Commit af8ed9d0 authored by Vadim Pisarevsky's avatar Vadim Pisarevsky

Merge pull request #9816 from opalmirror:fix_stereobm_mindisp_truncation_1

parents 638a91f9 2cfe2927
......@@ -2273,10 +2273,10 @@ Rect getValidDisparityROI( Rect roi1, Rect roi2,
int SADWindowSize )
int SW2 = SADWindowSize/2;
int minD = minDisparity, maxD = minDisparity + numberOfDisparities - 1;
int maxD = minDisparity + numberOfDisparities - 1;
int xmin = std::max(roi1.x, roi2.x + maxD) + SW2;
int xmax = std::min(roi1.x + roi1.width, roi2.x + roi2.width - minD) - SW2;
int xmax = std::min(roi1.x + roi1.width, roi2.x + roi2.width) - SW2;
int ymin = std::max(roi1.y, roi2.y) + SW2;
int ymax = std::min(roi1.y + roi1.height, roi2.y + roi2.height) - SW2;
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