Commit b3408a9b authored by Vadim Pisarevsky's avatar Vadim Pisarevsky

fixed bug #2186 (thanks to Joao Soares for the patch)

parent fbd9bfba
......@@ -642,13 +642,17 @@ icvApproxPolyDP( CvSeq* src_contour, int header_size,
new_count = count = dst_contour->total;
for( i = !is_closed; i < count - !is_closed && new_count > 2; i++ )
double dx, dy, dist;
double dx, dy, dist, successive_inner_product;
CV_READ_SEQ_ELEM( end_pt, reader );
dx = end_pt.x - start_pt.x;
dy = end_pt.y - start_pt.y;
dist = fabs((pt.x - start_pt.x)*dy - (pt.y - start_pt.y)*dx);
if( dist * dist <= 0.5*eps*(dx*dx + dy*dy) && dx != 0 && dy != 0 )
successive_inner_product = (pt.x - start_pt.x) * (end_pt.x - pt.x) +
(pt.y - start_pt.y) * (end_pt.y - pt.y);
if( dist * dist <= 0.5*eps*(dx*dx + dy*dy) && dx != 0 && dy != 0 &&
successive_inner_product >= 0 )
*((PT*)reader2.ptr) = start_pt = end_pt;
......@@ -64,10 +64,10 @@ namespace
return fabs(v) > numeric_limits<float>::epsilon();
bool notNull(double v)
/*bool notNull(double v)
return fabs(v) > numeric_limits<double>::epsilon();
class GHT_Pos : public GeneralizedHough
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