Commit b10ec8ef authored by Andrey Golubev's avatar Andrey Golubev Committed by Alexander Alekhin

Merge pull request #14985 from andrey-golubev:gapi_fix_ocl_umat

* G-API: fix GOCLExecutable issue with UMat lifetime

Add tests on initialized/uninitialized outputs for all

* Use proper clean-up procedure for magazine

* Rename InitOut test and reduce tested sizes

* Enable output allocation test
parent 83132097
......@@ -103,7 +103,7 @@ void bindInArg(Mag& mag, const RcDesc &rc, const GRunArg &arg, bool is_umat)
auto& mag_umat = mag.template slot<cv::UMat>()[];
mag_umat = to_ocv(util::get<cv::gapi::own::Mat>(arg)).getUMat(ACCESS_READ);
util::throw_error(std::logic_error("UMat is not supported in stadnalone build"));
util::throw_error(std::logic_error("UMat is not supported in standalone build"));
#endif // !defined(GAPI_STANDALONE)
......@@ -150,6 +150,26 @@ void cv::gimpl::GOCLExecutable::run(std::vector<InObj> &&input_objs,
// has received from user (or from another Island, or mix...)
// FIXME: Check input/output objects against GIsland protocol
// NB: We must clean-up m_res before this function returns because internally (bindInArg,
// bindOutArg) we work with cv::UMats, not cv::Mats that were originally placed into the
// input/output objects. If this is not done and cv::UMat "leaves" the local function scope,
// certain problems may occur.
// For example, if the original output (cv::Mat) is re-initialized by the user but we still
// hold cv::UMat -> we get cv::UMat that has a parent that was already destroyed. Also,
// since we don't own the data (the user does), there's no point holding it after we're done
const auto clean_up = [&input_objs, &output_objs] (cv::gimpl::Mag* p)
// Only clean-up UMat entries from current scope, we know that inputs and outputs are stored
// as UMats from the context below, so the following procedure is safe
auto& umats = p->slot<cv::UMat>();
// NB: avoid clearing the whole magazine, there's also pre-allocated internal data
for (auto& it : input_objs) umats.erase(;
for (auto& it : output_objs) umats.erase(;
// RAII wrapper to clean-up m_res
std::unique_ptr<cv::gimpl::Mag, decltype(clean_up)> cleaner(&m_res, clean_up);
for (auto& it : input_objs) magazine::bindInArg (m_res, it.first, it.second, true);
for (auto& it : output_objs) magazine::bindOutArg(m_res, it.first, it.second, true);
......@@ -123,6 +123,7 @@ struct BackendOutputAllocationTest : TestWithParamBase<>
// FIXME: move all tests from this fixture to the base class once all issues are resolved
struct BackendOutputAllocationLargeSizeWithCorrectSubmatrixTest : BackendOutputAllocationTest {};
GAPI_TEST_FIXTURE(ReInitOutTest, initNothing, <cv::Size>, 1, out_sz)
} // opencv_test
......@@ -1310,8 +1310,7 @@ TEST_P(BackendOutputAllocationTest, CorrectlyPreallocatedOutput)
// FIXME: known issue with OCL backend - PR #14985
TEST_P(BackendOutputAllocationTest, DISABLED_IncorrectOutputMeta)
TEST_P(BackendOutputAllocationTest, IncorrectOutputMeta)
// G-API code //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
cv::GMat in1, in2, out;
......@@ -1479,6 +1478,39 @@ TEST_P(BackendOutputAllocationTest, LargerPreallocatedSizeWithSmallSubmatrix)
EXPECT_NE(, out_mat_gapi_submat.datastart);
TEST_P(ReInitOutTest, TestWithAdd)
in_mat1 = cv::Mat(sz, type);
in_mat2 = cv::Mat(sz, type);
cv::randu(in_mat1, cv::Scalar::all(0), cv::Scalar::all(100));
cv::randu(in_mat2, cv::Scalar::all(0), cv::Scalar::all(100));
// G-API code //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
cv::GMat in1, in2, out;
out = cv::gapi::add(in1, in2, dtype);
cv::GComputation c(cv::GIn(in1, in2), cv::GOut(out));
const auto run_and_compare = [&c, this] ()
// G-API code //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
c.apply(cv::gin(in_mat1, in_mat2), cv::gout(out_mat_gapi), getCompileArgs());
// OpenCV code /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
cv::add(in_mat1, in_mat2, out_mat_ocv, cv::noArray());
// Comparison //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
EXPECT_EQ(0, cv::countNonZero(out_mat_gapi != out_mat_ocv));
EXPECT_EQ(out_mat_gapi.size(), sz);
// run for uninitialized output
// run for initialized output (can be initialized with a different size)
initOutMats(out_sz, type);
} // opencv_test
......@@ -448,4 +448,12 @@ INSTANTIATE_TEST_CASE_P(BackendOutputAllocationLargeSizeWithCorrectSubmatrixTest
Values(cv::Size(50, 50)),
Combine(Values(CV_8UC3, CV_16SC4, CV_32FC1),
Values(cv::Size(640, 480)),
Values(cv::Size(640, 400),
cv::Size(10, 480))));
......@@ -267,6 +267,14 @@ INSTANTIATE_TEST_CASE_P(BackendOutputAllocationLargeSizeWithCorrectSubmatrixTest
INSTANTIATE_TEST_CASE_P(ReInitOutTestFluid, ReInitOutTest,
Combine(Values(CV_8UC3, CV_16SC4, CV_32FC1),
Values(cv::Size(640, 480)),
Values(cv::Size(640, 400),
cv::Size(10, 480))));
// FIXME: Clean-up test configurations which are enabled already
#if 0
......@@ -393,6 +393,14 @@ INSTANTIATE_TEST_CASE_P(DISABLED_BackendOutputAllocationLargeSizeWithCorrectSubm
Combine(Values(CV_8UC3, CV_16SC4, CV_32FC1),
Values(cv::Size(640, 480)),
Values(cv::Size(640, 400),
cv::Size(10, 480))));
//TODO: fix this backend to allow ConcatVertVec ConcatHorVec
#if 0
INSTANTIATE_TEST_CASE_P(ConcatVertVecTestGPU, ConcatVertVecTest,
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