If you want to change unit use -u option (mm inches, px, m)
If you want to change page size use -w and -h options
If you want to create a ChArUco board read tutorial Detection of ChArUco Corners in opencv_contrib tutorial(https://docs.opencv.org/3.4/df/d4a/tutorial_charuco_detection.html)
@@ -3,6 +3,14 @@ Camera calibration and 3D reconstruction (calib3d module) {#tutorial_table_of_co
Although we get most of our images in a 2D format they do come from a 3D world. Here you will learn how to find out 3D world information from 2D images.
- @subpage tutorial_camera_calibration_pattern
*Compatibility:* \> OpenCV 2.0
*Author:* Laurent Berger
You will learn how to create some calibration pattern.