Commit af883e88 authored by Alexander Alekhin's avatar Alexander Alekhin Committed by Alexander Alekhin

ts: support QEMU launcher

parent 5eb295ad
......@@ -40,6 +40,9 @@ if __name__ == "__main__":
parser.add_argument("--valgrind_supp", metavar="FILE", action='append', help="Path to valgrind suppression file (example: --valgrind_supp opencv/platforms/scripts/valgrind.supp)")
parser.add_argument("--valgrind_opt", metavar="OPT", action="append", default=[], help="Add command line option to valgrind (example: --valgrind_opt=--leak-check=full)")
parser.add_argument("--qemu", default="", help="Specify qemu binary and base parameters")
# Android
parser.add_argument("--android", action="store_true", default=False, help="Android: force all tests to run on device")
parser.add_argument("--android_sdk", metavar="PATH", help="Android: path to SDK to use adb and aapt tools")
......@@ -77,7 +77,7 @@ class TestSuite(object):
return False
return os.access(fullpath, os.X_OK)
def wrapInValgrind(self, cmd=[]):
def wrapCommand(self, cmd, env):
if self.options.valgrind:
res = ['valgrind']
supp = self.options.valgrind_supp or []
......@@ -89,6 +89,14 @@ class TestSuite(object):
has_gtest_filter = next((True for x in cmd if x.startswith('--gtest_filter=')), False)
return res + cmd + ([longTestFilter(LONG_TESTS_DEBUG_VALGRIND)] if not has_gtest_filter else [])
elif self.options.qemu:
import shlex
res = shlex.split(self.options.qemu)
for (name, value) in [entry for entry in os.environ.items() if entry[0].startswith('OPENCV') and not entry[0] in env]:
res += ['-E', '"{}={}"'.format(name, value)]
for (name, value) in env.items():
res += ['-E', '"{}={}"'.format(name, value)]
return res + ['--'] + cmd
return cmd
def tryCommand(self, cmd, workingDir):
......@@ -125,7 +133,6 @@ class TestSuite(object):
if isColorEnabled(args):
cmd = self.wrapInValgrind([exe] + args)
env = {}
if not self.options.valgrind and self.options.trace:
env['OPENCV_TRACE'] = '1'
......@@ -133,6 +140,7 @@ class TestSuite(object):
tempDir = TempEnvDir('OPENCV_TEMP_PATH', "__opencv_temp.")
cmd = self.wrapCommand([exe] + args, env)
log.warning("Run: %s" % " ".join(cmd))
ret = execute(cmd, cwd=workingDir, env=env)
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