Commit af74ec60 authored by Alex Leontiev's avatar Alex Leontiev

Minor fixes

In response to the pull request comments by Vadim Pisarevsky. In
particular, the following was done:
    *)cv::reduce use instead of custom code for calculating
per-coordinate sum
    *) naming style of private methods is made consisted with overall --
mixed-case style
    *) irrelevant create()'s were removed -- I did not know that copyTo()
method itself calls create
parent f2fd0ad1
#include "precomp.hpp"
#include "debug.hpp"
#include "opencv2/core/core_c.h"
namespace cv{namespace optim{
......@@ -19,15 +20,14 @@ namespace cv{namespace optim{
TermCriteria _termcrit;
Mat _step;
inline void compute_coord_sum(Mat_<double>& points,Mat_<double>& coord_sum);
inline void create_initial_simplex(Mat_<double>& simplex,Mat& step);
inline double inner_downhill_simplex(cv::Mat_<double>& p,double MinRange,double MinError,int& nfunk,
inline void createInitialSimplex(Mat_<double>& simplex,Mat& step);
inline double innerDownhillSimplex(cv::Mat_<double>& p,double MinRange,double MinError,int& nfunk,
const Ptr<Solver::Function>& f,int nmax);
inline double try_new_point(Mat_<double>& p,Mat_<double>& y,Mat_<double>& coord_sum,const Ptr<Solver::Function>& f,int ihi,
inline double tryNewPoint(Mat_<double>& p,Mat_<double>& y,Mat_<double>& coord_sum,const Ptr<Solver::Function>& f,int ihi,
double fac,Mat_<double>& ptry);
double DownhillSolverImpl::try_new_point(
double DownhillSolverImpl::tryNewPoint(
Mat_<double>& p,
Mat_<double>& y,
Mat_<double>& coord_sum,
......@@ -68,7 +68,7 @@ namespace cv{namespace optim{
form a simplex - each row is an ndim vector.
On output, nfunk gives the number of function evaluations taken.
double DownhillSolverImpl::inner_downhill_simplex(
double DownhillSolverImpl::innerDownhillSimplex(
cv::Mat_<double>& p,
double MinRange,
double MinError,
......@@ -92,7 +92,7 @@ namespace cv{namespace optim{
nfunk = ndim+1;
for (;;)
......@@ -146,16 +146,16 @@ namespace cv{namespace optim{
nfunk += 2;
/*Begin a new iteration. First, reflect the worst point about the centroid of others */
ytry = try_new_point(p,y,coord_sum,f,ihi,-1.0,buf);
ytry = tryNewPoint(p,y,coord_sum,f,ihi,-1.0,buf);
if (ytry <= y(ilo))
{ /*If that's better than the best point, go twice as far in that direction*/
ytry = try_new_point(p,y,coord_sum,f,ihi,2.0,buf);
ytry = tryNewPoint(p,y,coord_sum,f,ihi,2.0,buf);
else if (ytry >= y(inhi))
{ /* The new point is worse than the second-highest, but better
than the worst so do not go so far in that direction */
ysave = y(ihi);
ytry = try_new_point(p,y,coord_sum,f,ihi,0.5,buf);
ytry = tryNewPoint(p,y,coord_sum,f,ihi,0.5,buf);
if (ytry >= ysave)
{ /* Can't seem to improve things. Contract the simplex to good point
in hope to find a simplex landscape. */
......@@ -171,7 +171,7 @@ namespace cv{namespace optim{
nfunk += ndim;
} else --(nfunk); /* correct nfunk */
dprintf(("this is simplex on iteration %d\n",nfunk));
......@@ -182,17 +182,7 @@ namespace cv{namespace optim{
return res;
void DownhillSolverImpl::compute_coord_sum(Mat_<double>& points,Mat_<double>& coord_sum){
for (int j=0;j<points.cols;j++) {
double sum=0.0;
for (int i=0;i<points.rows;i++){
sum += points(i,j);
void DownhillSolverImpl::create_initial_simplex(Mat_<double>& simplex,Mat& step){
void DownhillSolverImpl::createInitialSimplex(Mat_<double>& simplex,Mat& step){
for(int i=1;i<=step.cols;++i)
......@@ -229,8 +219,8 @@ namespace cv{namespace optim{
Mat_<double> simplex=Mat_<double>(ndim+1,ndim,0.0);
double res = inner_downhill_simplex(
double res = innerDownhillSimplex(
simplex,_termcrit.epsilon, _termcrit.epsilon, count,_Function,_termcrit.maxCount);
......@@ -267,7 +257,6 @@ namespace cv{namespace optim{
return Ptr<DownhillSolver>(DS);
void DownhillSolverImpl::getInitStep(OutputArray step)const{
void DownhillSolverImpl::setInitStep(InputArray step){
......@@ -275,15 +264,10 @@ namespace cv{namespace optim{
Mat m=step.getMat();
CV_Assert(MIN(m.cols,m.rows)==1 && m.type()==CV_64FC1);
int ndim=MAX(m.cols,m.rows);
Mat step_t=Mat_<double>(ndim,1,(double*);
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