Commit b033a63e authored by Maks Naumov's avatar Maks Naumov

fix typo in test_cameracalibration

parent a8cb5c39
......@@ -1605,7 +1605,7 @@ void CV_StereoCalibrationTest::run( int )
Mat _M1, _M2, _D1, _D2;
vector<Mat> _R1, _R2, _T1, _T2;
calibrateCamera( objpt, imgpt1, imgsize, _M1, _D1, _R1, _T1, 0 );
calibrateCamera( objpt, imgpt2, imgsize, _M2, _D2, _R2, _T1, 0 );
calibrateCamera( objpt, imgpt2, imgsize, _M2, _D2, _R2, _T2, 0 );
undistortPoints( _imgpt1, _imgpt1, _M1, _D1, Mat(), _M1 );
undistortPoints( _imgpt2, _imgpt2, _M2, _D2, Mat(), _M2 );
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