if( NOT __androidNdkPreviousPath STREQUAL ANDROID_NDK )
message( FATAL_ERROR "It is not possible to change the path to the NDK on subsequent CMake run. You must remove all files from your build folder first.
message( FATAL_ERROR "It is not possible to change the path to the NDK on subsequent CMake run. You must remove all generated files from your build folder first.
unset( __androidNdkPreviousPath )
@@ -916,29 +916,31 @@ else()
unset( _ndk_ccache )
# specify the cross compiler
set( CMAKE_C_COMPILER "${NDK_CCACHE}" CACHE PATH "ccache as C compiler")
set( CMAKE_CXX_COMPILER "${NDK_CCACHE}" CACHE PATH "ccache as C++ compiler")