and fill the appropriate filtering coefficient value that will be used in adaptative filters
if (horizontalGradient<verticalGradient)
......@@ -211,10 +211,10 @@ static void drawPlot(const cv::Mat curve, const std::string figureTitle, const i
if (useLogSampling)
retina = new cv::Retina(inputImage.size(),true, cv::RETINA_COLOR_BAYER, true, 2.0, 10.0);
retina = cv::createRetina(inputImage.size(),true, cv::RETINA_COLOR_BAYER, true, 2.0, 10.0);
else// -> else allocate "classical" retina :
retina = new cv::Retina(inputImage.size());
retina = cv::createRetina(inputImage.size());
// save default retina parameters file in order to let you see this and maybe modify it and reload using method "setup"
......@@ -279,10 +279,10 @@ static void loadNewFrame(const std::string filenamePrototype, const int currentF
if (useLogSampling)
retina = new cv::Retina(inputImage.size(),true, cv::RETINA_COLOR_BAYER, true, 2.0, 10.0);
retina = cv::createRetina(inputImage.size(),true, cv::RETINA_COLOR_BAYER, true, 2.0, 10.0);
else// -> else allocate "classical" retina :
retina = new cv::Retina(inputImage.size());
retina = cv::createRetina(inputImage.size());
// save default retina parameters file in order to let you see this and maybe modify it and reload using method "setup"
......@@ -110,10 +110,10 @@ int main(int argc, char* argv[]) {
// if the last parameter is 'log', then activate log sampling (favour foveal vision and subsamples peripheral vision)
if (useLogSampling)
myRetina = new cv::Retina(inputFrame.size(), true, cv::RETINA_COLOR_BAYER, true, 2.0, 10.0);
myRetina = cv::createRetina(inputFrame.size(), true, cv::RETINA_COLOR_BAYER, true, 2.0, 10.0);
else// -> else allocate "classical" retina :
myRetina = new cv::Retina(inputFrame.size());
myRetina = cv::createRetina(inputFrame.size());
// save default retina parameters file in order to let you see this and maybe modify it and reload using method "setup"
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