Commit b6075e11 authored by Alexander Alekhin's avatar Alexander Alekhin

Merge pull request #10549 from Sahloul:bug_fix/FLANN

parents c19764e5 89434411
......@@ -482,6 +482,9 @@ void runKnnSearch_(void* index, const Mat& query, Mat& indices, Mat& dists,
typedef typename Distance::ResultType DistanceType;
int type = DataType<ElementType>::type;
int dtype = DataType<DistanceType>::type;
IndexType* index_ = (IndexType*)index;
CV_Assert((size_t)knn <= index_->size());
CV_Assert(query.type() == type && indices.type() == CV_32S && dists.type() == dtype);
CV_Assert(query.isContinuous() && indices.isContinuous() && dists.isContinuous());
......@@ -489,8 +492,8 @@ void runKnnSearch_(void* index, const Mat& query, Mat& indices, Mat& dists,
::cvflann::Matrix<int> _indices(indices.ptr<int>(), indices.rows, indices.cols);
::cvflann::Matrix<DistanceType> _dists(dists.ptr<DistanceType>(), dists.rows, dists.cols);
((IndexType*)index)->knnSearch(_query, _indices, _dists, knn,
(const ::cvflann::SearchParams&)get_params(params));
index_->knnSearch(_query, _indices, _dists, knn,
(const ::cvflann::SearchParams&)get_params(params));
template<typename Distance>
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